I agree that sometimes it would be nice to be able to cash out at a lower amount. We've had the misfortune of spending roughly $500 in emergency vet bills in the last 5 months. I got to the point where any sneeze from our kitten gave me small anxiety attacks. Add on top of that my husband's car breaking down, and we live in So Cal, so we got hit by a huge gas price hike last month. We started scrambling for any way to bring in any extra money and any way to cut expenses, so I really appreciate the difference a couple dollars can make.
However, I can tell you that FC has one of the lowest if not the absolute lowest cash out limits out there. I know inbox dollars requires $30 (the next lowest I've seen), and they charge you $3 every time you cash out, and it's harder to earn money. I just found FC a little over a month ago and am well on my way to cashing out this month. On the other hand, I've been a member of inbox dollars for a few years, and I'm only getting ready to cash out for the 2nd time from them because it's so hard to earn money. For FC, I highly recommend the tasks. I sit and do the tasks searching for info on websites while I watch TV. Why not earn a little money while vegging out?
Just a little insight, though, on why cash out limits are generally set where they are. While paypal is generally free for us, companies who use them generally have to pay for their services. That's one of the ways companies like paypal, credit card companies, and banks make their money. Tired of the ridiculous fees some banks charge? Chances are, if you're working, your employer is paying more. That's why most people get paid every other week instead of every week. Every time you get a paycheck, your employer is paying for the process to pay you, not just for your paycheck. In fact, if it hadn't been shown that many people struggle so hard to budget out over a greater length of time, most of us would probably only be getting paid once a month (yikes!). So if sites like FC had to pay out every time to every person who earned say, $5, they would be paying so much money in bank fees they would probably have to shut down, and none of us would be earning any money this way. So it's a bummer, but they don't set the limit just to make us work harder. They do it to make sure they can stay in business.
Keep your chin up and good luck!
Thanks for the input very informative. In country's like Japan people get paid once per month. It works better for them there. A big area that it works in is savings, they save a great deal more then we do. You have to, if you get paid and than have to wait another thirty days for a check, you have to learn to budget and save. Instead of country's like ours where you get a check 52 or 26 times per year. Companies would love to pay us twelve times per year, but there are laws against it unless you are in management.
I do know of one survey company that pays you anytime you want. That is one reason I do surveys. The story behind the story. I learned most of what I know from reading the FusionCash forum post. But I tried it, after starting FusionCash with "that" company. I did a survey sent the payment to PayPal and then my online bank. Viola, the whole process worked. I stopped doing surveys with them because I hardly ever qualify, I only did that one time. Plus they seem to require a lot for so little pay, maybe that is how they can afford to pay each time. The person taking the survey takes less money, from which the payment costs are removed. And they can afford to pay you each time.
To your point FusionCash does have one of the lowest cashout limits. Funny thing is it is not $25 for your first cashout. It is only $20, (they give you a $5 bonus remember) people who have never had a cashout fail to see that. If you do the correct forum post your can cashout in with about two months of post. Your $5 bonus and $6 from your two months of posts. Your first cashout your really only have to work hard for the $15. Unless you can't follow instructions or write very poorly. Your next check will come more slowly, unless you start to learn how to get referrals. Even so it can happen in three months, if you post your first months payment. So $1 post payment bonus and post written to the forum for three months or $9 is $10. So back to you having to do $15 worth of work. To cashout four times per year on FusionCash is easy as checking your email every day. (Of course you have to do more.)