Missions Insider Report
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Huge Potential for Gospel Advancement in Guinea-Conakry
Locked in the bondage of Islam and idol worship, the spiritually impoverished people of Guinea-Conakry are beginning to awaken to the hope found in Christ. When three students attended a gospel conference held by a Christian Aid-supported ministry in neighboring Senegal, they brought this hope back to their people with astounding results.
Read the full story here
Laos Believers Face Evictions, Arrests in Struggle for Religious Freedom
Religious freedom? The Constitution of Laos guarantees protection for all lawful activities of the Buddhists "and of other religious followers," but violations of those rights persist against the country's minority Christian population.
Read the full story here
Guinea : A Profile
Guinea-Conakry, officially known as the Republic of Guinea, is located in western Africa and borders the Atlantic Ocean. It is referred to as Guinea-Conakry to distinguish it from neighboring Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.
Read the full story here
Photo of the Day
Mobile Medical Clinics
This indigenous missionary is reaching villagers in Bangladesh with free medical supplies and check ups. These kinds of medical camps provide new open doors for the gospel to be shared in remote areas where there are no government health care facilities.
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