"We must obey God as ruler rather than men", Do you agree LittleDebbieG? With that being said; We are talking about gay marriage not Sodom and Gomorrah. I am not hating or bashing gays, all I am saying is their sexual practice is wrong. In the Bible when they speak of man and wife, they were refering to one man and one woman. Since you are familiar with the Bible then you have no problem checking these out. Leviticus chp 18 (the commandments), Romans chp 1, 1 Corinthians chp 6: 9-10 and Hebrew chp 13. Need I say more? 
I suppose I'll ask you the same question I asked someone else above, since that person refuses to answer for whatever reason.
Why do you pick and choose which rules and moral views to uphold from the Bible and throw out the others?This same book says blatantly immoral things such as:
1) Stone disobedient children
2) If a man rapes a woman, the man must pay the woman's father 50 silver pieces and then marry the woman because he violated her
3) Slavery is fine
4) A woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night should be stoned
Sadly, some of these are found just a few verses before or after the verses you're referring to (the first one is just THREE verses before Leviticus 20:13, which many Christians use as "support" for their stance against homosexuality). And there are dozens and dozens more just like this everywhere in the Bible.
It says plain silly things such as:
1) Eating shellfish is an abomination (how about that, eating shellfish and homosexuality are both abominations...real logical)
2) Wearing wool-blended clothing is wrong
3) Deport any male and female who have sex while the female is on her period
This list also goes on and on.
So, again, why don't you follow these "rules/laws," but you feel it necessary to quote other verses from the same books of the Bible and uphold them as though they're infallible? Why don't you even promote what they say?On a side note, the Bible condones polygamy and many significant OT males practiced polygamy (David, Solomon, and so on), so the view that marriage is strictly "one man, one woman" doesn't seem to hold up as strongly as one would think.