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  • Think you could live off $5 a day? 3 2
Topic: Think you could live off $5 a day?  (Read 8132 times)


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #30 on: February 26, 2013, 01:22:50 pm »
You would be surprised how far you can stretch it when you have to.  A loaf of bread and a package of cheese can make grilled cheese sandwiches that can last most all week.  I know that is not the most desirable thing, but it is sufficient to live.  Ramen goes a long way also.  A case of Ramen noodles is only $3.00 and you can add it to almost anything to stretch it.  We put a little hamburger meet, a can of corn, some water chestnuts and a scrambled egg and have a casserole that the whole family loves.  Also the frozen salsbury steak chopped up on ramen is really good.

Use only part to the seasoning pack, I add powdered or fresh ginger and powdered or fresh garlic. Add vegetables to made the noddles healthier. I made my own, flat noodles and wonton skins and tried making my own ramen noodles. But I found more income and did not become and expert at making noodles.
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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2013, 02:02:12 pm »
I know how hard it can be to on a very small income. I was a single mother of two boys that worked at a casino in Connecticut. I became very ill and almost died. Needless to say I lost my job. I didn't know what I was going to do. I had been in a severe car accident back in 1982 which gave me a ruling of $250 a month. I was trying to apply for Social Security Disability and got turned down repeatedly. So I had to live on that $250 for 4 years. So I figure that to be about $9.00 a day with two children. I didn't even get food stamps. So I know it is hard out there. I am today in the same boat as my mother died and I lost the home we lived in as she had a reverse mortgage on the home. I had to move with only my Social Security and the $250 to try and make a rent that is $1015 a month. So I now need to try and get help again from the state. I feel that I have given over the years to many and now I need the help. It is hard to ask but the world deems it necessary at times. Not all who are on aid from the state are freeloaders. I hope that others that need the help ask and not let other peoples opinions dictate their decision.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2013, 02:46:01 pm »
I recently had to go onto the food stamp program. I am a widow and lost my job due to having to take care of my husband when he was dying with cancer. I have not been able to go back to work since his death. My life has been on an incredible downhill spiral since his death and I now live on just his social security income. I still have the same bills to pay as before his death and he was not heavily insured and most of that went to pay for his funeral expenses. I am over 60 y/o and have worked over 40 years. Without the food stamps, I was forced to go to a food bank for food and only then did I finally become eligible for food stamps. Most of the food at the food bank is out of date or is sugary treats or canned food that others have thrown out, no bread, mostly cereals, no milk. I know that there are some people who perhaps abuse the program, but I think for the most part they are truly needy and unable to keep up with feeding a family with the increasing price of food and gas and everything else. Many people I know of who lost their long-time job including their homes and retirement when Hostess went under. I know of one personally who was 6 months away from retirement and lost his home and his savings and retirement benefits. I get really disgusted when I hear people put down the food stamp program. Most of the time it is someone who has never had to go without for a day in their life.     
First, off I am sorry for your lost. I truly hope things get better. It sucks that you are promised so much and then the unexpected happens and you do not know where to begin. Where you are in your life you should be enjoying retirement, but instead you are suffering. I hope everything works out for you.  The food stamps are there to help individuals who need it.  That is why we pay taxes, right.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #33 on: February 26, 2013, 03:13:09 pm »
I've read a couple of articles where officials have took the $5 a day challenge. This is the allotted amount for people who receive food stamps (a family of 4). Wow, that's nothing. Yeah, there are people who don't want to work and want "to live off the system" but there are people who losttheir job and honestly need to receive help until they get back on their feet. Has anyone tried this?
I think it is more of survive instead of living. No, one can actually live on $5 dollar a week.  The way gas is going up and does the food prices.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #34 on: February 26, 2013, 03:20:15 pm »
heck no even if I packed a lunch for my work and made just dinner at night by the time I bought stuff to eat for 5 days and divided it by 2 meals and 5 days I would no doubt starve  on the weekends


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2013, 04:45:18 pm »
Since almost all of the meals i cook are home made, i have learned to cook good but cheaply.I don't buy processed foods, ( not really good for you) Also a pound of ground will make at least a couple of meals or more and then you have your veges. Also a good green salad at least 4 times a week. Depending on what i cook. I also cook meals for my dad and take too him. He doesn't eat a lot so it has t be small meals that i can freeze and he can heat up. My food bill is about too.oo a month.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2013, 06:32:42 pm »
I think it is possibly, but would require a lot of sacrifices that I, and others probably, would not want to give up.  Honestly though, if that's all the government is giving to people to live on, it needs to be increased.  I understand that some people try to take advantage of the system so they don't need to work, but others are actually trying to use it the right way and they need the help.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #37 on: February 26, 2013, 07:27:01 pm »
I'm pretty sure I could but would have to spend more than $5 to do preparations first.
Buy a monthly metrocard instead of a daily one.
Go grocery shopping and cook food to take with me so that I don't have to buy food.
Then sure I could live on $5 a day.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #38 on: February 26, 2013, 07:37:46 pm »
Maybe if I did not need to drive anywhere. Food is pretty expensive in Colorado and especially during the winter, it is not like you can grow your own. I bet I'd struggle with $10 a day.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2013, 08:03:50 pm »
I cannot try.  Is this for food only?  Because gas price here already 4.79 already?... Cannot at this economy.  Maybe if I walk all the time and don't need to go any where. Maybe I'll try.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2013, 08:29:36 pm »
I do not think I could live off of $5.00 a day.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2013, 09:01:20 pm »
I've read a couple of articles where officials have took the $5 a day challenge. This is the allotted amount for people who receive food stamps (a family of 4). Wow, that's nothing. Yeah, there are people who don't want to work and want "to live off the system" but there are people who losttheir job and honestly need to receive help until they get back on their feet. Has anyone tried this?

Assuming you are saying the entire family of 4 receives a total allotment of $5.00 a day for food only  (averaging $150.00 a month)--I'd say it is doable if one is diligent to shop and buy only what is on sale, use coupons and be willing and able to shop at multiple stores that offer the best prices.  It takes a lot of time, organizing, planning and cooking practically everything from scratch.  Also, having some creative skills in the kitchen help when you may have to eat chicken or beans for a month straight. lol. We have never been on food stamps but things have been so tight the past few years that my husband and I turned this into a team effort to make sure our family of 5 has been well fed with healthy foods and not junk.

It would be interesting if these officials are also trying to feed their own families of 4 with the $5.00 a day challenge and how long would they be willing or able to do it for before cracking?  It's one thing to do it for a day, a week or a month but to do it for the long haul is another story.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2013, 10:16:03 pm »
Is that just spending money or food?  I could obviously not pay my bills with that, but I could easily live on food and entertainment on $5 a day.  You don't use the $5 a day.  You shop sales and use coupons and plan for the month (or 2 weeks or whatever).  Peanut Butter and Jelly, grilled cheese and cereal are cheap!


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2013, 04:30:34 am »
I believe I could eat on $5 a day if I had to but it would be difficult.  I think the people in my area get much more than that in food stamps as I have followed them thru the check-out and they have much more expensive food than I ever buy.


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Re: Think you could live off $5 a day?
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2013, 05:35:49 am »
No I don't think I could, not unless I had too. But that would be a difficult situation to be in to live off that much a day
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