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Topic: What do you believe?.....  (Read 3534 times)


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What do you believe?.....
« on: April 14, 2009, 03:38:07 pm »
Now my theory comes from my phobia forum.So back to the subject.If man has not yet created a device to reach the bottom of the ocean.Who's to say that there's nothing at the bottom?I mean there were dinosaurs that lived in the water.Do you think that they all died off.I don't.I think i some form or fashion they still exist.Tell me an alligator or crocodile doesn't look like the cousin of a dinosaur.And if there are things in the water that can eat a shark then what eats the blue whale?You can't tell me that he lives a chill,laid back,no worries in the world type of life.Who haunts him?Do you know how big he is?And yes,if man can't create a device to withstand the pressure of the water to make it down to the bottom of the ocean,how can you tell me that there's nothing there?And if man can't create a device to reach the bottom then how deep is the ocean?How big of a creature can fit down there?And is it big enough to surface and cause a tsunami?

They say man doesn't even really know what causes tsunami's.They sayit's because of the way we treat our enviroment and it's our fault.And it might be.When man goes out there disturbing things and altering the cycle of life.For example,when man goes out there killing off part of a food chain,what are the others suppose to eat?I mean sharks come to shore to feed because they're hungry.They wouldn't be hungry if we didn't disturb their food chain.And it saying that,it causes them to find food else where.And if it altered their food chain like that then don't you think in a way that we could have waken something and made it surface to feed because of the lack of food?Something to think about.What doyou think? :dontknow: ::)


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 05:04:42 pm »
Deep cold waters hide giants, they've been filmed photographed and occasionally dead ones wash ashore. These giants can withstand the extreme pressure deep at the bottom of the ocean, but they can not easily surface because as they come up, the pressure changes drastically.  It's the same reason why deep sea divers have to take their time coming up to aviod the bends.  Google "giant squid".

Tsunami's are caused by plate shifts deep under the ocean.  The Earth is not absolutely solid.  It's made up of "plates" which lock loosely together, but they are floating on a molten core so they are constantly shifting.  Exactly like Earthquake fault lines. Google Pacific Ring of Fire.

So it's not so much that we might wake Cloverfield up, it's that deep sea oil drilling may create empty pockets that collapse under the pressure, water would rush in and *if* that pocket is big enough, a Tsunami could be the result.

But that would have to be one Hell of a pocket.


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2009, 08:57:14 pm »
I'm not always one for scientific explanations, but in this case, I have to agree about the tsunamis. They are cause much in the way that earth quakes are. The shifting of plates. As far as the ocean goes, maybe there's a reason we can't get to the bottom. If we could, we would discover a ton of things I'm sure, but on the same hand, yes there were dinosaurs and if we could get to the very bottom, we may even find atlantis or something no one had thought to look for. It's hard to tell.


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2009, 08:12:08 am »
People only speculate what they think causes tsunamis.Now think of it like this,a little more in depth.What if we had something big enough to cause the earthquakes and cause the plates to shift.Some people live off of strictly science facts but science alot of the times is only thesis and theories.But if you were a person who believes in things that are not seen than you would have an idea of what I'm speaking about.I believe in God but has any one seen him?No but we know in our hearts that he does exist.Sometimes you have to think that there are things out there that we don't know about.Maybe scientist or the government has found things that we think don't exist but tends to hide it from the population because people are or will never be able to handle the truth.You know the saying that some things are better left not talked about?Well same scenerio.They only tell people what they want to hear and it's been like that for a long time.There's nothing new under the sun.I'm not a very scientific person but only brought this topic to the forumto see how deep people thoughts could really go.


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2009, 11:46:51 am »
Every unproven idea is just a theory.  Even the ones you speculate on in this thread.
We know what causes earthquakes and tsunamis, it's *PROVEN* scientific fact.
Black Holes are scientific theory.

You want to see how deep people are, ask them the meaning of life.


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2009, 12:19:51 pm »
I believe 50#s of flour can make a Big Biscuit.


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2009, 12:51:13 pm »
You get gravy with that?


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2009, 01:50:29 pm »
People only speculate what they think causes tsunamis.Now think of it like this,a little more in depth.What if we had something big enough to cause the earthquakes and cause the plates to shift.Some people live off of strictly science facts but science alot of the times is only thesis and theories.But if you were a person who believes in things that are not seen than you would have an idea of what I'm speaking about.I believe in God but has any one seen him?No but we know in our hearts that he does exist.Sometimes you have to think that there are things out there that we don't know about.Maybe scientist or the government has found things that we think don't exist but tends to hide it from the population because people are or will never be able to handle the truth.You know the saying that some things are better left not talked about?Well same scenerio.They only tell people what they want to hear and it's been like that for a long time.There's nothing new under the sun.I'm not a very scientific person but only brought this topic to the forumto see how deep people thoughts could really go.

Science isn't "only thesis and theory" in the everyday sense of the words...I suggest you go look up and research what exactly a scientific theory is and what it takes to reach that level in the field.

It's not just some random guess that seems reasonable.  It's logically and rationally sound.  It is based upon years of research, constant experimentation, mathematics, physics, attempts at proving it wrong (if any aspect of a theory is proven to be incorrect, that part of the theory or the whole theory is thrown out and/or reworked), etc.

It's hardly "just speculation."  We do not speculate what causes is plain fact that tsunamis are caused by movements of the plates causing earthquakes and sending forces that cause gigantic waves.  Are you telling me that decades of observation, testing, and mathematics is "just speculation" and probably is incorrect?  Come on =/

There are many things we don't know about.  That doesn't mean we're incapable of knowing them.  And your assertion that "God exists because you can feel it in your heart" is ridiculous.  How is one possibly going to assert that the cause of tsunamis is "just speculation" after years of scientific observation, yet the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, invisible being that has absolutely never shown any proof of its own existence is pure fact?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2009, 01:53:17 pm by liljp617 »


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2009, 02:34:48 pm »
Sometimes scientific explanations are not always the answer to a question. For instance early scientists didn't believe that the lochness monster existed, but it does. If anyone knows anything about science they would know that actual science changes everyday which means that previous scientific explanations can be proven wrong. Science starts off as an idea and until someone goes out there physically and actually prove otherwise why not have an open mind to it. Fact deals with calculations, observations, and experimentations that can be proven wrong while truth is what it is.
And believing that God is in our heart is not ridiculous.That becomes a spiritual topic.But my whole point is facts are things that can always be proven wrong and truth on the other hand is what it is and can not be changed.


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2009, 04:02:21 pm »
 :wave: This is getting deep but you all aroused my curiosity--where did they find the Titanic?


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2009, 06:08:24 pm »
I believe that, while science is good at what it does, it will not be able to understand everything and somethings are just phenomenons and will forever remain unsolved.


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2009, 07:17:57 pm »
:wave: This is getting deep but you all aroused my curiosity--where did they find the Titanic?

1000 miles due east of Boston, Massachusetts, and 375 miles southeast of St. John's, Newfoundland.

I don't understand the point of the question?  The Titanic (in separate pieces) was found a ways away from its last distress call after it hit the iceberg and was beginning to sink.


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2009, 07:28:47 pm »
Sometimes scientific explanations are not always the answer to a question. For instance early scientists didn't believe that the lochness monster existed, but it does. If anyone knows anything about science they would know that actual science changes everyday which means that previous scientific explanations can be proven wrong. Science starts off as an idea and until someone goes out there physically and actually prove otherwise why not have an open mind to it. Fact deals with calculations, observations, and experimentations that can be proven wrong while truth is what it is.
And believing that God is in our heart is not ridiculous.That becomes a spiritual topic.But my whole point is facts are things that can always be proven wrong and truth on the other hand is what it is and can not be changed.

No, there is not a single bit of current day, legitimate science that claims the Loch Ness Monster exists.  I don't really know where you get your information.  The scientific community by and large holds the idea of the Loch Ness Monster as a modern-day myth consisting of hoaxes and hopeful thinking.  The evidence supporting such a being's existence is entirely anecdotal with minimal photos and sonar readings that really prove nothing.

Nobody claims science is infallible; it can clearly be incorrect, which is the entire point of testing and experimenting a topic/subject.  Science is not afraid to be incorrect.  The entire point of developing a hypothesis is to test variables to see how that hypothesis is wrong, not how it is right.  The entire point of having a theory is to test and observe different variables to see how the theory can be proven wrong. 

There is nothing infallible in this world, it's pointless to use infallibility or lack there of as your argument.  How do you know with 100% certainty that your head is there?  You don't, but let's be a little bit reasonable please.

The issue that you brought up about God in your earlier post was not an issue with the belief itself.  The issue was you started that post by asserting "our understanding of the cause of tsunamis is all based on pure speculation and science and could very well be incorrect."  Then you went on to say that "God definitely exists because "we" know it in our hearts.""

Can you not see the contradiction there?


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2009, 10:14:40 am »
:wave: This is getting deep but you all aroused my curiosity--where did they find the Titanic?

1000 miles due east of Boston, Massachusetts, and 375 miles southeast of St. John's, Newfoundland.

I don't understand the point of the question?  The Titanic (in separate pieces) was found a ways away from its last distress call after it hit the iceberg and was beginning to sink.

The OP claims science has  never been able to get us to the bottom of the ocean.   But where was the Titanic found?

The bottom of the ocean.


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Re: What do you believe?.....
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2009, 11:44:06 am »

Well, in all fairness, the bottom of the ocean obviously isn't just one flat surface.  Many parts, as it goes without saying, are WAY deeper than others and there are a number of places where we have not reached the sea floor.

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