You know... We have a weird situation in my house. My husband is a Christian, quietly but still believes. Myself, not so much. I don't believe I am an athiest, but I have a tremendously hard time swallowing the Bible and the Christian teachings.
Take it at a base (not literal) level, and the Bible is great. Love your fellow man, honor your parents, don't steal or lie...etc. All of that is good and things that should be taught to children.
However, this kind of thing (gay marriage bans) ticks me off. These types of things are the REASON that I shun organized religion. "Love everyone...unless they are different from us. Then, they go straight to hell." I mean, how is this a loving way to be?
Anyway. So, my son comes home from school the other day and tells me someone called someone else a *bleep*. And he wants to know what that means. So, I tell him, that is an ugly word for someone who is gay, or homosexual. I remind him of a few couples and familes we know that are in same-sex relationships. So he is cool with it and understands.
My CHILD....grade school child, understands and immediately accepts the concept and sees no problem with it. So, who are we to judge anyone? What makes ME able to love a man and marry him but not the homoesexual guy who lives next door? Love is love. Period. I don't care what anyone says, and I don't particularly care what the Bible says about it either.
If you, a human being love another human being, that's it. It is simple. If you are willing to get married, and they are willing to marry you, so be it.
No gay couple that has ever been married, or ever will get married, will EVER have ANY impact on my own marriage. Anyone who says differently is dead wrong. Mind your own business and do what makes you happy, in my opinion.