I was listening to ‘Think of you,’ the duet between Chris Young and Cassadee Pope and I was thinking it would have sounded much better with Carrie Underwood. The reason being that Chris Young is such a power house vocalist that he drowns Cassadee because she has a light, soft voice—though not as soft as Alison Krause. Poor Cassadee has to sing twice as hard to be heard over Chris’ vocals. I’m not saying that Cassadee can’t sing, because she can, and she does have a nice voice against Chris’ when they harmonize softly, which is why she would have been better off as a background singer in it than his duet. Carrie, on the other hand, is a Vocal Power House, I mean just listen to her version of Independence Day—a remake of a song from another Vocal Power House Martina McBride. You can’t compare those two women to Cassadee vocally. Cassadee, I think was chosen strategically rather than vocally because she’s the ‘next new big thing’ in country music and Chris, well look how long he’s been out that with all the comments underneath the video being more for her than him it was well chosen. And all those that defend Cassadee in the song (in the comments underneath the music video) claiming she is perfect for him are her fans getting defensive not open-minded music fans that have an ear for music because if they did they would actually hear what is taking place and that is Chris drowning out Cassadee. Again, I’m not saying Cassadee can’t sing, she just can’t sing with someone who has a powerful voice, and she knows she does not which is why her songs are great because they match her vocally where as this matches Chris perfectly and she has to sing her butt off to match him where Carrie would not have because she would just naturally match him.