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  • Should Illegals get benefits of Americans? 5 1
Topic: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?  (Read 3477 times)


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Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« on: December 20, 2012, 02:20:31 pm »
The day came when My father who was Veteran an was treated such a way at the social security place. He had a right to his benefits and to have a printout. They denied him of a simple Print out.  The lady said they do not give out such print outs when I know that is something that they do, because most need a print out of what they are getting proof of that they are receiving such benefits.. We try to speak nicely and in a generous way but she was very offensive of saying we just do not do those print outs.. I went off and we was moved from building. For a simple paper of what was his print out of his benefits. When the day comes when a Hispanic  woman behind a window said this to my Father because it may have been because of race. You damn right there is problem. No one treats a Veteran this way when Bi*** probably was not in country when my Dad served. Served in Vietnam War flying planes. Are you fu**ing kidding me. Those are my thoughts. I think all Illegals should be sent home no matter if their parents bring them here or they was a born here from a illegal parent. If you were not legal when your child was born they should not be considered Americans. Yes my Father and I was only Blacks in the waiting room area. When Hispanic illegals bring they their disabled parents to our country and get treated better than a veteran yes all those things I said should be enforced. Why should they have a place in our social security when their child never paid into a system and neither did they.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2012, 10:39:19 pm »
I simply wanted to say that I'm sorry your father was treated so poorly by this office. 


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2012, 10:08:39 am »
No they should not get benefits.  If you want to come fine just do it legally.  Don't expect to get treated the same because you are a criminal breaking the law.   Now these illegals are getting rights and services that citizens should be getting but can't and it's not fair at all. 


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2012, 04:04:00 pm »
The day came when My father who was Veteran an was treated such a way at the social security place. He had a right to his benefits and to have a printout. They denied him of a simple Print out.  The lady said they do not give out such print outs when I know that is something that they do, because most need a print out of what they are getting proof of that they are receiving such benefits.. We try to speak nicely and in a generous way but she was very offensive of saying we just do not do those print outs.. I went off and we was moved from building. For a simple paper of what was his print out of his benefits. When the day comes when a Hispanic  woman behind a window said this to my Father because it may have been because of race. You damn right there is problem. No one treats a Veteran this way when Bi*** probably was not in country when my Dad served. Served in Vietnam War flying planes. Are you fu**ing kidding me. Those are my thoughts. I think all Illegals should be sent home no matter if their parents bring them here or they was a born here from a illegal parent. If you were not legal when your child was born they should not be considered Americans. Yes my Father and I was only Blacks in the waiting room area. When Hispanic illegals bring they their disabled parents to our country and get treated better than a veteran yes all those things I said should be enforced. Why should they have a place in our social security when their child never paid into a system and neither did they.

Let me say that I'm really sorry that your Dad was treated this way.  Please thank him for his service to our people, country, and flag.  I feel what you feel.  My opinion is that ALL illegals need to be deported back from whence they came.  I agree that if a child is born of an illegal parent on U.S. soil, that child should not get automatic Citizenship.  Hell, the reason why there are so many illegal aliens having their kids here in the first place is because once that kid is born here, they can mooch off the system - and don't let anyone kid you, THEY DO.  I sincerely hope that your Dad gets what he needs and, to you and yours, a very Merry Christmas.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2012, 01:39:56 pm »
They should not get benefits that the working class has worked for all their life.  Our grandfathers and fathers came over legally, but also worked very hard to support their families.  The work thing seems to have gotten lost here.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2012, 02:47:33 pm »
I am against the illegals getting benifits, and there are other illegals othen then those from mexico. (otms). called other then mexicans when caught. If they can't come in the legal way they should not be here. As for the slaves they were all legalized after the civil war. So get over it. At least they are not living like some do in africa. But to be turned down for your benifits that is wrong. I lived in a border town for 15 years and saw more illegals getting help the those that were born in and so were their grandparents and greats. I worked in home health care and took several to social security to try and get help (ssi) and they were turned down. 2 of them had strokes and could not use their left side at all. Both had worked for 30 or more years drawing wages and paying taxes. And yet there were others in there bebopping all over getting help. Als at least once a week some one from across the border would be brought to the hospital to have a baby, had slipped across the border into a small town and they were brought in. And then we would have another anchor baby to support. It is not right.   


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2012, 03:37:02 pm »
Every illegal should be shipped back over the border and forced to apply for citizenship according to the law. No illegal should get benefits that belongs to citizens.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2012, 03:51:38 pm »
I do not think illegals should get benefits that most of the American citizens can't even get!!  If they want to come here the right way thats one thing but to come sneaking here illegally should not entitle them to anything except an escort back across the border.  Its sad the way your Dad was treated and I too thank him for his service to our Country.  I'm afraid its not just blacks that are treated unfairly these days.  I've been treated very rudely by mexicans myself in places like walmart and I'm a senior white lady.  Some, not all, come here and expect us to bow down to them and give them everything.  Its not susposed to be that way!!


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2013, 07:52:15 am »
let's do away with the income tax and have a national sales tax to fund things...then everyone who is here is paying into the system for the benefits..even the American citizens who deal in illegal activities and pay no taxes.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2013, 04:40:34 am »


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2013, 06:29:23 am »
The day came when My father who was Veteran an was treated such a way at the social security place. He had a right to his benefits and to have a printout. They denied him of a simple Print out.  The lady said they do not give out such print outs when I know that is something that they do, because most need a print out of what they are getting proof of that they are receiving such benefits.. We try to speak nicely and in a generous way but she was very offensive of saying we just do not do those print outs.. I went off and we was moved from building. For a simple paper of what was his print out of his benefits. When the day comes when a Hispanic  woman behind a window said this to my Father because it may have been because of race. You damn right there is problem. No one treats a Veteran this way when Bi*** probably was not in country when my Dad served. Served in Vietnam War flying planes. Are you fu**ing kidding me. Those are my thoughts. I think all Illegals should be sent home no matter if their parents bring them here or they was a born here from a illegal parent. If you were not legal when your child was born they should not be considered Americans. Yes my Father and I was only Blacks in the waiting room area. When Hispanic illegals bring they their disabled parents to our country and get treated better than a veteran yes all those things I said should be enforced. Why should they have a place in our social security when their child never paid into a system and neither did they.
I can't agree with ya more. It is getting to the point that English is a second language here. What's up with that! You should have to pay into the system like all Americans before you are allowed to take from it. Disability is a touchy thing and on this forum I read a post about a family that filed, was rejected, and later the sick person died waiting for benefits. No one has to tell you that is just not right! There should be some sort of way to draw emergency benefits until you are approved, and then it will be repaid from the benefits you receive like a loan. There are emergency food stamps and other social aid for the unemployed who have filed for unemployment. A veteran should be at the top of the list. Maybe there are some other agencys or organizations, like the Wounded Warriors that can point you to an organization that will help your father get the benefits he deserves. Good Luck!


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2013, 07:00:59 am »
NO they should not but they do....And with Obama re-elected it will just continue to happen...more and more....


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2013, 08:16:28 am »
Yep, minorities hating each other instead of banding together.... that's how whitey stays in charge!


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2013, 06:04:41 am »
I don't believe illegals should get benefits however with that being said there should be a way to make them citizens so they have the same obligations and rights. So far illegals are able to stay in this country without paying their fair share and it is not right for us to have to pay for it. If they want these same benefits they need to pay into it. There are always going to be illegal immigrants so at least if they become citizens we are not burdened as much with having to take care of them without any compensation. If only one day we could treat our citizens as well as we treat the rest of the world with aid.


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Re: Should Illegals get benefits of Americans?
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2013, 08:44:02 am »
u sound like racists on here... im pretty sure mexicans had the land before whites were even here!!! and white man stole land from native americans... its not urs originally! y shouldnt someone steal it from u since u stole it... also im white and this isnt cacausia... its america which is a mixture... if it was england we would speak english... if it was mexico we would speak mexican... its america were a mixture that is why there is mexican americans and so on... i see black ppl treat white ppl rude... white ppl treat mexicans rude... so to say mexicans come here and expect to be bow downed too is a pretty dumb statement in my eyes... did u make the land? or did ur ppl steal it with force because the other ppl were weaker or didnt use force... now with that idealogy wuld u like someone stronger then us to come steal our country? i think u shuld be happy ur in a place where ppl want to come... if u were in their situation would u care what someone thought if it gave a better life for your child??? ys ur life more important than an other?
You are missing the point! The OP is talking about the influx of "illegal" mexicans, who are invading our country and getting away with it. That is not racism, it is just plain common sense. We do not like to see our country overrun with illegals who suck the system dry, and then the citizens, especially veterans who sacrificed so much, can't get the benefits they earned. mexicans treat whites and blacks with a lot more disrespect than the other way around, and they do strut around acting like we owe them everything. If you like that situation, you obviously have no love for your country. By the way, no, I didn't steal the land originally, I wasn't even alive back when this country was settled. If it was wrong back then, why all of a sudden is it right today?

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