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  • I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord 5 1
Topic: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord  (Read 24921 times)


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {unproven} hands of the {unproven} Lord
« Reply #210 on: November 04, 2012, 06:09:05 pm »
No one truely answered my questions / opinions, just gave possibilities or answered it with answers that raised more questions (as in proved things by giving proof that is not possible to be proven true)

Forget all the bad logic and supernatural occurances for a minute.
Ill ask again, what about all the people in the world that are not christians, a large number of those being simply because they were raised in a different culture in a different part of the world? (and thus have had it drilled into there heads from a young age that the religion they have always been taught is the one that is true.. this applies for christians as well, but im not getting into that fact right now)

Many people will never consider christianity because of this, and so that means they are screwed? They are going to hell for not believing and/or worshiping false idols. At least that is what christians seem to believe. And the fact is there are almost as many muslims as ALL the christian denominations put together, and then you have all the other religions, as well as the non religious. Seems to me like 65-75% of the world is condemned simply by not believing - not because of any bad actions or sins. (im throwing out the number 65-70%, its not exact but I do remember seeing something about chrisianity being around 30 something %)

That does not seem very fair. And dont even get me started on the young who die (not just babys but even kids and teenagers that are not learned enough to make a true decision on the matter)

Seems to me like more people would be going to hell for reasons other then sins or being moraly bad or evil. (they may commits sins still but it is irrelevant if they are going to be condemned regardless of sinning or not)

This is only but one point I am trying to make / asking about.

By the way, I was raised christian, and went to christian school for many years. I truely believed. I grew up and started making my own desicions and looking at things from all angles and using logic and decided FOR MYSELF what to belive in. So do not tell me Im lost, or have not yet found god. I have been there, done that.

I would like to respond to the part concerning the young.  Since you were raised Christian and went to a Christian school, you would have spoken of this or at least be familiar with it.

No one can fault anyone for a lack of understanding and then be condemned for that.  Until a young child, adolescent, teen, etc., truly and fully understands right from wrong, and consequences of the wrong things, and understands exactly who Jesus is, what He did for us on the cross, and that He arose again the 3rd day, including the meaning of what it means to be saved, then they are in God's protection and assurance of Heaven.  Once they know, and understand the choice they are making or not making, then is the time of accountability.  As you learned in the Bible, babies and children are precious to God, and He will take care of His own.

As extrapolated, a xtian gave a faith-based, (empty), response.  Other than to confirm that young children aren't yet in a position to discern religious fiction from pragmatic fact, (with with I agree), and shouldn't be 'brain-washed' by 'authority figures' with religious superstitions, it's as 'predicted':

'I'm extrapolating that you'll get some faith-based replies from xtians which expressly avoid reason and logic ...'
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #211 on: November 04, 2012, 06:12:53 pm »
To the OP: Good for you... whatever your beliefs, you have a right to them... take care.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #212 on: November 04, 2012, 06:13:33 pm »
No one truely answered my questions / opinions, just gave possibilities or answered it with answers that raised more questions (as in proved things by giving proof that is not possible to be proven true)

Forget all the bad logic and supernatural occurances for a minute.
Ill ask again, what about all the people in the world that are not christians, a large number of those being simply because they were raised in a different culture in a different part of the world? (and thus have had it drilled into there heads from a young age that the religion they have always been taught is the one that is true.. this applies for christians as well, but im not getting into that fact right now)

Many people will never consider christianity because of this, and so that means they are screwed? They are going to hell for not believing and/or worshiping false idols. At least that is what christians seem to believe. And the fact is there are almost as many muslims as ALL the christian denominations put together, and then you have all the other religions, as well as the non religious. Seems to me like 65-75% of the world is condemned simply by not believing - not because of any bad actions or sins. (im throwing out the number 65-70%, its not exact but I do remember seeing something about chrisianity being around 30 something %)

That does not seem very fair. And dont even get me started on the young who die (not just babys but even kids and teenagers that are not learned enough to make a true decision on the matter)

Seems to me like more people would be going to hell for reasons other then sins or being moraly bad or evil. (they may commits sins still but it is irrelevant if they are going to be condemned regardless of sinning or not)

This is only but one point I am trying to make / asking about.

By the way, I was raised christian, and went to christian school for many years. I truely believed. I grew up and started making my own desicions and looking at things from all angles and using logic and decided FOR MYSELF what to belive in. So do not tell me Im lost, or have not yet found god. I have been there, done that.

I would like to respond to the part concerning the young.  Since you were raised Christian and went to a Christian school, you would have spoken of this or at least be familiar with it.

No one can fault anyone for a lack of understanding and then be condemned for that.  Until a young child, adolescent, teen, etc., truly and fully understands right from wrong, and consequences of the wrong things, and understands exactly who Jesus is, what He did for us on the cross, and that He arose again the 3rd day, including the meaning of what it means to be saved, then they are in God's protection and assurance of Heaven.  Once they know, and understand the choice they are making or not making, then is the time of accountability.  As you learned in the Bible, babies and children are precious to God, and He will take care of His own.

As extrapolated, a xtian gave a faith-based, (empty), response.  Other than to confirm that young children aren't yet in a position to discern religious fiction from pragmatic fact, (with with I agree), and shouldn't be 'brain-washed' by 'authority figures' with religious superstitions, it's as 'predicted':

'I'm extrapolating that you'll get some faith-based replies from xtians which expressly avoid reason and logic ...'
My answer is not faith-based, empty, and I am a Christian, not xtian.  You are such an agitator - wear that title with pride.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {unproven} hands of the {unproven} Lord
« Reply #213 on: November 04, 2012, 06:27:03 pm »
My answer is not faith-based, empty ...

On the contrary, you posted entirely faith-based superstitious assumptions as if they were facts, (and they are not, being bereft of factual evidence).

... and I am a Christian, not xtian.  You are such an agita

You're a self-declared xtian fundie, (which is an xtian-derived abbreviation for "fundamentalist"), and a religious zealot agitator.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #214 on: November 04, 2012, 08:02:38 pm »
Can you imagine what it will be like around here once Falcon 9 is finally banned?I think it will look something like this:

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {hypothetical}hands of the {fictional}Lord
« Reply #215 on: November 04, 2012, 08:10:36 pm »
Can you imagine what it will be like around here once Falcon 9 is finally banned?I think it will look something like this:

Your post is accurately construed as 'threatening' due to the content of that video.  FC does not stand for "fundie xtian" forums; it stands for "FusionCash", who owns this venue.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #216 on: November 04, 2012, 10:21:35 pm »
I could only imagine the scientific advancements we could have made if religion never existed. We could have cured cancer and built self driving cars centuries ago. But that's ok, let people die of cancer and let people drive on the ground and get into accidents to make yourself feel better about your life. [sarcasm]After all, curing people of disease using prayer is always 100% more effective then actual medical treatment, right?[/sarcasm]

You do realize that religion, no matter how much it makes you feels good, harms society as a whole? I obviously realize since you are living in that bubble, that you don't see the effects on religion on society. Not only its effects today, but its effects on history. People have died and continue to die because of religion. Suicides, repressing technology, crusades, and other negative impacts on society caused by disillusioned religious adherents. Life isn't all sunshine and happiness. People actually die in reality from real diseases like cancer, and praying does not help these people in any way whatsoever. Sure, prayer may make them feel good. You know what else would make them feel good? Curing their disease.

We understand you have the freedom to believe what you want to believe, but when religion directly gets in the way to technological advancement like it has for thousands of years then you need to realize your beliefs have a direct impact on those around you. Millions upon billions of dollars are spent on religious related products that could be spent on actually feed starving children in Africa instead of praying that it might happen. Religion may donate money to these sort of programs, but it has less to do with the fact its a religion doing it and more to do with the fact that people are generally giving in the face of such atrocities. Its a simple fact that religion takes credit for the good things other people do, and when it does something that is harmful and people try to call them out on it they historically react with violence.

It is only now that we are able to speak out without getting thrown in jail, or our heads cut off and all these religious adherents are self victimizing themselves because they feel threatened by our arguments and assuming that we are trying to take away their beliefs by repressing their freedoms? Give me a break.

Your sarcasm and lies prove you know not what you are speaking of.  

His post contained no lies, as opposed to yours.

... stop spreading lies about what Christians do ...

You first.

... when you are just speaking and spewing lies and nonsense with something you don't even know the first thing about.

What "lies", be specific in your false accusations unless those false accusations are further lies on your part.
Lies in RED.  I will not respond further about this to you - you seem to be enjoying speaking for the original poster instead of letting the poster speak for the poster's own self.  But, it's to be expected of you, and while we are prepared for you doing so, it doesn't mean you deserve a response, if so chosen.

First and foremost one of these are LIES. None of these even CAN be lies because I am being 100% sincere in these statements. Lies by definition require me be deceitful. The word your looking for is wrong, and none of those things I stated where wrong.

There is no scientific, nor logical reason why prayer should work. When it does it is pure coincidence and when it doesn't its "gods will." The fact that its "gods will" makes prayer not only unprovable but complete unreliable. On the other hand science and medicine have proven to be effective against disease and we are continuing to improve its effectiveness. Indeed, such science is hijacked by religion. People routinely thanks god when someone gets cured, even after science help to cure that person. When someone donates their time and resources, its because they are a good person. It has and should not have anything to do with religion at all.

Religion does harm society as a whole. It has for thousands of years by suppressing scientific advancements and continues to do so by indoctrinating children by domesticating them into religious thinking and hampering what could be the next great scientist or peace activist. After all, why even bother when god can do it, right?

The fact you think that my last statement is a lie just baffles me. You do realize that, in the past at least, religious adherents routinely slaughter millions of people for having different beliefs and only because they had different beliefs? People who would otherwise never harm a soul sent to kill other people in the name of spreading their religious ideas? It is common knowledge that Atheist and those with different beliefs where suppressed for a large amount of human history (even just a couple hundred years ago.) and that mentioning dissent upon religious adherents would lead to imprisonment, public humiliation, and death. I realize this doesn't happen, at least amount mainstream Christians (because there are still christian cults that partake in mass suicides within the last 50 years), anymore. But it still happened, and it's still a fact that the actions of past religious adherents are still felt to this day, and these actions have negatively impacted humanity as a whole.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #217 on: November 04, 2012, 10:33:21 pm »
I used to think my Mom was crazy when she said she talked to God and he gave her visions, ect.  My Mom has been a christian her whole life and I remember going to church with her although I hated going in the end because it was boring.  I have always questioned whether God is real and how do you know if he is real.  The other night, I was going to bed, and all the sudden he spoke to me.  I wasn't looking for him, I wasn't thinking about him...he came to me on his own.  I don't know why this happened, part of me thinks it's because I know my Mom prays for me all of the time.  I understand, "nothing compares to the promise I have in you" now...I understand everything my Mom was talking about all this time.  It's nice to know that I can talk to her about what I'm experiencing because I know she knows exactly what I'm talking about.  I think it was Gods gift to me to have me think my Mom was crazy before he called me back that way I can see Christian experiences through a non-believers eye and know to be careful what I share and when.

It's like the things I have been trying to change for YEARS he changed in a matter of minutes.  I never want to go back to how I was.  I feel so much joy, peace, love, confidence, I'm like the person I've always wanted to be and MORE joy is pouring out of me.  I just want the whole world to feel the joy that I feel in God.  I feel like he is always with me guiding me through the day, I find myself naturally thanking him throughout the day and I even downloaded music that I used to think was so goofy when I was a teen but now I just want to sing out to him.

I can't thank God enough for revealing himself to me and changing me.  I will never forget the night that he spoke to me and changed my life.

How refreshing to hear that. you made my heart a little more fuller today. Its so obvious your faith is genuine, thats refreshing too. Isnt the love of God the best!  What a beautiful thing when "YOU KNOW", He is real, you never have to fear anything in life again. thank you 4 putting a smile in my heart, I can only imagine how you made the Lord feel simply by taking a little precious time out to profess your love 4 Him. How beautiful. :female:


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {hypothetical} hands of the {unproven}Lord
« Reply #218 on: November 04, 2012, 10:37:52 pm »
What a beautiful thing when "YOU KNOW", He is real, you never have to fear anything in life again. 

A religious belief is not equivalent to 'knowing' therefore, that's an unfounded assertion based upon blind faith, (a lack of evidence), alone.  Unless unambiguous evidence can be produced to support the assertion that "he is real", it remains a specious speculation being passed-off as if it were factual, (and it's not, due to that lack of supporting evidence).  The burden of proof is not a "harsh mistress"; *she's* a rational one.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #219 on: November 05, 2012, 05:58:00 am »
I could only imagine the scientific advancements we could have made if religion never existed. We could have cured cancer and built self driving cars centuries ago. But that's ok, let people die of cancer and let people drive on the ground and get into accidents to make yourself feel better about your life. [sarcasm]After all, curing people of disease using prayer is always 100% more effective then actual medical treatment, right?[/sarcasm]

You do realize that religion, no matter how much it makes you feels good, harms society as a whole? I obviously realize since you are living in that bubble, that you don't see the effects on religion on society. Not only its effects today, but its effects on history. People have died and continue to die because of religion. Suicides, repressing technology, crusades, and other negative impacts on society caused by disillusioned religious adherents. Life isn't all sunshine and happiness. People actually die in reality from real diseases like cancer, and praying does not help these people in any way whatsoever. Sure, prayer may make them feel good. You know what else would make them feel good? Curing their disease.

We understand you have the freedom to believe what you want to believe, but when religion directly gets in the way to technological advancement like it has for thousands of years then you need to realize your beliefs have a direct impact on those around you. Millions upon billions of dollars are spent on religious related products that could be spent on actually feed starving children in Africa instead of praying that it might happen. Religion may donate money to these sort of programs, but it has less to do with the fact its a religion doing it and more to do with the fact that people are generally giving in the face of such atrocities. Its a simple fact that religion takes credit for the good things other people do, and when it does something that is harmful and people try to call them out on it they historically react with violence.

It is only now that we are able to speak out without getting thrown in jail, or our heads cut off and all these religious adherents are self victimizing themselves because they feel threatened by our arguments and assuming that we are trying to take away their beliefs by repressing their freedoms? Give me a break.

Your sarcasm and lies prove you know not what you are speaking of.  

His post contained no lies, as opposed to yours.

... stop spreading lies about what Christians do ...

You first.

... when you are just speaking and spewing lies and nonsense with something you don't even know the first thing about.

What "lies", be specific in your false accusations unless those false accusations are further lies on your part.
Lies in RED.  I will not respond further about this to you - you seem to be enjoying speaking for the original poster instead of letting the poster speak for the poster's own self.  But, it's to be expected of you, and while we are prepared for you doing so, it doesn't mean you deserve a response, if so chosen.

First and foremost one of these are LIES. None of these even CAN be lies because I am being 100% sincere in these statements. Lies by definition require me be deceitful. The word your looking for is wrong, and none of those things I stated where wrong.

There is no scientific, nor logical reason why prayer should work. When it does it is pure coincidence and when it doesn't its "gods will." The fact that its "gods will" makes prayer not only unprovable but complete unreliable. On the other hand science and medicine have proven to be effective against disease and we are continuing to improve its effectiveness. Indeed, such science is hijacked by religion. People routinely thanks god when someone gets cured, even after science help to cure that person. When someone donates their time and resources, its because they are a good person. It has and should not have anything to do with religion at all.

Religion does harm society as a whole. It has for thousands of years by suppressing scientific advancements and continues to do so by indoctrinating children by domesticating them into religious thinking and hampering what could be the next great scientist or peace activist. After all, why even bother when god can do it, right?

The fact you think that my last statement is a lie just baffles me. You do realize that, in the past at least, religious adherents routinely slaughter millions of people for having different beliefs and only because they had different beliefs? People who would otherwise never harm a soul sent to kill other people in the name of spreading their religious ideas? It is common knowledge that Atheist and those with different beliefs where suppressed for a large amount of human history (even just a couple hundred years ago.) and that mentioning dissent upon religious adherents would lead to imprisonment, public humiliation, and death. I realize this doesn't happen, at least amount mainstream Christians (because there are still christian cults that partake in mass suicides within the last 50 years), anymore. But it still happened, and it's still a fact that the actions of past religious adherents are still felt to this day, and these actions have negatively impacted humanity as a whole.
I've already been round and round with falcon9 on your last paragraph - think what you want - you are adamant about what you think about that, it will be a total waste of time to repeat myself for the umpteenth time, when they are in current threads for all to read.

As for the rest, you correctly stated that religion should have nothing to do with donating time, money, clothes, etc.  It should be any and everyone, out of the kindness and generosity of their hearts, who would do whatever they choose to do to help.  However, you made it appear as if Christians don't do those things, but only pray and leave it up to everyone else.  So I was clarifying to you that Christians are normal people like everyone else, including doing the things listed, along with prayer.

So, I won't call what you said, LIES, but I will definitely say what you said about Christians not helping, and instead causing deaths, is WRONG - and perhaps some research on your end will show you that thousands of people, Christian, dis-believers, of other beliefs, etc., are helping in the nation, country, and world.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #220 on: November 05, 2012, 07:40:13 am »
I could only imagine the scientific advancements we could have made if religion never existed. We could have cured cancer and built self driving cars centuries ago. But that's ok, let people die of cancer and let people drive on the ground and get into accidents to make yourself feel better about your life. [sarcasm]After all, curing people of disease using prayer is always 100% more effective then actual medical treatment, right?[/sarcasm]

You do realize that religion, no matter how much it makes you feels good, harms society as a whole? I obviously realize since you are living in that bubble, that you don't see the effects on religion on society. Not only its effects today, but its effects on history. People have died and continue to die because of religion. Suicides, repressing technology, crusades, and other negative impacts on society caused by disillusioned religious adherents. Life isn't all sunshine and happiness. People actually die in reality from real diseases like cancer, and praying does not help these people in any way whatsoever. Sure, prayer may make them feel good. You know what else would make them feel good? Curing their disease.

We understand you have the freedom to believe what you want to believe, but when religion directly gets in the way to technological advancement like it has for thousands of years then you need to realize your beliefs have a direct impact on those around you. Millions upon billions of dollars are spent on religious related products that could be spent on actually feed starving children in Africa instead of praying that it might happen. Religion may donate money to these sort of programs, but it has less to do with the fact its a religion doing it and more to do with the fact that people are generally giving in the face of such atrocities. Its a simple fact that religion takes credit for the good things other people do, and when it does something that is harmful and people try to call them out on it they historically react with violence.

It is only now that we are able to speak out without getting thrown in jail, or our heads cut off and all these religious adherents are self victimizing themselves because they feel threatened by our arguments and assuming that we are trying to take away their beliefs by repressing their freedoms? Give me a break.

Your sarcasm and lies prove you know not what you are speaking of.  

His post contained no lies, as opposed to yours.

... stop spreading lies about what Christians do ...

You first.

... when you are just speaking and spewing lies and nonsense with something you don't even know the first thing about.

What "lies", be specific in your false accusations unless those false accusations are further lies on your part.
Lies in RED.  I will not respond further about this to you - you seem to be enjoying speaking for the original poster instead of letting the poster speak for the poster's own self.  But, it's to be expected of you, and while we are prepared for you doing so, it doesn't mean you deserve a response, if so chosen.

First and foremost one of these are LIES. None of these even CAN be lies because I am being 100% sincere in these statements. Lies by definition require me be deceitful. The word your looking for is wrong, and none of those things I stated where wrong.

There is no scientific, nor logical reason why prayer should work. When it does it is pure coincidence and when it doesn't its "gods will." The fact that its "gods will" makes prayer not only unprovable but complete unreliable. On the other hand science and medicine have proven to be effective against disease and we are continuing to improve its effectiveness. Indeed, such science is hijacked by religion. People routinely thanks god when someone gets cured, even after science help to cure that person. When someone donates their time and resources, its because they are a good person. It has and should not have anything to do with religion at all.

Religion does harm society as a whole. It has for thousands of years by suppressing scientific advancements and continues to do so by indoctrinating children by domesticating them into religious thinking and hampering what could be the next great scientist or peace activist. After all, why even bother when god can do it, right?

The fact you think that my last statement is a lie just baffles me. You do realize that, in the past at least, religious adherents routinely slaughter millions of people for having different beliefs and only because they had different beliefs? People who would otherwise never harm a soul sent to kill other people in the name of spreading their religious ideas? It is common knowledge that Atheist and those with different beliefs where suppressed for a large amount of human history (even just a couple hundred years ago.) and that mentioning dissent upon religious adherents would lead to imprisonment, public humiliation, and death. I realize this doesn't happen, at least amount mainstream Christians (because there are still christian cults that partake in mass suicides within the last 50 years), anymore. But it still happened, and it's still a fact that the actions of past religious adherents are still felt to this day, and these actions have negatively impacted humanity as a whole.
I've already been round and round with falcon9 on your last paragraph - think what you want - you are adamant about what you think about that, it will be a total waste of time to repeat myself for the umpteenth time, when they are in current threads for all to read.

As for the rest, you correctly stated that religion should have nothing to do with donating time, money, clothes, etc.  It should be any and everyone, out of the kindness and generosity of their hearts, who would do whatever they choose to do to help.  However, you made it appear as if Christians don't do those things, but only pray and leave it up to everyone else.  So I was clarifying to you that Christians are normal people like everyone else, including doing the things listed, along with prayer.

So, I won't call what you said, LIES, but I will definitely say what you said about Christians not helping, and instead causing deaths, is WRONG - and perhaps some research on your end will show you that thousands of people, Christian, dis-believers, of other beliefs, etc., are helping in the nation, country, and world.

I never stated nor implied that Christians do not donate. I implicitly stated in one of my earlier post that Christians do donate to such causes, and its a good thing. But at the same time, religion can cause unneeded harm as I have also stated and that just because Christians and Religious Adherents do that which is good (donate, volunteer, help others) that it cannot forgive them for other atrocities that religion causes in total. If we take out the religious aspects of donating, not only would there probably be more donating (because there is less time wasted on praying) but we would also not have our scientific advancements stifled by organizations that repress logical reasoning. They indoctrinate people (who would be perfectly good human beings anyway) to adhere to religious faith where they may have otherwise pursued the cure for cancer.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #221 on: November 05, 2012, 08:13:16 am »
Who or what gives you the right to judge others for their beliefs. Who cares if they believe in God, budda or the toothfairy if it gives them happiness, joy and something to feel hopeful for. The way things are in the world we all need some joy in our lives. Maybe this is what you are lacking? I hope you find something to be happy about some day.  :D


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #222 on: November 05, 2012, 08:43:50 am »
Putting my life into the Lords Hands was the best thing I could have done. My life has gone right.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #223 on: November 05, 2012, 09:10:49 am »
I am very happy for you and don't let the negativity get you down here at FC.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #224 on: November 05, 2012, 09:43:12 am »
I'm so glad that you have found Jesus. I am a witness that once you get to know him, your life starts to change. You have a new feeling in your heart and soul. You have a different outlook on life. The things that used to bother you, don't even matter anymore. You learn to let go and let GOD. Once you have that joy, no one can take it away from you. I'm wishing you many Blessings and congratulations on your spiritual journey! :angel11:

Thank you for your support - my mother in law and father in law are losing their house.  On top of that, their vehicle quit on them.  I drove her around for an hour yesterday to do errands.  I would not have done something like this before, but I have been filled with a giving spirit.  I told them I can help them move today, tomorrow, and Friday - again, something I wouldn't normally do.  They have to stay in a hotel for a week because the rental they are moving into has people who refuse to leave still living there - I plan on asking them over for dinner on one of the hotel nights.  Again, not something I would normally do.  God has shown me that there are other ways to give besides money, you can donate your time.  I want to help other people too, not just my family.  I am sure God will reveal ways for me to help others.

To those of you replying to falcon, I have just scrolled past his comments...he is taking away from the real purpose of this post and I have chosen not to even bother to waste my time reading what he has to say (after I read like one or two of his posts and discovered why he is on here) - don't let him frustrate you and take away your joy - just keep scrolling  :)

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