I also stopped trying the 'Search for terms and record the search results (15 cents)' because if it says to use google, I already know I won't be able to complete that task because it asks for minimum 5 search terms and my google only gives me 4. If that same task says we can use bing, I'll complete it because bing gives me 10 search terms and I'll have enough search terms for each box.
Elisa, there used to be a lot more to the directions on 15 cents google one. If you didn't have 5 searches you needed to hit the space bar twice in the fifth search suggestion block. I only get the 4 search suggestions with google also. I have been using those spaces in the fifth search suggestion block and it has always worked for me. I haven't ever gotten a "some answers weren't what we expected" error for that at all.
There's a way to fix that Google search results issue. It's a "feature" that Google added to make searches more "user-friendly". After you do a search, look for the settings icon in the upper right corner (looks like a spoked wheel). Select the "Search Setting" option from the list. On the search settings page, the "Search Results" section (which it should default to), find the "Google Instant predictions" setting (should be the second setting on the page). Select the "Never show Instant results" option, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select SAVE. Then open a new tab and you should now get all 10 Google search suggestions again.
With Bing searches, after you've done several searches, you might notice your previous searches appear above the regular search suggestion lists in blue. If you see that, those blue entries are not the search suggestions, but your Bing search history as another "user-friendly" feature. To clean that up and get the correct results, when you type into the Bing search and get the list, at the bottom right corner of the list is a link to "Manage Search History". Click on that to go to your Search History page. On that page, find the "Clear All" button - that will erase the previous search results to give you a clean search suggestion list. You can also select the "Turn off" button that should prevent Bing from recording your history so you don't have to keep going back and clearing the history.
Hope this helps those who want to try those higher paying search for terms tasks.