The religious topics are allowed in the first place, which means anyone can start a topic of interest regarding whatever they choose to make the topic.
Just because they're allowed doesn't mean they cannot be opposed. You still don't get to suppress opposing posts.
Which means nothing is instigated deliberately as you continue to accuse them of.
Are you suggesting that xtians are 'accidentally' posting religious propaganda because they aren't bright enough to realize that it is proselytiing or, they their blind faith dictates that they don't consider proselytiing to be proselyting?
You are going in circles ...
Illogical religious beliefs cause that sort of thing. The best that reasoning can do in the face of such blind religious irrationality is to point out teh circularity of blind faith and trust that those who still retain the ability to reason will come to their own conclusions.
"JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE ALLOWED DOESN'T"T MEAN THEY CANNOT BE OPPOSED." Falcon9 - you are slipping badly. I agree with that - I have said that several times. I SAID THAT IT DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE DELIBERATELY INSTIGATING PROBLEMS. Wow! Are you having reading comprehension issues tonight, or are you just deliberately goading with this because it's all you've got?
When you choose to "point out" what you said, it's only natural and expected for others to "point out" to you that they do not accept or agree with your reasoning. They may be willing to actually discuss things if you weren't acting like you are playing the role of GOD, and acting like you are the only correct one on this subject.
You act like they cannot choose to keep their choice of believing - so you provoke and mock. You don't believe our way - fine - your choice. In fact, no one is pointing out the yays or nays about your choice. But you can't leave it alone with giving courtesy to the believers. Sorry, sir, but it's not all about falcon9's way or the highway. Whether you like it or not, people choose their paths, and they aren't all going to agree with your path. You don't agree with others' paths, so it doesn't mean they must agree with yours.