Here are some free and easy ways I use to get referrals.
Signature lines
Join online forums and include your url in
the signature line. Add your signature to your email. Send
funny jokes, short interesting stories, recipes etc. People will
forward your email(with your signature) and you might get
referrals that way.
Traffic exchanges
To get more traffic get the url on everything
(business cards, signatures, traffic exchanges, etc)
Visit other peoples blogs and leave comments. I personally
don't like to blatantly advertise my urls when
I leave comments.
If I come across a blog I like
I'll just write something like "nice blog" or "nice pics"
Usually the person will click my name which takes
them to check out my blog. I have gotten sign ups that way.
I only use blogger so I don't know how other blog platforms work.
Advertising with PTR/PTC Sites
Paid to read (PTR) or Paid to click (PTC) sites are cheap ways
of advertising to hundreds or even thousands of people. I used
to do a lot of PTR and PTC sites for the money (which isn't
much) but now I am focusing on using them for advertising. I do
just enough to buy advertising.
Business Cards
If you go to VistaPrint you can get 250 for FREE! I remember
only paying a small shipping fee something like $5. Add your
url and pass them out. Put them in the jars you see at some
businesses especially restaurants that have a business card
raffle. Use them as book marks in library books.
Free Classifieds
Here are some free places to put in ads.
Craigslist everyone knows about. Just be careful
with trying to place the same exact add in different
places because it will get rejected.
Change up some words or the title and it will work. is less strict than Craigslist.
Classifiedsforfree is another site.
There's lots more free classified sites just do a search
and you'll find them.
Free Websites
These sites let you build webpages for free. You don't
need to know html it's WYSIWYG so you just have to pick a
template and type in your information. It's better to have your
own website instead of just a referral link because you can
include what you want on your website.
Some of the free sites I've used are Freewebs, Weebly and Google
Search Engine Submissions
Don't forget to submit your referral link or website to all the
major search engines. Most of them are free. There are some
directories where you pay to have submissions done. I haven't
used them so I don't know how effective it is.
Social Networking Sites
Some sites have rules about advertising so don't blatantly
break the rules but if you have friends who you think would like
to make some extra money (who doesn't), just shoot them a
message and tell them about a site. If rules allow you can add
a banner to your page.