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Topic: power of prayer  (Read 7159 times)


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #30 on: March 04, 2013, 03:21:32 pm »
Prayer works. With God all things are possible.

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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2013, 07:55:57 pm »
There are times when prayer works wonders.  However, there is a saying "Be careful of what you ask for; you just may get it."  I thank God for all blessings in my life; without Him, you are just praying to the wind. :angel11: :angel12:

Speaking of the wind, you reminded me of a couple of Bible verses about the wind and believers:

John 3:8 (NIV)
"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

Ecclesiastes 11:5 (NIV)
"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things."

That's all irrelevant now. We do know the direction of the wind. In fact the internet can give me the wind direction (updated fairly recently) of any city in the united states. Also, we do know how a baby is formed in a mothers womb. We have ultrasound evidence, as well as years of scientific study and journals describing the formation of babies in more than one species (this of course includes humans). We are so confident, in fact, that we base aspects of our medical practice on such evidence. Although we don't know everything about the wind or babies there is to know we are still learning and will eventually understand how wind and babies work in their entirety. We know a heck of a lot more about wind and babies then when the bible was written, and its all thanks to science. The bible is pretty much an end-all when it comes to scientific advancement, as seen these passages, and any support or use of modern day technology/science is a blatant disregard of the bible and the "word of god".

I'm thankful the scientist who didn't take the passages seriously and who questioned whether such things really where unknowable. Because of it we have modern day medicine (which can account for saving the lives of billions) , meteorology (which through being able to predict catastrophic weather we can save the lives of hundreds of thousands), and countless other convinces others many take for granted. These passage blatantly shows the absolute support of ignorance in lieu of a supposed super-being, in that, we shouldn't advance our understanding of the universe because it doesn't really matter. After all, why worry about earthquakes and cancer when god takes care of everything for us?

I was simply sharing a couple of verses I remembered about the wind in them.  As always, you are entitled and welcome to your viewpoints, some of which I happen to agree with, and I and others are entitled and welcome to ours, whether we agree with some or all, or not.  Thanks for your response.

And I was simply explaining that these verses blatantly attempt to suppress people's desire to question things by telling them there's no point since you'll never understand anything god does. Passages like these are the reason the bible should be blamed for suppressing scientific advancement and harming human society as a whole.

I don't know whether or not you agree with this notion, but if you do then why do you share these passages in an attempt to spread this obviously detrimental message?

I believe in praying.  I do it everyday, several times a day.  THERE IS POWER IN PRAYER.  I have experienced it.  All I can say God is good.

You experience it, therefore its true... I'm glad the average person has enough sense to know this is not a good way to determine the truth. If we where to just simply believe everything we see and hear we would all be nervous wrecks. We would also believe without question that the sky is falling and purple unicorns are reining down on Washington with laser guns because the neighborhood crack pot herd it on the radio.

I just don't see the Bible as an attempt to suppress desire for questioning anything that deserves answers.  The Bible, or God, may say or tell things, but it doesn't mean we shouldn't question how things work, are made, work, etc.  And God's Word is in no way suppressing scientific advancement nor is it harming human society as a whole.  That may be your interpretation, but it's not everyone's.  Back when the idea of evolving from monkeys was ramp-id, my interpretation of that was that it was harming human society for people to actually believe something that far-fetched and ridiculous - but, it was still the choice of some to believe it.  I didn't/don't.

As a Christian, of course I'm going to spread God's message of salvation.  Whether people accept Christ or not, is entirely up to them.  I'm not here to push it, just to tell about it and offer it.  I'm harming no one by doing so.  People will believe what they choose, and that's their right, personal choice, and free will to do so.  Just as I chose/choose to live for Christ, with my personal life and endeavors.  To reiterate, I do accept God's Word and Creation, however, I do question and search for answers regarding the what, how, why, when, and where of those things that happened and do happen.

And yet, those two above passages make it pretty clear to not try and understand how god works. It simply cannot be done as shown in the second one. Also, the idea the we evolved from monkeys was not one perpetrated by scientist by one perpetrated by creationist who didn't understand evolution (and BASIC Biological classification that even a high school student should know) at all. We are related to monkeys, but only by Order (we are in different families.) Evolution doesn't jump through hoops and turn trees into fish. When it comes to macro evolution, everything evolved from a very specific order starting with the most basic of organism that expanded outward into other organisms.

I stand by Creationism with God as the Intelligent Designer.  There had to have been a cause for the Creation and there are too many varieties of things, that had to have a mastermind behind that.  One most basic of organism expanding outward into all other different types of things without a designer doesn't get my support, personally.


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2013, 08:15:36 pm »
There is great power in prayer it help a lot in your life. :heart:


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2013, 09:09:25 pm »
Prayer is a very powerful thing.  Personally as I have walked through this life, God has helped me over and over again.  From the littlest of things to the largest ones, He has heard my prayers.  I am so thankful for His forgiveness and love!!!  
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 09:14:15 pm by tbosworth1 »


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2013, 10:12:07 pm »
 :angel12: :angel12: :cat: I loved that long letter about god. Nice... made me feel happy inside, im glad im not alone in my beliefs.. thank you yall :angel12: :cat:.


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2013, 05:39:08 am »
I am living proof of the power of prayer and miracles.  The Lord has brought me through some very amazing conditions when no one else thought could happen.  I rely on him for every step I take for guidance and protection.

Side note:  I have read in some comments that some certain person(s) are no longer on here.  I have been away from this site for a while because I just couldn't deal with the drastic negativity (prompted by demons, I believe).  I decided to come back because I really miss the community (other than them).  I hadn't seen any post and had thought, hummm, maybe the Lord is directing me again!
Have a wonderful day!


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2013, 05:48:45 am »
I am also glad he is gone. He or she was just mean to about everyone, but especially Christians. The weird thing is that person was constantly posting mean messages. I was wondering if he even had a job or a life at all. Not to be rude about it, but thats what it seemed like. He was like why doesnt tuscarorarain respond to all my messages. I was like because I have too much stuff going on to be online all day. lol.
I guess I am glad I missed it. We do have the freedom to choose religion and their is 1 supreme being in each one of them. Prayer is powerful and so is Faith. I have seen first hand what the results are. I am sure that each of us has a story to tell about how they were saved from impending doom in some way. Guardian Angels! God be with us All!


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2013, 09:05:08 am »
words cannot express how powerful prayer is. I am a walking testamony of the power of prayer. God is good.


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2013, 09:56:46 am »
I stand by Creationism with God as the Intelligent Designer.

Creationism has already been disproven multiple times by others and I on this forum with multitudes of evidence readily available. I'm aware you like to stick with narrow/cherry-picked creationist sources, so you can believe whatever you wish to believe. Just let it be known that reality says otherwise on what the facts are.

I have read in some comments that some certain person(s) are no longer on here.  I have been away from this site for a while because I just couldn't deal with the drastic negativity (prompted by demons, I believe).  I decided to come back because I really miss the community (other than them).  I hadn't seen any post and had thought, hummm, maybe the Lord is directing me again!

Did it ever occur to you for a nanosecond that maybe you're back due to obvious other things? You even admitted that you missed the forum, so there's an obvious odd connection in your reasoning. It's like saying "I'm really hungry for a sandwich, therefore god is telling me I want a sandwich."

And...prompted by demons? Are you serious?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 10:02:50 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #39 on: March 06, 2013, 09:59:07 am »
I've been off for a few weeks, I assume I know who you are talking about, but I must have missed it, how do you know they left and why? 
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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #40 on: March 06, 2013, 01:31:25 pm »

I stand by Creationism with God as the Intelligent Designer.  There had to have been a cause for the Creation and there are too many varieties of things, that had to have a mastermind behind that.  One most basic of organism expanding outward into all other different types of things without a designer doesn't get my support, personally.

Just because something exist doesn't mean there is a creator. For us to assume a creator exist we have to have evidence to support that claim. The fact that something is complex, by itself, doesn't qualify as evidence that a all powerful being exist. There's no logical deduction involved in that argument. It basically boils down to:

The world appears complex.
Therefore an all power deity not only exist, but is the same deity described by this 2000 year old book that men claim came from god and no other possible explanation is right and my explanation is the right one only because I say so.

The jump from complexity to god is already a big one, but to then go beyond that and say that it has to be your god is just ridiculous This is also ignoring the obviously fallacy of your logic. Evolution isn't an idea based on complexity, it is an idea that is meant to explain complexity. We didn't come up with the theory by saying: Complexity, therefore evolution. Instead the argument is: Evolution, therefore complexity.

The idea of evolution came from the observations of things around us (much like your creationist conjecture) but the theory came from logical deductions based on evidence. We have biological evidence (such as DNA) that shows evolution happens, we have evidence of of natural selection (thanks to fossils and of the like) which shows that macro evolution happens, we have categorized the many species of this planet and organized them to show that evolution is a good explication for this complexity, and even after all of this we don't assume evolution is absolute truth since all theories are not set in stone. There's plenty of evidence out there, so much so that there are entire careers of thousands of scientist based on its study alone.


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2013, 11:39:48 am »

I stand by Creationism with God as the Intelligent Designer.  There had to have been a cause for the Creation and there are too many varieties of things, that had to have a mastermind behind that.  One most basic of organism expanding outward into all other different types of things without a designer doesn't get my support, personally.

Just because something exist doesn't mean there is a creator. For us to assume a creator exist we have to have evidence to support that claim. The fact that something is complex, by itself, doesn't qualify as evidence that a all powerful being exist. There's no logical deduction involved in that argument. It basically boils down to:

The world appears complex.
Therefore an all power deity not only exist, but is the same deity described by this 2000 year old book that men claim came from god and no other possible explanation is right and my explanation is the right one only because I say so.

The jump from complexity to god is already a big one, but to then go beyond that and say that it has to be your god is just ridiculous This is also ignoring the obviously fallacy of your logic. Evolution isn't an idea based on complexity, it is an idea that is meant to explain complexity. We didn't come up with the theory by saying: Complexity, therefore evolution. Instead the argument is: Evolution, therefore complexity.

The idea of evolution came from the observations of things around us (much like your creationist conjecture) but the theory came from logical deductions based on evidence. We have biological evidence (such as DNA) that shows evolution happens, we have evidence of of natural selection (thanks to fossils and of the like) which shows that macro evolution happens, we have categorized the many species of this planet and organized them to show that evolution is a good explication for this complexity, and even after all of this we don't assume evolution is absolute truth since all theories are not set in stone. There's plenty of evidence out there, so much so that there are entire careers of thousands of scientist based on its study alone.
Think what you wish.  I know what I believe, have learned, and know - and will think what I wish.


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2013, 11:48:42 am »
I stand by Creationism with God as the Intelligent Designer.

Creationism has already been disproven multiple times by others and I on this forum with multitudes of evidence readily available. I'm aware you like to stick with narrow/cherry-picked creationist sources, so you can believe whatever you wish to believe. Just let it be known that reality says otherwise on what the facts are. 

It has not been disproven, no matter how many multiple times you and others have attempted to do so.  Call it "narrow/cherry-picked" or whatever you want to call it.  Evolution has not completely been proven either - as is still a theory.  Just let it be known, too, that reality will completely shock some people when the end of time as we know it, comes.  Think what you wish - I'm sticking with mine, thank you.

Also, it may be a good idea to include the names of the people you are quoting.  Some people never notice when you respond, because their name isn't included at the top part of it.


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2013, 07:39:38 pm »
It has not been disproven, no matter how many multiple times you and others have attempted to do so.

Neither has Santa Clause. Nobody can disprove a myth, but when you speak about it on realistic grounds, it can be cast aside due to the absurdities (that is if the debate is based upon reasonable criteria). Creationists value those absurdities and preach them to be truth, but the 'facts' fail to hold up and thus have been disproven through basic evidences of the contrary. The Santa Clause example is the exact same logical pathway you're using to defend creationism and push reality to the side. Proof-

Think what you wish.  I know what I believe, have learned, and know - and will think what I wish.

 Evolution has not completely been proven either - as is still a theory.

Just like gravity. Granted tomorrow we could find out that invisible aliens control the course of evolution and hide their tracings, the fact is that it exists and it has been observed countless times. Millions of scientists -all of which are rigidly trying to disprove scientific theories in order to explore and open different realms of science- agree that evolution occurs and have dramatically refined the science in the last century. Creationism lacks that foundation (primarily a refusal to change despite the mythological claims) and therefore cannot be placed on the same level as evolution. Mythology (creationism or ID specifically) is not biological/physical science, and also is not a theory because there is 0 testable data for it's existence.

Just let it be known, too, that reality will completely shock some people when the end of time as we know it, comes.  Think what you wish - I'm sticking with mine, thank you.

"Just let it be known, too, that reality will completely shock some people when Santa Clause drops down your chimney and gives you coal. Think what you wish - I'm sticking with mine, thank you."
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 12:01:28 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: power of prayer
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2013, 07:55:50 pm »
F9 kicked the bucket and  was reincarnated  as Flackle. That would be some come uppance ;D

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