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Topic: New Christian Question #4: What about people, like my fiance, who choose facts  (Read 4600 times)


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is he going to hell for being deceived?

According to your religion, yes. According to reality, no.

He basically doesn't believe in God because to him the Bible doesn't make sense (he is super smart)

I think you should have more discussions with him about this. You claim he's super smart; perhaps there's something to the way he thinks, hmm?
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over faith?  He basically doesn't believe in God because to him the Bible doesn't make sense (he is super smart) - is he going to hell for being deceived?

BK,hell is symbolic for grave.Death is non-existence.Christendom has been teaching hellfire,purgatory,limbo etc for years and they are lies and NOT bible truths.

God gave us all freedom of choice to accept or reject Him.Those that do and love and obey him have prospect of living forever in paradise on earth.Those that reject Him will not exist.


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Those that do and love and obey him have prospect of living forever in paradise on earth.Those that reject Him will not exist.

Since the premise is illogical, the 'conclusion' deriving from it is irrational. No evidence exists for such a religious premise because it's a faith-based belief which doesn't rely on evidence, (or reason).
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over faith?  He basically doesn't believe in God because to him the Bible doesn't make sense (he is super smart) - is he going to hell for being deceived?

First I want to take the last part of your question.No one goes to hell for not believing.People end up in hell because they have sin,and sin cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.The only way for sin to be removed is by trusting in Jesus Christ as the Son of God,and that He died for your sins and Rose again.

There's a difference between being "smart" and "wise".In fact I posted this verse not long ago from 1 Corinthians 3 18 (Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise.For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.)

I have the same problem with friends that want "facts".There are many such facts that corroborate the Bible found in ancient artifacts and literature.The problem for most is not that they can't believe,but that they don't want to believe.

Ver well said!!   :thumbsup:


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I have the same problem with friends that want "facts".There are many such facts that corroborate the Bible found in ancient artifacts and literature.The problem for most is not that they can't believe,but that they don't want to believe.

No, the problem is that archeological findings do not provide facts corroborating supernatural religious claims made by the various writers of biblical hearsay.  Those supernatural claims have NO evidence whatsoever and rely entirely upon blind faith belief, not "facts".

So you won't take our facts by faith but you want me to take your facts by faith.

"Faith" is not factual since it relies entirely upon belief without evidence.  Logical reasoning relies entirely upon rational thinking and factual evidence; there's no "faith" or "belief" needed to use them.  Either logical reasoning provides accurate conclusions or, it does not.  If it does, no "faith" is required.  If it does not, there was an error in reasoning or, an omission of facts. Unless a line of logical reasoning can be refuted by illogical, non-reasoning "faith", (and it cannot), then "faith" leads to irrational conclusions.

I chose to believe in Ggod and Salvation. If I am wrong I just return to dust.

You omitted the part before 'returning to dust' where you are basing life decisions upon the same superstitious religious beliefs which lead directly to the blood-soaked dark ages, the xtian-instigated Inquisitions, the xtian instigated Crusades, the xtian-intigated witch hunts and the xtian-instigated forced cultural assimulations of "pagans".  So, if you are "wrong", people can suffer and die as a result of your superstitions.

If I am right then you are sentenced to seperation from God.

Sounds good to me.  In the first place, I wouldn't want to be 'absorbed' by your daemonic g-d, (the same alleged 'g-d' responsible for so much human misery over the millenia that 'it' ought to be brought up on genocide charges ... good thing that there's absolutely no evidence to support the existence of such a hideous 'daemon', aye?). Summarily, religious beliefs consist of false/unsupported metaphysical attributions which must rely instead upon blind faith.  I decline to blind or delude myself with such superstitious beliefs.

Ver well said!!   :thumbsup:
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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over faith?  He basically doesn't believe in God because to him the Bible doesn't make sense (he is super smart) - is he going to hell for being deceived?

BK,hell is symbolic for grave.Death is non-existence.Christendom has been teaching hellfire,purgatory,limbo etc for years and they are lies and NOT bible truths.

God gave us all freedom of choice to accept or reject Him.Those that do and love and obey him have prospect of living forever in paradise on earth.Those that reject Him will not exist.
Would you show me the verses that says those who reject Him will not exist as opposed to spending eternity in the eternal place of punishment?  Thanks!  :)


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This could have been simply labeled as a question. Many people on here can answer that question you asked and not be of christian religion. Do you want only answers from that religion or can others jump in and help. Why the need to put Christian in it and then spam the off topic forum with 3 different questions that could have just been put into one conversation in one thread???  Any who to answer your ??? ask your preacher or get some counseling from a preacher there are trained professionals who can help you.


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over faith?  He basically doesn't believe in God because to him the Bible doesn't make sense (he is super smart) - is he going to hell for being deceived?

BK,hell is symbolic for grave.Death is non-existence.Christendom has been teaching hellfire,purgatory,limbo etc for years and they are lies and NOT bible truths.

God gave us all freedom of choice to accept or reject Him.Those that do and love and obey him have prospect of living forever in paradise on earth.Those that reject Him will not exist.

Jcribb...what does the bible say what happens at death?

Also,if the God of the bible says HE is love,do you believe He would torment those that dis-obeyed HIM forever?

Death is non-existence...the soul that sins dies says Ezekiel

man is acquitted of his sin at death

If you need scriptures lemme know
Would you show me the verses that says those who reject Him will not exist as opposed to spending eternity in the eternal place of punishment?  Thanks!  :)


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Please see...

Eze 18:4
Ro 6:7
Eccl 9:5
Ro 6:23

These scripture explain that sin = death and what happens at death

And Adam became a living soul.The soul wasnt a separate is what we are.

Christendom teaches differently i am aware.That isnt biblical truth.


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God told Adam he would go back to dust...NOT a firey hell

Lazarus spoke of no heavenly bliss or torment after Jesus resurrected him.....Jesus said he was sleeping i will awake him.


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I was brought up a catholic.....they taught the heaven and hell theory.I thought God was wicked if he punished you forever in hellfire.

The bible says He is Love.If the bible says God is love what sense does that make if he torments us in hellfire?

Its obvious to see Satan has built up christendom to make God look evil or wicked.

Jesus said when you know the truth it sets you free from all this satanic and manmade BS!!


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The bible says He is Love.If the bible says God is love what sense does that make if he torments us in hellfire?

What's your excuse for your god murdering scores of people every other page in the OT? Are you going to disregard that, too, and pretend that's not what the Bible says?

Its obvious to see Satan has built up christendom to make God look evil or wicked.

And your god is powerless to stop this? Your god gives this Satan character free reign and then is surprised when people are turned off or don't believe?

** Logic is your friend, folks. **
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-- Carl Sagan


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The bible says He is Love.If the bible says God is love what sense does that make if he torments us in hellfire?

What's your excuse for your god murdering scores of people every other page in the OT? Are you going to disregard that, too, and pretend that's not what the Bible says?

Its obvious to see Satan has built up christendom to make God look evil or wicked.

And your god is powerless to stop this? Your god gives this Satan character free reign and then is surprised when people are turned off or don't believe?

** Logic is your friend, folks. **

Do me a favor Queenie,know what u r speaking about first.

Murdering who?people of Sodom?Who were warned and dis-obeyed?

The Israelites were saved thru Moses and began to bow down to false gods.They reaped what they sowed.

Satan has been allowed to turn many away and many do cos they love the darkness better such as yourself.Go get yourself  FREE bible study before you comment on stuff who know nothing of.


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And let me add..even after Jesus proved BEYOND A DOUBT he was Gods son they still freed Barabas over him <a ruthless>criminal.

WHY???Because Jesus exposed their false manmade doctrines and BS and Jesus only got in their way.They viewed Jesus as a threat to sway many and they wanted to hold them down with their crap...the same way christendom does today.

Like i love the darkness better thats why you argue against the truth.You are free to choose and walk the wide road off to destruction if you so choose to Queenie.

Jesus said the world hates him and those that follow him to pick up their torture stake but he added he conqured satans hordes and this world and to fear not.

Your hatred backs it up and the more you spew your hatred only backs up Jesus words more what his TRUE followeres can expect from this satanic world


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John 15 :19

Backs up everything i just said

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