You know, if all this country had was a good health care system and educational system to inform people of how their bodies work then abortion, orphanages, child psychologists, cpa, all of this stuff wouldn't be needed. If women were actually allowed to make choices on whether or not they wanted a baby and had access to prevention (let's face it condoms aren't 100% fool proof for anyone) and weren't made to feel like dirty sluts because they are on the pill or like freaks of nature because they don't want a baby then maybe this wouldn't be needed. Do you have a petition for womens rights to reproductive health care that I could sign? I can get behind that with a clear conscience.
I'm not for abortion because I don't think it should be used as a form of contraception. I think it's really an awful choice when there are better alternatives. But if a woman does have something happen, and really doesn't want a baby then she should be able to choose what she wants to do without being judged and making a hard decision for her even harder.
Brilliant post.
I haven't encountered "feeling like a dirty s l u t" all the years I was on the Pill, but I have been made to feel like a "freak of nature" for not wanting kids. I even had a doctor once ask if she could write me a prescription for prenatal vitamins...when I was there to REFILL my birth control prescription! I told her I didn't want kids, and she "knowingly" replied, "Oh, you will." Uggggggggghhhhh
I wanted to say, "B----, no I won't! And even if I did hit my head and have a sudden personality change causing me to want kids someday, it's still very rude of you to be all self righteous and assume that I'll follow the status quo. You don't know me at all!"
I've also had numerous doctors try to talk me out of getting an IUD. Using scare tactics and crap, like "If you WERE to get pregnant, it would be in your tubes and the we'd have to operate" or "It'll really, really hurt to insert and probably pierce your uterus since you've never had a mini-me come out of your hoo-ha."