Falcon2.A&E were created perfect.They were warned of dis-obeying.God said they would die.Eve told the serpent,we mustnt eat from the tree of knowledge cos God said we would die".She understood what that meant.She understood death.Satan deceived her and her heart dwelled that Satan made it sound like God was holding something better back.She didnt trust in Jehovah after God had provided them life and every good thing.Adam followed by not being deceived but by loving Eve more then God.
Perfection- entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings You contradict yourself in the first 2 sentences-- a perfect individual wouldn't need warnings.
They're perfect. If the girl was stupid enough to follow a talking disney serpent, she was majorly flawed on so many levels. Besides, this story is just the first of several mysogynistic tales you preach. You seriously don't see one problem preaching this?
If you have a child and you warn him dont play with matches and the child burns himself should you be blamed for that?
YES! I'M THE PARENT. It is my responsibility to keep the kid out of harms way even if he/she's about to go out of their way to do something very stupid. What kind of idiotic parental figure would have matches in reach of a child? Why would they put them in reach in the first place? Only a malevolent parent would do such a thing! Are you seeing the flaws yet, or are you still playing the deluded card where 'my god has no flaws'?
A&E were not sinners until they dis-obeyed.There was no excuse for them to sin.They let their desire for independence allow them to commit a sin <means to miss the mark of Gods standards>.Again God had warned them like you warned your child NOT to play with fire.They rejected Jehovah as ruler and all the good He had given them.
According to your bible, A+E
did not have the knowledge of right or wrong until
after the disobedience so I fail to see how that's not a valid excuse.
The example i meant by saying thank you at eating dinner was to point out just how thank-less the human race is in many ways.We are all guilty of sin because we inherited it from A&E but there is a difference between making an honest mistake and living & enjoying sin.
Everyone usually thanks the people who prepare and/or serve the food, so I don't understand where you're coming from.
You and your followers inherit this 'sin' willingly and waste your time subscribing to ancient guilt-tripping ideas. Others who think differently do not. Praying to an invisible metaphysical being with no proof of it's existence before you eat your hamburger is pointless unless you can display proof of your god. I demand proof, or your entire argument and mythology is fallible from the get-go and you cannot be taken seriously.
so you are gonna wait until man-made governments finally get it right?
When did I say that? Again, you're completely out of touch with the world. There will never be a perfect government, but it's always important to strive for it. It causes governments to evolve. The thing about perfection is that it's unknowable. It's impossible, but it's also right in front of us all the time. You wouldn't know that because you're out-of-touch with the idea
of perfection. You think it's attainable because you put that quality on your invisible friend and your ancient mythology like it's attainable. And that's why it's wasted on beings like yourself- leeching off of people striving to make things better while promoting ancient hogwash that you can't even prove really happened. It's a parasitic strategy and bogs progress overall.
And maybe you are gonna be patient too that man will find the fountain of youth and cure dying.
You are blind to what is going on in this world.
And yet here I am schooling you on basic moral principles, science, and history lessons. For the 50th time now, you've failed to make a legitimate point. Scientists are constantly researching life extension methods. Who knows? By 2040 we may have a technological method of keeping people alive forever. We've already been successful in erradicating diseases, removing birth-defects, extending life 3-4 times of what it was a millenia ago, getting off of this planet, searching the stars, and communicating with people around the world in mere seconds. I'd say we have a fair chance of figuring out the 'death-cure' in the future. Granted more problems can stem from these achievements, you're telling me I'm blind for not being pessimistic and depressing like yourself-- that I should push all of it aside in favor of what some ancient gullibles wrote thousands of years ago that you can't even prove are legitimate stories. Who's blind? Let me add to that- who's deaf and dumb?
You & others here remind me of a child when they are mad at their parents and they yell back at them,I didnt ask to be born
Huh? How? I enjoy life! I'm flying out to California in 2 weeks with my brother and a friend of ours from Germany! It's a big world out there worth exploring! I'm free of any shackles the religious debbie-downers like yourself needlessly try to latch onto people. Perhaps you should ask yourself if you asked to be shackled to a off-shoot religion born from false prophets who tell you to not partake in many qualities this awesome world has to offer.