I have a suggestion for improving the site. How about adding a downline? What I mean is the if you get 1 referral and that 1 referral gets a referral, you earn what the first referral gets as usual, but then you also earn some percentage of the first referral's referral and so on.
For example, let's say the first referral cashes out - you then earn $5.00. The first person's referral then also cashes out some time after. You then would earn perhaps half of $5.00 or $2.50 and so on and so on.
Your so called downline is the group of referrals you have gotten to follow you on FushioCash. Personally I want to master FushionCash and use the money I make here to fund bigger projects. My fist cashout is still pending; however, now I can use my banner and those of others to attract some referrals. Having been in many MLM or networkmarketing companies I know they can be a good thing. The first one I joined was just to get a "powder" to enhance my fitness for martial arts and I sold the product as well. Now one thing I had to do in many of those "programs" was to maintains a quota to keep getting my top payouts. I took my limited knowledge to the companies that paid the most, first selling real estate products, health insurance, life insurance and mutual funds all part time. Later in life in 2004 to be exact I did MLM/networkmarketing full time, until a series of events including an auto accident stopped me for a moment. Now during all this time I found out
some people wanted to join and built just enough so that others would provide a paycheck for them that was okay, but it seemed to me they should learn the ropes first. Then they could go out and teach some others. Also like my martial arts students, my father was living in asian before I was born, we learned from the day we could listen ans repeat. But some people come to the gym and in less then a month start saying "this would work better if..." I love you ideas but it might not be good for FusionCash. One way you could make some more money is add more comments to the forum. That would help you cashout bigger and more often. Good Luck