Yeah...i observe Timothy McVeyes birthday every year.Hes my hero.
You seriously think 1 bad apple --one which had some problems before they joined the military-- equates to demonizing the entire military?
While you all praise it.
No force is perfect. There will always be unjust actions and rotten apples in every part of our culture. I highly recommend you look into the Crusades though.
The US army turned this evil monster into a terrorist...NOT idiot!!
Since we're talking terrorism and your needless urge of putting your insulting cult beliefs in this thread, you are aware that the terrorists who smashed the planes into the WTC zealously worshipped the same god as you, correct?
Their god, Allah, is still through Old Testament Law. They do not accept Christ as Savior, nor do they accept the Hebrews. They call Jesus a teacher and a prophet. They also worship Abraham as father, and their views are also based on the illegitimate child (Ismael) born from Sarah's handmaiden, Hagar. This was suggested by Sarah since she and Abraham weren't able to bear children at that point. Afterwards, they (Abraham and Sarah) had Isaac, which is the lineage believers support, because of the Covenant between God and Abraham, which ultimately led to the New Testament Law, with Jesus Christ.
So, even though people say those terrorists worship the same God, they aren't really worshiping God because they refuse to acknowledge Christ as Savior, and Christ is the only way to get to God. Plus they are still living the Old Testament Law, which includes the ugliness and wickedness, that were wiped out through Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection.
For a Christian, in order to worship God the Father, we go through Jesus Christ, His Son, who died on that cross for all sin, and He is now our mediator to God. When the death, burial, and resurrection happened, we merged into the New Law, or new Testament teachings.