I do believe in our rights. I to don't have a gun but people need guns to hunt with, I also know some people use it for protection, I could never shoot anyone but it the sercumstance where I was going to be killed then I would find a way to injure the person and than call for help. This Obama thing with healthcare I think is wrong. Not everyone can afford insurence and people are already having a hard time with everyday cost. My son for instance him and his girlfriend was having a hard time with rent because they can only get part time jobs, so with rent, electric, groceries, gas, and car insurence. Since they didn't have enough money to buy a used car they went to a used car dealer and have a car payment. Now they moved in a Friend and her boyfriend to try and split the cost but she only has a part time job as well. Crap car insurence for young adults runs around $150 or more per month. I just think the young adults trying to get on there own is being penalized by the government and now they want people to get health insuence how are they supose to afford that? Life shouldn't be this hard for them. I disagree with politions that is why I don't vote these people just tell us what we want to hear and once they get into office they change or don't do what they promised. When the president spoke about changing the limits on Medicaid so that more people would qualify for the program. I have not yet see that happen yet.