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  • I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord 5 1
Topic: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord  (Read 25761 times)


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #75 on: November 01, 2012, 12:21:02 pm »
If he isn't real I don't want to find out because the joy that I am feeling is amazing

That's a very sad thing to say. There is life after delusion.
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-- Carl Sagan


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #76 on: November 01, 2012, 12:31:07 pm »
Seems now that my eyes are on God I don't even have to control my mouth when he says something offensive because it doesn't even offend me anymore, I have peace.

Stay with a verbally abusive boyfriend because you found the lint in your belly button your car keys Jesus? Sounds perfectly healthy.
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-- Carl Sagan


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #77 on: November 01, 2012, 12:45:44 pm »
We all have the right to believe in GOD and our faith. Although there are some who would like to turn us into another direction, which i suppose could be satan calling , So  just ignore those and continue believing as you like.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #78 on: November 01, 2012, 12:54:29 pm »
I'll be honest, the last time I opened a bible and started reading from the beginning I put it down in about 5 minutes.  People living to 200 to 300 years old?  Only books I've read that have claimed that are all fantasy or fiction, and as thus I treat the bible that way.

The Bib;le has been proven many times. For instance, Noah's ark has been found, whiteness testified to Jesus Christ ressucrection in the Bible and outside of the Bible, their of scientific facts in the Bible that where rediscovered far after the Bible was pinned, and when we look at true Creation we see the proofs of a master creator. For instance, there is a name related to God that could sceintists think could date back around 6,000 or 7,000 years ago. Then when we actually see the fossil record human bones are scattered throughout it showing that they did not evolve. The ceolocanth was said to be one of the most important, "missing links," in evelution. However, they where discovered to be still alive and well and in the same state today. Charles Darwin called his thoughts of evelution a sceptic idea from ignorant days. He got saved before he passed away. If people just look for the proof its everywhere. Dragons where proven to be real, and they where talked about in the Bible as well as unicorns. It might sound far fetched to someone who has never researched these things, but when you get into the information is vast.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #79 on: November 01, 2012, 01:08:30 pm »
Regarding Noah's Ark:

"It is true that the Genesis flood account shares many striking similarities with the Babylonian Gilgamesh epic, and with the Babylonian Atrahasis epic, for that matter. In fact, literally hundreds of flood traditions have been preserved all over the world, with traditions abounding in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia, as well as both of the Americas, and the Genesis account shares similarities with most of them. Of the flood traditions which have survived to the present time, about 95% describe a global cataclysmic deluge, 88% tell of a favored family of humans saved from drowning to reestablish the human race after the deluge, 66% say the family was forewarned of the coming cataclysm, 66% blame the wickedness of man for the deluge, and 70% record a boat as being the means by which the chosen family (and animals) survived the flood. More than one third of these traditions mention birds being sent out from the boat.

Since every culture has descended directly from the flood’s survivors, it is logical that stories of this traumatic event are both abundant and universal, having been passed down from generation to generation. This is certainly the case. Many of these traditions are remarkably consistent, considering the relative isolation of the cultures, the length of time that has elapsed since the flood, and the human tendency to embellish, exaggerate, and distort stories over time. The Babylonian and biblical accounts of the flood appear to represent different retellings of an essentially identical flood tradition.

Skeptics want to imagine that there was, in fact, no flood and that the Bible’s flood account was borrowed from a Babylonian myth. The evidence seems to suggest otherwise: there was, in fact, a catastrophic worldwide deluge, and the veracity of the biblical account is attested to by numerous other similar ancient accounts. In addition to abundant historical evidence, there is a wealth of physical proof in favor of the flood’s historicity. The flood of Noah’s day was most certainly a real historical event, and the biblical account of what happened is trustworthy."

"How did Noah fit all of those animals on the ark? Was the ark big enough to fit “two of every kind… of the birds after their kind, and of the animals after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind,” and seven of some kinds? What about food? There had to be enough room to store enough food to last Noah and his family (8 in all), plus all of the animals, at least a year (see Genesis 7:11; 8:13-18) and maybe more, depending on how long it took for vegetation to grow back. That’s a lot of food! What about drinking water? Is it realistic to believe that Noah’s boat was big enough to store all of these animals and all of this food and water for over a year?

The dimensions for the ark given in Genesis are 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high (Genesis 6:15). What is a cubit? A cubit is an ancient unit of measurement, the length of the forearm from the elbow to the longest finger (the term “cubit” comes from the Latin word “cubitum” which means “elbow.” The Hebrew word for “cubit” is “ammah.” As everybody’s arms are different lengths, this unit may seem a bit ambiguous to some, but scholars generally agree that it represents somewhere between 17 and 22 inches (43-56 centimeters). The ancient Egyptian cubit is known to have been 21.888 inches. So, doing the math,

300 x 22 inches = 6,600; 50 x 22 inches = 1,100; 30 x 22 inches = 660
6,600/12 = 550 feet; 1100/12 = 91.7 feet; 660/12 = 55 feet.

Thus, the ark could have been up to 550 feet long, 91.7 feet wide and 55 feet high. These are not unreasonable dimensions. But how much storage space does this amount to? Well, 550 x 91.7 x 55 = 2,773,925 cubic feet. (If we take the smallest measurement of cubit, 17 inches, we end up with 1,278,825 cubic feet). Of course, not all of it would have been free space. The ark had three levels (Genesis 6:16) and a lot of rooms (Genesis 6:14), the walls of which would have taken up space. Nevertheless, it has been calculated that a little more than half (54.75%) of the 2,773,925 cubic feet could store 125,000 sheep-sized animals, leaving over 1.5 million cubic feet of free space (see -

John Woodmorappe, author of the definitive Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study, estimated that only about 15% of the animals on the ark would have been larger than a sheep. This figure does not take into account the possibility that God may have brought Noah “infant” animals, which can be significantly smaller than adult animals.

How many animals were on the ark? Woodmorappe estimates about 16,000 “kinds.” What is a “kind”? The designation of “kind” is thought to be much broader than the designation “species.” Even as there are over 400 dog breeds all belonging to one species (Canis familiaris), so many species can belong to one kind. Some think that the designation “genus” may be somewhat close to the biblical “kind.”

Nevertheless, even if we presume that “kind” is synonymous with “species,” “there are not very many species of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles. The leading systematic biologist, Ernst Mayr, gives the number as 17,600. Allowing for two of each species on the ark, plus seven of the few so-called “clean” kinds of animals, plus a reasonable increment for known extinct species, it is obvious that not more than, say, 50,000 animals were on the ark” (Morris, 1987).

Some have estimated that there were as many as 25,000 kinds of animals represented on the ark. This is a high-end estimation. With two of each kind and seven of some, the number of animals would exceed 50,000, though not by very much, relatively speaking. Regardless, whether there were 16,000 or 25,000 kinds of animals, even with two of each and seven of some, scholars agree that there was plenty of room for all of the animals on the ark, plus food and water with room to spare.

What about all of the excrement produced by all of these animals? How did 8 people manage to feed all of those animals and deal with tons of excrement on a daily basis? What about animals with specialized diet? How did plant-life survive? What about insects? There are a thousand other questions like these which could be raised, and they are all good questions. In the minds of many, these questions are unanswerable. But they are certainly nothing new. They have been asked over and over for centuries. And in all of that time researchers have sought answers. There are now numerous, very scholarly feasibility studies which have put Noah and his ark to the test.

With over 1,200 scholarly references to academic studies, Woodmorappe’s book is “a modern systematic evaluation of the alleged difficulties surrounding Noah's Ark” (John Woodmorappe, “A Resource for Answering the Critics of Noah’s Ark,” Impact No. 273, March 1996. Institute for Creation Research, 30 January 2005 Woodmorappe claims that after years of systematically examining all of the questions which have been raised, “all of the arguments against the Ark are… found wanting. In fact, the vast majority of the anti-Ark arguments, at first superficially plausible, turn out to be easily invalidated.” "

I appreciate that you took the time to reference this, but lets thinks about it as the Bible puts it. We have two of every kind one male and one female. There is no specific size of every animal. We just have a general idea. We also know that Noah and his wife and his sons and their wives where on the ark. We know that there was a dove that went out of the ark to check the flood levels. There was likely an established area for the animal excess to be burned as well as a food supply stock. We also know that not every single animal had to go into the ark, just one set of male and female to every general kind. For instance the wolf and another of the sort, but not every single breed of dog. You also went back and forth between your information. At one point you said 50,000 and at another 25,000. As you mentioned there could have been new born animals brought into the ark, but we do not know that. There is a big difference between the many adult and infant mamels. Therefor any idea measurement cannot be right. Some animals might have been adults where others where infants. The Hawains also have a story of a boat. However there as people learn to speak various languages and narry into additional cultures new stories are formed off of the original. For example, take the Neho Yeha which means, "Navajo Shoe Game." This story says that animals played a game for a chance to conquer for either domination over the day or night. However, in the story the owl cheated. This supposedly ended up with the division of day from night. This story has spinned into various other myths of the Navajo, Tuscarora, and Lakota tales. However that is just a point that stories get changed and changed. Still, we have to look towards the beginning and the beginning was the Bible. If we date back every single religion and faith we get the Bible before we get anything else.
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Re: myths [was re:I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord]
« Reply #80 on: November 01, 2012, 01:14:01 pm »
Still, we have to look towards the beginning and the beginning was the Bible. If we date back every single religion and faith we get the Bible before we get anything else.

No, there were many "pagan" mythologies and cultures extant well before the ones mentioned by "bibles".  There is abundant, solid evidence of this while there is no evidence whatsoever to support the religious claims above.  Such claims are false, (lies), because they aen't true and rely upon empty belief.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #81 on: November 01, 2012, 02:30:39 pm »
It does give a good laugh though.

Sure, at first it's all fun and laughs ... then the inquisitions and crusades start and it turns to something else entirely.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #82 on: November 01, 2012, 05:18:17 pm »
Seems now that my eyes are on God I don't even have to control my mouth when he says something offensive because it doesn't even offend me anymore, I have peace.

Stay with a verbally abusive boyfriend because you found the lint in your belly button your car keys Jesus? Sounds perfectly healthy.

Ah,queeny!Haven't heard your nonsense in quite a while!

Must be how you escaped being put on ignore.......

Fixed. ;D

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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #83 on: November 01, 2012, 05:20:13 pm »
Seems now that my eyes are on God I don't even have to control my mouth when he says something offensive because it doesn't even offend me anymore, I have peace.

Stay with a verbally abusive boyfriend because you found the lint in your belly button your car keys Jesus? Sounds perfectly healthy.

Ah,queeny!Haven't heard your nonsense in quite a while!

Must be how you escaped being put on ignore.......

Speaking of deluded nonsense; does that 'ignoring' by not ignoring escape the ignorance of a faith-blinded fundie or, is it trapped in the same darkness?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 05:24:01 pm by falcon9 »
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #84 on: November 01, 2012, 05:27:11 pm »
Seems now that my eyes are on God I don't even have to control my mouth when he says something offensive because it doesn't even offend me anymore, I have peace.

Stay with a verbally abusive boyfriend because you found the lint in your belly button your car keys Jesus? Sounds perfectly healthy.

Ah,queeny!Haven't heard your nonsense in quite a while!

Must be how you escaped being put on ignore.......

Fixed. ;D

You just lost the argument with that single action.

Nice one.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #85 on: November 01, 2012, 05:32:27 pm »
Seems now that my eyes are on God I don't even have to control my mouth when he says something offensive because it doesn't even offend me anymore, I have peace.

Stay with a verbally abusive boyfriend because you found the lint in your belly button your car keys Jesus? Sounds perfectly healthy.

Ah,queeny!Haven't heard your nonsense in quite a while!

Must be how you escaped being put on ignore.......

Fixed. ;D

You just lost the argument with that single action.

Nice one.

That fundie doesn't 'argue'; he simply makes specious religious pronouncements and then pretends to put those who refute it alternately on and off "ignore" while continuing to gossip about those he's 'not-ignoring'.  That's been deemed as using FC's ignore button incorrectly as an "ostrich button."
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #86 on: November 01, 2012, 08:31:27 pm »
I have followed your posts from some time, and I was worried about your situation.  It seems you have found peace in your life, and I am so happy for you.

Yes I have had a "not so great" ride, especially with my fiance.  Seems now that my eyes are on God I don't even have to control my mouth when he says something offensive because it doesn't even offend me anymore, I have peace.  I also think the change in my behavior has settled him down a bit.  I am the fiance I've always wanted to be!
I know you have had plenty of ups and downs with him.  Please be cautious with him - if he continues to offend you over and over, take things into consideration.  You are committing to a marriage with him - will he change for the better, the worse, or stay the same?  Will he be supportive of your decision with God?  You don't have to or need to answer these - they are just "thought" questions, since I do know you've gone through some rough rides - I just want to make sure you are going to be okay.  {{{Hugs}}}  :)   :heart:


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #87 on: November 02, 2012, 06:40:01 am »
Today I am on a mission to get a bible - specifically I want the Joyce Meyer version because I like how she explains some words further and how she has life points and how to apply certain scripture to your life.  Now that I have turned my life to God there are a lot of questions I have, right now (today) I am struggling with not necessarily hatred but dislike towards someone and would like to read some versus on how to deal with that and cast it away.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #88 on: November 02, 2012, 10:53:11 am »
Today I am on a mission to get a bible - specifically I want the Joyce Meyer version because I like how she explains some words further and how she has life points and how to apply certain scripture to your life.  Now that I have turned my life to God there are a lot of questions I have, right now (today) I am struggling with not necessarily hatred but dislike towards someone and would like to read some versus on how to deal with that and cast it away.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  I hope you find the version you want!  :)


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #89 on: November 02, 2012, 01:22:01 pm »
Today I am on a mission to get a bible -

If this is a personal and private religious decision, why must it be broadcast here?  What purpose does announcing that one has become immersed in religious superstition, blind to reason and self-deceived by empty faith to anyone else except to proselytize?
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.


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