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Topic: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?  (Read 7310 times)


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2012, 11:40:30 am »
YOU PEOPLE ARE NUTS OBAMA. In the beginning I liked Obama. He had turned out to be a no good #@##. Obama is not for the people he promotes racial hatred. He has an agenda which he is following and it doesn't benefit the people only a select few. He is putting the economy in dire straits. I did my own research a few weeks ago and do you know that he had added to the deficit more that double in his nearly four years than Clinton and Bush did in their combined 16 years. You can say its the war but we've been at was since the twin towers fell. The truth is Obama is a fraud he is not an American citizen he professes to be christian. He is Muslim he has said it on the air if you don't believe me find it on YouTube. Another thing he has said on air was the the Russian president "I can do more for you when I am re elected" also on YouTube. His own grandmother said he was born in Kenya. The constitution states that to be president both parents must be citizens. Even if Obama could prove he is a citizen there is proof his father was not. (look it up). On the racist issue someone commented how can he (Ron Paul) be racist. The definition of racist is not liking another race it doesn't matter what color you are to be racist. People assume that being a racist means your white and don't like another race. I am racist and I am not afraid to admit it. But what I am racist against is racism. For example where I live recently they announced a black families weekend. Which is fine to be proud of who you are and celebrate it. But if the city were to announce a white families weekend what do you think would happen or if a scholarship was for whites only. Whites are often claimed to be racist but it is the races that are racist. There are scholarships for just males or females some for just Hispanic and some for just blacks (THIS IS RACIST). Well Ill get off my high horse now. VOTE FOR ROMNEY!!!!!
Never give up!!!


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2012, 03:32:57 am »
What are your specific, (not generalized), sources?  A refutation derives from this source:

 For the record, I agree with the balanced refutations. I think most of the fuss,l even if it is true, is way overdue and uncorrectable. Some pages--with a caveat. I personally do not believe he was born in Kenya, or Indonesia-- though I do note his parents were not legally married, according to the wiki entry on Obama Sr.-- who abandoned a pregnant wife and toddler in Kenya.

“My parents shared not only an improbable love,” said Obama famously in his 2004 Democratic Convention keynote, “they shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation.” This concept of multicultural romance shaped his persona and his campaigns.

According to his own books, he saw little of his father, his parents lived apart, and they divorced (though not legally married) when he was 2.

99% of what is said about him is exaggerated or out of context, but his own autobiographies speak for himself-- and they make for disturbing reading.

 I find it curious that a "clerical error" in an author's bio would remain for over a decade-- Authors are notorious for correcting such things, especially when continuing to write. I also find it interesting that he characterized himself as an "indifferent student" at Occidental, yet still got scholarships to Columbia and Harvard. When I got my scholarship to Harvard, I was to 3% in the SATs (life, however, intervened). His college transcripts would no doubt be interesting. He also had a relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, a card carrying U.S. Communist.  If nothing else, he seems to have odd tastes in friends and organizations to work for. While no politician is by any means pristine (politics rarely attracts honorable, or honest, men) his taste in associates is at the least questionable, as are his policies. Many people believe that all his wild oats sowing in college-- drug use, drug dealing, going to Marxist and communist meetings, associating with black supremacists (I'm sorry, but his 20 year  preacher  said G-d DAMN America  I'm annoyed) were just being a rebellious angry young man-- I don't buy it.I have read everything he wrote-- I did as soon as he declared his candidacy. I also examined his voting record in his time in the senate-- which was quite thin. I do not believe the REAL Mr. Obama has changed his proverbial spots. He still has odd associates, and he is still very much in favor of pervasive government-- check out his story of the life of "Julia"

Everything Julia would receive through the benevolence of Obama and the all powerful government is already available in a free market, capitalist meritocracy. The reason these benefits are in danger now is Because our current level of entitlements is unsustainable.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2012, 01:59:32 pm »
I think Mitt Romney will. Obama has not really done much for this country but put us so in debt, that it will take mircle to get us out of it. He has given so much to other countries and not done much to support our country. Except extended the entitilements to 45 million people.and i am not talking about the seniors who worked and paid for their benifits. They did not get a cost of living for 2 years and now they got a small one (voting time) But their cost of Medicare went up and lost some medical services. Their medicare comes right out of their check. What does those on welfare pay? Just give me, give me.  Now Obama is going to take millions out of Medicare to pay for his pet project Health care. It is wrong wrong. (congress got a pay raise though. I hope he loses big time.       


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2012, 02:10:59 pm »
The peoples choice on election day!   :thumbsup:


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #19 on: September 02, 2012, 12:36:18 am »
YOU PEOPLE ARE NUTS OBAMA. In the beginning I liked Obama. He had turned out to be a no good #@##. Obama is not for the people he promotes racial hatred. He has an agenda which he is following and it doesn't benefit the people only a select few. He is putting the economy in dire straits. I did my own research a few weeks ago and do you know that he had added to the deficit more that double in his nearly four years than Clinton and Bush did in their combined 16 years. You can say its the war but we've been at was since the twin towers fell. The truth is Obama is a fraud he is not an American citizen he professes to be christian. He is Muslim he has said it on the air if you don't believe me find it on YouTube. Another thing he has said on air was the the Russian president "I can do more for you when I am re elected" also on YouTube. His own grandmother said he was born in Kenya. The constitution states that to be president both parents must be citizens. Even if Obama could prove he is a citizen there is proof his father was not. (look it up). On the racist issue someone commented how can he (Ron Paul) be racist. The definition of racist is not liking another race it doesn't matter what color you are to be racist. People assume that being a racist means your white and don't like another race. I am racist and I am not afraid to admit it. But what I am racist against is racism. For example where I live recently they announced a black families weekend. Which is fine to be proud of who you are and celebrate it. But if the city were to announce a white families weekend what do you think would happen or if a scholarship was for whites only. Whites are often claimed to be racist but it is the races that are racist. There are scholarships for just males or females some for just Hispanic and some for just blacks (THIS IS RACIST). Well Ill get off my high horse now. VOTE FOR ROMNEY!!!!!

Man you nailed all the Talking points! Nice you get a fox news A+


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #20 on: September 02, 2012, 04:55:24 am »
Did anyone see Romney's speech at the RNC? Does anyone here think he spoke well or that he failed to get his point across? And does anyone here think he gained anymore ground on Obama? I don't know, but at this point I'm really starting to think well be calling Mitt, President Romney on election night. Does anyone else think he's positioned to win now. Something in me is really feeling like Obama has lost more ground since the RNC, despite the Eastwood gaffe. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2012, 06:06:11 am »
I don't think the 1% and the corporations need any more government assistance than we, the taxpayers, already give them.  Unfortunately, both parties are practically slaves to lobbyists, so in the end it won't matter.  Until we get a party that has the *bleep* to stand up to all the corporate money in the system, nothing will change and this country will continue to spiral into the uncontrollable tailspin that it's already in.  It's so sad that the only choice we have is a lesser of two evils scenario.  I feel obama is the lesser of the two evils and hope that with his second term he can stop worrying about getting re-elected and try to fix things.  I think Romney will hand whats left of this country over to Wall Street, hell, he's practically made it clear that he plans on doing this.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #22 on: September 03, 2012, 07:24:11 am »
Obama's plan for America is a miserable failure. So, we have to give a new person, Mitt Romney a chance. Hopefully if he wins, he will keep his promises to the american people.

Really? Romney is proposing the same plans that got us into the mess in the first place. I'll choose a slow recovery over what we're recovering from any day. I really don't understand what world people live when when they make statements like this. Romney's biggest accomplishment is Romneycare and instead of running on it he runs away from simply because his party tells him to. That doesn't sound like someone that will keep his promises, it sounds like someone who will say anything to win and shrink in the face of pressure from his party. No thank you.

Obama is certainly not perfect but I can rattle off a list of promises that he's actually kept and point out how often he's pis.sed his own party off. I can't say the same for Romney.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 11:12:13 am by BJohnsonPP »


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2012, 12:02:58 pm »
Well, Ron Paul STILL has plenty of supporters and I think it was pretty skanky of the GOP to change the way the game is played (and don't kid yourself, it's a game, alright!) in the middle of an election term.  If they wanted to play fair, they would have stated those plans and waited 'til AFTER the election.  If I were Ron Paul, I'd be pissed off, too.

Since we're stuck with a two-party system and Romney is the GOP's nominee, I will vote for Romney.  Not because he's the best choice but, because he's the lesser of two evils.  Besides that, what other choice do we have?

Obama has a LOT to prove.  In 4 years, he's run this country into the ground.  Give him another 4 years and you can kiss ALL that is THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GOODBYE.  His goal is SOCIALISM and that just doesn't fit in with my Founding Father's principles, nor mine.  Think about it.  Obama's had 4 years and we still don't even have a budget, let alone more jobs, etc.  The only thing he's good for is playing golf, and golf doesn't interest me.  At least Romney's got a 5 point plan.

Obama keeps touting he's got a plan - but if it's like the Healthcare plan - "you gotta pass it before you know what's in it!," he can fuggedaboudit.  This joker has by-passed Congress on so many issues via his Executive Orders.  Czars????  Are you kidding me?  What is this, the USSR???

He's got no plans that will better the country and the state we're in.  His entire campaign is about smearing the other guy.  Why?  Because he's got NOTHING ELSE TO RUN ON.  He's got a lot of flash and talk, but he can't walk the walk.  Four years was enough for me (and I didn't vote for him).  I'm waiting for the day when they rush the WH and drag him out in cuffs, kicking and screaming! 


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #24 on: September 03, 2012, 12:24:50 pm »
BlackSheep, I was going to respond to your comment then I saw this:

Czars????  Are you kidding me?  What is this, the USSR???

This shows me that you just regurgitate nonsense you hear with zero knowledge of what you're talking about. A czar is just an advisor. You clearly think Obama started the appointment of czars  ::) .  It's not even an offical title. Czars started with FDR and every President, Republican and Democrat, has had them since.

I can see how your brain works:
See the name Obama: loading buzzwords... Socialism, Communism... loading... loading...
loading historical knowledge... searching... searching... file not found.
loading current knowledge... searching... searching.... Error.
Hear the word czar: loading reaction... Sounds Russian... OMG!

 ::) :BangHead:
« Last Edit: September 03, 2012, 12:28:57 pm by BJohnsonPP »


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2012, 07:50:55 pm »
Hey, BJ, don't get me wrong because my daughter-in-law's RUSSIAN but, yeah, "CZAR" is certainly a keyword.  Your President (because he ain't MINE!) wanted to "fundamentally change" the U.S.  He's well on his way, and if we dare give him another term, me and you won't be having conversations like these anymore.  :P


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2012, 05:43:00 am »
Hey, BJ, don't get me wrong because my daughter-in-law's RUSSIAN but, yeah, "CZAR" is certainly a keyword.  Your President (because he ain't MINE!) wanted to "fundamentally change" the U.S.  He's well on his way, and if we dare give him another term, me and you won't be having conversations like these anymore.  :P

Yes, Great Leader Obama will take away all you're rights to free speech if he's elected.  Do you really believe these ignorant statements you write?


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2012, 06:12:12 am »
Hey, BJ, don't get me wrong because my daughter-in-law's RUSSIAN but, yeah, "CZAR" is certainly a keyword. 

If you actually understand how the word is used in politics/journalism, which you clearly don't (which you noticeably didn't address), then no, it's not a key word at all. It's pretty meaningless term. It's used as a shortcut instead of using the full title of an advisors position. Kind of like Obamacare and Romneycare are short for the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" and "Massachusetts Health Care Insurance Reform" respectively.

So, if you clearly don't know what you're talking about, why is it that you keep talking?

Your President (because he ain't MINE!) wanted to "fundamentally change" the U.S.  He's well on his way, and if we dare give him another term, me and you won't be having conversations like these anymore.  :P

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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2012, 06:22:24 am »
 :-X  :bs: actually the president is just a figure head congress makes most of the decisions plus government and congress so crooked it doesnt really matter at this rate i could be the next president and things wont be the way people expect. these guys make promises they cant keep and sweep everything  under the rug every time. nothing will change that much. it may just get worse... :-[ but lets pray maybe ill be surprised this time


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2012, 04:17:03 pm »
Congress may make most of the decision if the President lets them but The president does have the right to veto and refuse to sign anything that congress tries to pass. Congress needs to be put back in their place like when Reagan was in office. Reagan would VETO if he felt it was not advantageous for the american people. He would not allow congress to do anything that would hurt the american people. 

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