Take a look around you at the natural world, the earth. Think about all the complex ecosystems, all the plant and animal life, all the microscopic organisms, many still waiting to be discovered. Look at how everything works together to make one harmonious whole (Except of course when man ruins the natural balance).
You fail to see that these things have
natural origins and
natural stages and do not point to any deity mustering them up. They are certainly not designed to be 100% functional either (humans too) considering things like junk dna. This is also a naive point of view of how the world works mixed with an emotional stance. You prefer to sit behind the glass and not see nature as it actually is-- something that could easily extinguish us (and almost has numerous times in the past and continues to do so). Ecosystems are constantly changing through the ages which extinguish plant and animal life continuously. Those microscopic organisms? They once killed off over 1/3 of the human species (Bubonic plague) and many are extremely dangerous to any life. And
scientifically mankind does not ruin the concept of the natural balance of things since we are part of the natural balance. Therefore anything we do, nature will remain intact and in time it will only bite us back unless we wise up.
Then think about how the earth is part of a vast universe, that is even more complex. how did it all start? How did so many differnet complex components all come together to form one earth, where everthing has its place and fits together so perfectly?
I'm certain you've never taken the law of probability into consideration. The elements to create worlds are spread all over the universe, and your definitionof 'perfect' really needs to be redefined. This planet's design is
far from perfect. Need I only say "tectonic plates" to disprove your claim. The universe seems to have it out for earth too considering things like the Tunguska event or how the Yucatan peninsula was formed.
Is it reasonable to suspect a higher Supreme Being that set everything in motion, and ordered everything perfectly, or does this look like the result of some sort of "big bang" that just happened to bring order out of chaos? How can all this have "evolved" from nothing?
If that is reasonable to you, then to not show ignorance you must also take into consideration that multiple gods did it (either another 1 other or many in a group), or metaphysical extra-dimensioinal beings did it, or aliens, or etc. These ideas MUST ABSOLUTELY be on the same level as your one-god concept or there's a major flaw with your beliefs. And not many scientists will state "we came from nothing". They just don't know what happened. There's no problem with saying "I don't know". Saying you do know without any form of evidence is arrogant. There is evidence of the big bang though, which is the background microwave radiation.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_microwave_background_radiationSo thus far there are no scientific facts in your argument. It has only been naive claims.