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Topic: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?  (Read 3310 times)


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2013, 08:53:34 am »
No, illegals should not get any benefits. In fact they should be all deported back to where they came from. If they already don't care about our laws, they obviously will never make good citizens. And kids born to illegals also should not be citizens. Since the illegals just come over here to ppop their babies out so that they get stay. And that is totally unfair to all the citizens that spend their lives working here, then they don't get the benefits they deserve because the system is sucked dry by people that shouldn't even be here. It is also unfair to legal immigrants that follow the proper path to citizenship, like our ancestors did. They worked hard and sacrificed to be able to live the "American dream."
The first priority of this country should be to take care of the veterans, no matter what their color or race. We owe them at least that much. But for some twisted reason, that is not politically correct.

Whites in charge? what century do you live in?
Yep, minorities hating each other instead of banding together.... that's how whitey stays in charge!
The last "election" proved that whites are the minority in America today. But that has nothing to do with the fact that a veteran was unable to get the benefits he deserved, while illegals get everything they have not earned and do not deserve. This is not a race issue, it is an American issue.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2013, 07:09:54 am »
The last "election" proved that whites are the minority in America today. But that has nothing to do with the fact that a veteran was unable to get the benefits he deserved, while illegals get everything they have not earned and do not deserve. This is not a race issue, it is an American issue.

70% of the electorate is the minority?  Get a dictionary, look up the word minority.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2013, 07:28:26 am »
In my view we should just annex Mexico and Canada.....THen we increase port and airport security make passports virtually Non existant. Stop Imigration Then after that anybody coming in Illegal should be banished....To lets say
a far far away land like Afkanistan....or Palistine........of course they would not want them either just a thought ;D


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2013, 09:02:14 am »
to the guy who quoted me you sound ignorant!!! if the land wasnt stolen from the mexicans you wouldnt be on it right now!!! so its ok for other ppl to do it in the past so you can have the land now? why shouldnt someone be able to come back and steal the land from us again? and to say mexicans treat with more disrespect... where are the statistics... or is this what you think? how ignorant... if you were in a country that sucked and had a little kid and it was dangerous and u loved ur family or ur life i bet youd do the same and come over here!!! why is your life more important then theres? and dont say we had the land first cus we didnt!!! so what is your arguement now??? ur life isnt more important then any other life on earth... and you werent here first... if youd let others suffer so your life could be better you are the disrespectful person!!!
I am not on any land stolen from mexicans. Furthermore, two wrongs don't make a right, so if it was wrong for the land to be "stolen" the first time, then it is wrong for it to be stolen again. If their country is so dangerous, why do they come over here and try to make our country just as dangerous? Our kids are important to us, and we want to preserve this country so that they have a safe place to grow up in. By the way, I personally know people who live in areas that are now very dangerous because of the influx of illegals. So no, they aren't coming here to get a better life, they are coming here to turn the US into a third world country. If you want to suffer to let illegals have a better life, that's your choice; but I'm not going to let my country turned into a third world country. I'm not going to let all the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers who fought to preserve our country and our freedom to go to waste.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2013, 09:42:50 am »
Living in today's society everyone's personality, values and morals have changed.  By being illegal there should be more stipulation on what they can and cannot apply for.  The people that are citizens get the third degree to apply for financial assistance, and medical assistance, we all need to be treated equally but at the same time the government can find better ways for them to become legal.  We are all equal whether we want to agree or not, because we all will go through they same struggle and have the same dreams and expectation to succeed in life.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2013, 10:23:55 am »
No, I don't think illegals should have any rights or benefits as citizens do.  They all should be shipped back or made to apply for legal citizenship or apply for a visa or something along those lines to have the right to remain in our country.  We are a country of laws and though I agree we have far too many laws those that come to this country need to abide our laws and should not warrent any special priviledges.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2013, 03:22:08 pm »
illegals shouldnt get the benefits they shouldnt be able to get greencard just to stay and get with our men here an use them for it . its not right. >:(


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2013, 05:07:15 pm »
There Illegal, that means they are criminals. Do you think people in prison should get the same rights as you. :BangHead:


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2013, 11:22:10 am »
all have the same rights - life, liberty and pursuit of happiness - the question is not rights but responsible and contributing - it is not just a question for usa but for all nations and people
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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2013, 12:03:31 pm »
No, but its not a racial thing. Its a citizenship thing.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2013, 01:51:49 pm »
u should complain this to the authorities or file a lawsuit so everyone in ur situation can join hands and fight for ur rights.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2013, 11:30:05 am »
only if they wanna become a citizen and everything would it be fair

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