As a supporter of Native Americans Against Obama I call to rememberence the tradgety of Little Light Rain (Ta'Shon.) She was a powwow dancer of eight years old. Obama took funds for the Native American clinics and hospitals. The hospitals where told to lie to patients because they could not afford to pay for them. The saying is, "don't get sick past the date when the federal dollars run out." The money taken from the clinics where given to killers and rap convicts in the prisons for food and care. The money was taken from the innocent and given to the guilty. Little Light came to the clinic young when her hair was fallen out. The staff told her family she was just depressed. As she got older she continued to go just for them to send her away. Then her lungs collapsed and she was sent to Denver Children Hospital. It was there they discovered she had cancer, but she still passed away. I wonder if she was under the age of accountibility for salvation. I wonder about her salvation. Whether she was saved or not. She was so sweet and so special. The Lakotas greive for her. Obama did this when he broke Native treaty that said that all Native Americans get free health care on reservations. If you vote for him I challenege you to go to youtube and search for Little Light Rain Native Americans Against Obama. See the video of her in powow cloths and when she was happy and then when she suffered. I hope this encourages you not to vote for Barock Obama.