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Topic: New Christian Question #2: In the book of Jobe (spelling?) my fiance said they  (Read 6124 times)


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Job 1 21-22

The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;
    may the name of the Lord be praised.”
In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

If Job didn't blame God for Satan's actions,why should you?

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:) Don't forget that all of Job's losses were restored.

After your family is slaughtered senselessly just so God/Jehovah/Yahweh can prove to Satan that he's top dog, I don't really think they can be replaced in the same way land, cattle and other chattel might be.  You may get a second family, but I doubt that they would replace the first or restore you to your previous state.

Nhend.....that is a very valid point and i think of that too.But remember God allowed Jesus his son to be sacrificed too.Jesus said the greatest gift of love one can give is their life.God will resurrect Jobs family to life again.Its a universal issue that satan brought up that needed to be addressed once and for all time and it will NEVR have to be addressed again in Gods kingdom after all the enemies are gone.Also remember this,if God had destroyed A&E before they had offspring where would the human race be?God knew some of the offspring would love him and obey him after all satans accusations.


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Re: New Christian Question #2: In the book of nonsensical hearsay ...
« Reply #32 on: November 08, 2012, 03:55:39 pm »
satans accusations.

Indeed. Belief-based hearsay doesn't constitute valid evidence of anything except blind faith.
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Many of the accounts in the Old Testament need to be read in their entirety, including perhaps a translation with it, to help clarify what some of the words meant.  Also, a Bible handbook helps with understanding the culture and ways of the times back then.  God loved and blessed His people, yet punished when they went astray.  Just as a parent today disciplines their child when they disobey.

There were people like Job who were deeply devoted to God, and Satan could not stand it.  God does not tempt - Satan felt Job would turn on God if too much happened against him, and God allowed Satan to test Job, but the stipulation was that Satan could not and would not be allowed to take Job's life.  Yes, Job lost his family, but he was blessed by God, afterwards, with the same he lost and more.  He was given a new and fresh start by God for staying committed to God, even through the rough times.

Is your fiance supporting your decision or is he trying to "*bleep*" you with things like this that makes God appear the bad one?  Thank you for taking the time to ask anything like this you aren't sure about. 

I dunno, I told him I am the happiest I have ever been and asked him to keep his thoughts to himself and not try to shake my faith.  A long time ago, him and his friend were arguing about the topic and I remember him saying, "I hate shutting people down like that but they are so stupid" - I told him if he hated doing it than don't do it to me.  Everyone has a right to their own beliefs and there is nothing wrong with what I have decided to believe in.  I am just interested to see how things go when I try to teach my kids about it all.


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Though it's unlikely you'll answer this; why are you spamming with multiple religious threads when you could keep it all to one thread?

Well, I mean all of this topics are similar but the aren't the same - maybe some people only have answers to some of my questions!


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Instead of fishing for Christian excuses justifying why the Bible is so vile, why not think for yourself instead?

I was once a Christian who, like you, began to read the Bible from cover to cover. Unlike most Christians, however, I actually took what it said seriously. Because I'm not the type of person who can "make peace" with stuff that is outright horrible, illogical and just plain against common sense, there is no way that I could just "accept" what was written in there as okay...I wouldn't be able to respect myself as a person, because so much of what is written in that "holy" book is NOT okay.

You're at a crossroads as a new Bible reading Christian: You can either choose Path A, which is oppressing your instincts in regards to the Bible's messed up contents..."rationalize" the irrationality of it all away, get in the habit of not questioning the true nature of things, and join the scared masses into deluding yourself that your religion is the "correct" one.

Or Path B, call a spade a spade and realize that the only reason you're choosing the religion that you are is entirely due to where you were born. Pay attention to how things really are in reality; question and crosscheck EVERYTHING. Ask yourself what's more likely; that science and all of its evidence is some kind of conspiracy theory due to a "devil", or maybe...just maybe...the earth is simply full of a bunch of still primitively minded beings who have to invent invisible deities because they are terrified of their own mortality.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2012, 12:26:30 pm by queenofnines »
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-- Carl Sagan


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Many of the accounts in the Old Testament need to be read in their entirety, including perhaps a translation with it, to help clarify what some of the words meant.  Also, a Bible handbook helps with understanding the culture and ways of the times back then.  God loved and blessed His people, yet punished when they went astray.  Just as a parent today disciplines their child when they disobey.

There were people like Job who were deeply devoted to God, and Satan could not stand it.  God does not tempt - Satan felt Job would turn on God if too much happened against him, and God allowed Satan to test Job, but the stipulation was that Satan could not and would not be allowed to take Job's life.  Yes, Job lost his family, but he was blessed by God, afterwards, with the same he lost and more.  He was given a new and fresh start by God for staying committed to God, even through the rough times.

Is your fiance supporting your decision or is he trying to "*bleep*" you with things like this that makes God appear the bad one?  Thank you for taking the time to ask anything like this you aren't sure about. 

I dunno, I told him I am the happiest I have ever been and asked him to keep his thoughts to himself and not try to shake my faith.  A long time ago, him and his friend were arguing about the topic and I remember him saying, "I hate shutting people down like that but they are so stupid" - I told him if he hated doing it than don't do it to me.  Everyone has a right to their own beliefs and there is nothing wrong with what I have decided to believe in.  I am just interested to see how things go when I try to teach my kids about it all.

BK, if your fiancee is an atheist or agnostic and you have decided to be a Christian, then I doubt that you are going to have a very pleasant marriage and life together.  Also, the fact that he would belittle you to his friends by indicating that you are stupid means that he does not respect you.  If you choose to marry him, he is going to model this lack of respect to any children you might have and they will probably hold you in the same contempt. 

As a divorce attorney, I can say that your odds of getting a divorce at some point are greater than the national average of about 50%.  In dealing with battered women, most of them tell me what began as verbal abuse ended up being physical.  You aren't married to this man yet so now is the best time to get out of this situation before you are financially bound together or you bring innocent children in to this.  Even if I don't have the same beliefs as you, you have a right to believe as you choose.  I just don't think you are going to have the opportunity to do that freely in this relationship the way you have described it here.     


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Re: New Christian Question #2: In the book of nonsensical hearsay ...
« Reply #37 on: November 09, 2012, 01:51:58 pm »
... maybe some people only have answers to some of my questions! I am just interested to see how things go when I try to teach my kids about it all.

With this many threads going, if you're not fishing for comebacks to the challenges of someone you may marry, (and just padding post count, as you alluded to), why is indoctrinating children into a superstitious belief sysytem even being considered?
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For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit,and of joints and their marrow,and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12


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Re: New Christian Question #2: In the book of nonsensical hearsay ...
« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2012, 10:03:34 pm »
For the word of God is alive ...

Nope; that's an unfounded religious claim made about a collection of unfounded religious hearsay which was never "alive".
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Many of the accounts in the Old Testament need to be read in their entirety, including perhaps a translation with it, to help clarify what some of the words meant.  Also, a Bible handbook helps with understanding the culture and ways of the times back then.  God loved and blessed His people, yet punished when they went astray.  Just as a parent today disciplines their child when they disobey.

There were people like Job who were deeply devoted to God, and Satan could not stand it.  God does not tempt - Satan felt Job would turn on God if too much happened against him, and God allowed Satan to test Job, but the stipulation was that Satan could not and would not be allowed to take Job's life.  Yes, Job lost his family, but he was blessed by God, afterwards, with the same he lost and more.  He was given a new and fresh start by God for staying committed to God, even through the rough times.

Is your fiance supporting your decision or is he trying to "*bleep*" you with things like this that makes God appear the bad one?  Thank you for taking the time to ask anything like this you aren't sure about. 

I dunno, I told him I am the happiest I have ever been and asked him to keep his thoughts to himself and not try to shake my faith.  A long time ago, him and his friend were arguing about the topic and I remember him saying, "I hate shutting people down like that but they are so stupid" - I told him if he hated doing it than don't do it to me.  Everyone has a right to their own beliefs and there is nothing wrong with what I have decided to believe in.  I am just interested to see how things go when I try to teach my kids about it all.

BK, if your fiancee is an atheist or agnostic and you have decided to be a Christian, then I doubt that you are going to have a very pleasant marriage and life together.  Also, the fact that he would belittle you to his friends by indicating that you are stupid means that he does not respect you.  If you choose to marry him, he is going to model this lack of respect to any children you might have and they will probably hold you in the same contempt. 

As a divorce attorney, I can say that your odds of getting a divorce at some point are greater than the national average of about 50%.  In dealing with battered women, most of them tell me what began as verbal abuse ended up being physical.  You aren't married to this man yet so now is the best time to get out of this situation before you are financially bound together or you bring innocent children in to this.  Even if I don't have the same beliefs as you, you have a right to believe as you choose.  I just don't think you are going to have the opportunity to do that freely in this relationship the way you have described it here.     
You have made some excellent points.  I wanted to say a couple of those things, but didn't feel it was my place.  However, I hope she will prayerfully take these things into consideration, especially when thinking of having children, placed in the middle of a believer and non-believer.  I will keep praying for her, for strength, wisdom, and understanding, as she grows spiritually in God. 

I think it was you I read about in a different thread that you are an ordained minister?  And an attorney?  You are one busy person.


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Many of the accounts in the Old Testament need to be read in their entirety, including perhaps a translation with it, to help clarify what some of the words meant.  Also, a Bible handbook helps with understanding the culture and ways of the times back then.  God loved and blessed His people, yet punished when they went astray.  Just as a parent today disciplines their child when they disobey.

There were people like Job who were deeply devoted to God, and Satan could not stand it.  God does not tempt - Satan felt Job would turn on God if too much happened against him, and God allowed Satan to test Job, but the stipulation was that Satan could not and would not be allowed to take Job's life.  Yes, Job lost his family, but he was blessed by God, afterwards, with the same he lost and more.  He was given a new and fresh start by God for staying committed to God, even through the rough times.

Is your fiance supporting your decision or is he trying to "*bleep*" you with things like this that makes God appear the bad one?  Thank you for taking the time to ask anything like this you aren't sure about. 

I dunno, I told him I am the happiest I have ever been and asked him to keep his thoughts to himself and not try to shake my faith.  A long time ago, him and his friend were arguing about the topic and I remember him saying, "I hate shutting people down like that but they are so stupid" - I told him if he hated doing it than don't do it to me.  Everyone has a right to their own beliefs and there is nothing wrong with what I have decided to believe in.  I am just interested to see how things go when I try to teach my kids about it all.

BK, if your fiancee is an atheist or agnostic and you have decided to be a Christian, then I doubt that you are going to have a very pleasant marriage and life together.  Also, the fact that he would belittle you to his friends by indicating that you are stupid means that he does not respect you.  If you choose to marry him, he is going to model this lack of respect to any children you might have and they will probably hold you in the same contempt. 

As a divorce attorney, I can say that your odds of getting a divorce at some point are greater than the national average of about 50%.  In dealing with battered women, most of them tell me what began as verbal abuse ended up being physical.  You aren't married to this man yet so now is the best time to get out of this situation before you are financially bound together or you bring innocent children in to this.  Even if I don't have the same beliefs as you, you have a right to believe as you choose.  I just don't think you are going to have the opportunity to do that freely in this relationship the way you have described it here.     
You have made some excellent points.  I wanted to say a couple of those things, but didn't feel it was my place.  However, I hope she will prayerfully take these things into consideration, especially when thinking of having children, placed in the middle of a believer and non-believer.  I will keep praying for her, for strength, wisdom, and understanding, as she grows spiritually in God. 

I think it was you I read about in a different thread that you are an ordained minister?  And an attorney?  You are one busy person.

Yes, being an attorney is my primary profession, but I am an ordained minister too.  Fortunately, I don't have small children to care for or I'd just be chronically sleep deprived.  I hope that she will listen to you and give your opinion careful consideration even if she dismisses me.  I have seen enough victims of abuse of all sorts to hope that it doesn't happen to anyone.  No one deserves that.


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I t would be great if people would take the time to read the Bible in its entirety. The lliving Bible is in everyday language so everyone can understand.


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Re: New Christian Question #2: In the book of nonsensical hearsay ...
« Reply #43 on: November 11, 2012, 07:49:39 pm »
I t would be great if people would take the time to read the Bible in its entirety.

I disagree; spreading a self-deluding religious mind-virus  which induces blind faith and eschews reason even further is irresponsible.
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Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!

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