Okay then. I am offended by your belief in nothing ...
How can no belief be offensive if "nothing" contains no offensive content? It can't and your flippant remark is irrational.
... because it is teaching the public that it is acceptable to hate and speak hate to other groups ...
No, you're attempting to imput your own emotional reaction onto others. I don't specifically "hate" xtians or promote such "hatred". As I've always done, I oppose blind religious faith in any form and so so by challenging such. Your false characterization is simply a projection of your own frustrations at being unable to substantiate the numerous false religious claims made by religious adherents, including yourself.
I don't hold your "atheistic-type" views because of how they are intended to destroy those people who do believe in God...
No, rational opposition through logical reasoning is intended to refute the irrational non-reasoning of religious superstitions and does. Logic is not a 'neutron bomb' which is "intended to destroy" blind religious faith since there have always been those unable to question their own inherent irrational 'beliefs' despite rational refutations.
...and your views are very dangerous and judgmental to believers who want to discuss their interests like anyone else does with other topics.
How is opposing dissention "very dangerous" to religious believers? Are you implying that their blind faith cannot withstand such challenges without wrapping themselves even more tightly with blind faith so as to be completely unable to *see* reason? Wow. As far as being judgemental goes; I've never claimed otherwise and in fact, have admitted it as a regualr practice since I'm not a sanctimnious religious adherent who
judges while trying to admonish others for doing so.
Your views are also trying to hinder others from speaking of their inspirational verses and quotes, which is actually trying to squelch the Constitutional freedom of religion (or no religion,) speech, and expression.
That's utterly false. I've reiterated several times that those choosing to propagndize religious superstitions have the same option as those who choose to oppose such in response have to do so. The only attempts at 'squelching' dissenting viewpoints have come from
you and a few other religious zealots, not from the opposition. That's very revealing in and of itself.
That's exactly like telling you religious zealots not to open threads containing dissenting viewpoints. FC moderators have advised those who don't want to read something to use the 'ignore' button. Religious zealots do not get to determine which threads other FC members "open", read or reply to. Though your repetitive attempts to shift "blame" were tedious when you'd first begun such disingenuous tactics, it remains that xtians
started the offensive threads promoting superstitious religious beliefs, (which
are initially offensive to reason).
If you are so bothered by believers and their threads, then perhaps you should either find a forum ...
Coincidentally, I'd considered 'suggesting' that there are an enormous number of other venues where you religious zealots are 'free' to compete to determine who is the most blinded by empty faith - and many of these are moderated by repressively-censoring fundie zealots who censor any opposing points of view. Sounds perfect for some of you xtians.
People are leery of reporting you because of responses that come out of it, but you have crossed the boundary line, IN MY OPINION, with the "golden rule."
Those submitting false reports, (claiming subjective crap that appears only to the faith-blinded and does not violate FC policies or TOS), would do well to be "leery" of lying to the moderators when the same posts can be read by the moderators.
Then you have the nerve to get mad because someone posts a thread with your name in it (like the prayer one.) I know we are not to call out people, under certain guidelines.
The FC guideline policy in that regard is 'no calling-out threads', as specified by the FC moderators, not me. Those threads you refer to violate that FC policy because they
are calling-out another FC member by 'nym/name to flame them. I trust FC staff to deal with such violations as they see fit.