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Topic: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?  (Read 2709 times)


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Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« on: November 10, 2012, 02:42:52 am »
I have been a member of a few forums.

This one seems nice.


Where are the moderators?

Kohler has written some rules. Great. Who else is there? Where are they?

There are a lot of instances where topics are posted on wrong boardsor questions have been answered (I have done it...and was looking for a correction or a person to message to ask for the move). That is when the mods should be jumping in. Moving the posts and closing threads. Advising newbies and overly possessive veterans

I haven't seen any "sticky" threads.
A lot of times, forums will have threads that get asked over and over. These are highlighted at the top of the message board and become the goto like a FAQ.
This is a job for a moderator. sad to see this forum basic not being used.

Side note.

It is not uncommon for a forum to allow a profile to have a link to their own site in the signature.
This is not unreasonable.
Part of the incentive of having active members is to expand the referral network. There are a lot of people that are on this site who are spinning their wheels trying to figure out how to get started (outside of asking their family and friends). We all know that websites are the key (that is how we all got here). It would be very easy for the members of this community to be putting up blog posts, on thier own sites, about Fussion Cash, its forum, business, strategies, revenue stream etc. All of those links back here would be great traffic builders.
I don't know how i found fusion cash. I know this: not in the search engine. Links build traffic. Happy people build webpages. Webpages have links.
If it is completely, beyond comprehension, to have a profile link, then....

Open up a site review thread. Let us turn this thing into something more social. That IS the future of the web (for the next 5 years for sure). Forums are old technology. They are great. They do a good job at what they do. But, they are also a tool.
If you can let the community network amongst themselves, they will become stronger and be able to promote this site more effectively.
A mod can easily crash the hammer down on any "illegalities" of whatever restrictions might be applied.
I guess that is a total of 3 points.

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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 06:22:29 am »
We don't have moderators selected from the community, for a number of reasons (mostly because it becomes a popularity contest).  The forums are monitored by paid FC staff, and we also rely on members' use of the "Flag for review" function to point out rule violations.

I don't think it's fair to expect FC forums to operate like a typical forum.  For one, it's a business and we actively advertise and recruit members.  For two, we pay you to participate.  Most forums are ad-supported and are built around a common interest (e.g. stock cars), they don't pay you to participate, and they rely on word of mouth to get new members.

Sticky posts get ignored just like any other link on the site.  Having more stickies will not help because generally speaking the members posting easily-answered questions are not going to bother reading them, they just want a spoon-fed answer. 

As for allowing links to your own websites, I'm sorry to say that it's not going to happen.  As explained, we incur substantial expenses to recruit members and pay them for forum participation.  It makes little sense to then operate a free-for-all advertising platform on top of that.  Plus, as demonstrated by the recent abrupt closure of one of our competitors, any site linked to may suddenly disappear or start ripping people off, and we don't want to help recruit FC members to such programs.


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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2012, 03:18:39 am »
Thank you for the reply.

I am sorry that it has taken me so long to acknowledge it.

The forums are monitored by paid FC staff, and we also rely on members' use of the "Flag for review" function to point out rule violations.

If I were to, accidentally, post something in the wrong forum, then the proper practice would be to flag my own post. (hoping that there would be a place to describe what the infraction is)

I don't think it's fair to expect FC forums to operate like a typical forum.  For one, it's a business and we actively advertise and recruit members.  For two, we pay you to participate.  Most forums are ad-supported and are built around a common interest (e.g. stock cars), they don't pay you to participate, and they rely on word of mouth to get new members.

One of the coolest features about Fusion Cash is the forum. I have signed up with a number of sites and cancelled most of the accounts. Since I started to use the forum, here, I have made that a standard by which to measure other sites.
Every forum should have its own style with its own expectations and develop its own personality. This is what attracts and maintains members.

I am glad to have the opportunity to collect $ from you for posting. Its not the only reason to post or to read posts. And should not be for others.

Sticky posts get ignored just like any other link on the site.  Having more stickies will not help because generally speaking the members posting easily-answered questions are not going to bother reading them, they just want a spoon-fed answer.

This is true in many regards. But, it is also nice to be able to shut down a redundant question by pointing them to the sticky.
I thought that it would be a nice way to handle situations where 3 or 4 threads pop up about the same topic. Make one a sticky and funnel the traffic back. If a person truly needs to get a post in, just to qualify for the bonus, this would help to create more useful content, instead of having topics in triplicate.
I have spent time looking for them on certain topics and questions that I had.

It makes little sense to then operate a free-for-all advertising platform on top of that.  Plus, as demonstrated by the recent abrupt closure of one of our competitors, any site linked to may suddenly disappear or start ripping people off, and we don't want to help recruit FC members to such programs.

I know very little about this other site closure. I saw a few comments about something...don't know.
I wasn't expecting a free for all advertising platform for links (that is where mods and the flagging come in though). Just a sig file link or two. Probably with a threshold where the option becomes active. I would guess that most people on this forum don't have sites and that most people who try to spam wouldn't take the time to qualify to activate the option.
I hope to generate some good referral numbers. As I attempt this I would like to share my success and see other peoples as well (besides oldbuddy). If someone has a question about something that might be complicated, it would be nice to be able to send them to a post. They already made their post. So what if they leave the website for a bit, they'll be back (you are paying us).
Your point is quite clear about it, so I wont try to further explain mine.

Thank you for taking the time to answer the question.

I hope that some other people might leave their opinions too.

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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2012, 03:39:30 am »
The forums are monitored by paid FC staff, and we also rely on members' use of the "Flag for review" function to point out rule violations.

If I were to, accidentally, post something in the wrong forum, then the proper practice would be to flag my own post. (hoping that there would be a place to describe what the infraction is)

Theorectically, that would be good self-'policing' however, the "flag for moderator review" function currently does not permit the OP to flag their own posts, (try it and you'll get a "An Error Has Occurred! You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!" message).

What more typically happens is that members other than the OP will flag something posted in an inapropriate forum, (such as Off Topic content posted to the Payments forum which has nothing to do with Fc payments).  Sometimes posts are flagged for moderator review of potential TOS or FC policy violations as well, (though this aspect is the most often misused when members inappropriately attempt to use the mods as a 'weapon' in a heated exchange).  
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 03:42:07 am by falcon9 »
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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2012, 06:14:13 am »
Simple observation on my part, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" and it's been working for YEARS.


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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2012, 03:41:02 pm »
Theorectically, that would be good self-'policing' however, the "flag for moderator review" function currently does not permit the OP to flag their own posts, (try it and you'll get a "An Error Has Occurred! You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!" message).
I didn't consider that it might be useful to flag your own posts.  I have adjusted the permissions so you should now be able to report your own post if you, for example, start a topic in the wrong subforum.


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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2012, 03:43:14 pm »
I didn't consider that it might be useful to flag your own posts.  I have adjusted the permissions so you should now be able to report your own post if you, for example, start a topic in the wrong subforum.

Now that would be interesting to see if anyone does that. Some might, out of sheer honesty.  Thanks, Admin.
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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2012, 12:01:14 am »
I haven't had much time to spend on the internet the last few days.

I was a little nervous about what i was going to find here.

I am glad that Falcon was able to give me an answer to my question and very pleased that the admin was able to make an adjustment that will benefit all of us.

My first post: should have been in the off topic sub. But, I put it in the Fusion cash board.
I tried to delete it right away (after posting) and it wouldn't let me...I was at a quandry of what to do. (I would imagine that it wouldn't delete because the forum automatically replies with the adbot. It is typical that you can not delete a post if there is a reply (unless you have administrator or top level mod privelidges).

Other items of interest started popping up on the boards recently. Stuff that I thought a few stickies would be appropraite for and this and that and blah blah blah.

I am glad that something good came out of this thread.

Thanks again.

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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2012, 12:08:28 am »
I was a little nervous about what i was going to find here.

I am glad that Falcon was able to give me an answer to my question and very pleased that the admin was able to make an adjustment that will benefit all of us.

I was a little surprised to see that Admin reversed their FC policy regard "reporting" one's own posts for review however, I found one of mine posted in reply to the 'wrong forum' and tested the revised function by reporting my own post.  I then chastised myself without mercy and extracted an oath from me to endeavor never to do that again, (else I'd consider banning myself).
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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2012, 01:50:28 am »


I was a little surprised to see that Admin reversed their FC policy regard "reporting" one's own posts for review however, I found one of mine posted in reply to the 'wrong forum' and tested the revised function by reporting my own post.  I then chastised myself without mercy and extracted an oath from me to endeavor never to do that again, (else I'd consider banning myself).

That made me laugh. I wonder how close the voice that you sound like, in my head, is to the one in yours.

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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2012, 01:59:35 am »
I was a little surprised to see that Admin reversed their FC policy regard "reporting" one's own posts for review however, I found one of mine posted in reply to the 'wrong forum' and tested the revised function by reporting my own post.  I then chastised myself without mercy and extracted an oath from me to endeavor never to do that again, (else I'd consider banning myself).

That made me laugh. I wonder how close the voice that you sound like, in my head, is to the one in yours.

There is insufficient data available to make an accurate determination in that regard however, guessing is always an option.
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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2012, 06:40:12 am »
Now thats funny, lollolol, i can report MYSELF if i do something wrong? lolol.........oppppps WAIT A MINUTE,, WAAAAAAAAIIIIIIITTTTTT A MINUTE, I AM BAREFOOT AT THE COMPUTER AND ITS PAST 8 AM!!!! IS THAT A VIOLATION??  LOL



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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2012, 09:51:29 am »
Gold and platinum members expose flaws in linear thinking. Hilarity ensues.


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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2012, 12:01:28 am »
Gold and platinum members expose flaws in linear thinking. Hilarity ensues.


Never doubt that flaws in nonlinear-thinking can be more easily exposed.
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Re: Mods, Mods, where are the mods?
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2012, 10:00:05 pm »
I guess that it must be a daunting task to think about condensing some of the content that has come through these forum pages over the years. I would like to hope that some of the older content that is no longer relevant could at least be archived to clear some space and that might make it easier to consolidate everything that remains. Perhaps some of us should suggest that a donation fund be established and that we be allowed to contribute to it before we make a payout request. If enough additional funds can be raised then FC might be able to hire someone additional to focus just on this aspect of the whole process. I wonder how many members would be willing to contribute 50 cents or maybe even a dollar each payout to make this happen? As we all have found out even the 50 cents and dollars add up fairly quickly so maybe we are mature enough and responsible enough to make it happen? Who would be in for that? I would, would you?

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