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  • Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice? 5 1
Topic: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?  (Read 7315 times)


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I was wondering which candidate the fusion cash members thought would....

1. Be the best President overall?

2. Do the best job in restoring the economy? Keep in mind that Obama is touting his plan vs Romney at his website here: (Does anyone here have an opinion of how their plans would affect the economy?)

3. If you believe Romney will win do you think he will be a two term president?

I for one and still not sure who will win the race. It seems pretty close to me and it wouldn't surprise me if it went either way at this point. Also was there an article on USA Today as recently as July 23rd saying that Ron Paul hadn't stepped down from the race and still wouldn't endorse Mitt Romney. Did anyone think he would really win the presidency, revitalize the economy or get two terms?  ??? Paul had plenty of supporters, but it seemed like once Romney picked up steam that it was his down to him and Obama from the get go.

I'm looking forward to your answers. ;)

« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 06:07:30 pm by de3ik »


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2012, 07:13:15 pm »
I think Ron Paul would have been the best choice because he really does understand the Constitution and believes it should be followed.  He is a man of principle who has had the same message for 40 years and has not wavered from it.

But many people today seem to prefer a "free ride" paid for by Uncle Sam.  I think they will realize all to late that their  "free ride" wasn't so free after all. Jmho.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2012, 08:57:25 pm »
I think Ron Paul would have been the best choice because he really does understand the Constitution and believes it should be followed.  He is a man of principle who has had the same message for 40 years and has not wavered from it.

But many people today seem to prefer a "free ride" paid for by Uncle Sam.  I think they will realize all to late that their  "free ride" wasn't so free after all. Jmho.

Yep, that same racist message for 40 years.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2012, 09:15:33 pm »
If I had to choose I would go with Obama but neither candidate would make a good president.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2012, 09:50:19 pm »
I think Ron Paul would have been the best choice because he really does understand the Constitution and believes it should be followed.  He is a man of principle who has had the same message for 40 years and has not wavered from it.

But many people today seem to prefer a "free ride" paid for by Uncle Sam.  I think they will realize all to late that their  "free ride" wasn't so free after all. Jmho.

Yep, that same racist message for 40 years.

I too think that Ron Paul is the only guy running that truly understands what this country needs to get back on track. As for the "racist message" you refer to, how is it racist to be the only guy who wants to end the war on drugs that affects minorities way more than whites? How is he racist when he treated a mixed couple when others wouldn't? ( I know you're referring to the newsletters which admittedly he should have been a lot more careful in overseeing but he didn't write those passages that have been used to demonize him. Go ahead and vote for Romney or Obama cause they're so good and upstanding and so honest. Vote for whoever you feel is best and I'll feel for whoever I feel is best even if I have to write in Paul, but I'm not voting for "the lesser of 2 evils".


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2012, 01:02:25 pm »
Ron Paul  ;D


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2012, 02:33:34 pm »
God, but since I would have to choose someone who is on this earth right now OBAMA! :thumbsup:


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2012, 11:18:34 pm »
God, but since I would have to choose someone who is on this earth right now OBAMA! :thumbsup:

Plus, candidates must actually exist and be U.S. citizens, which disqualifies any supernatural hypotheticals.
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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2012, 09:48:19 am »
Do they ever think about how their plans will affect the economy? I believe that the candidates look at they have good ideas but never ask themselves if the ideas will be the solution to the problems.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2012, 09:50:46 am »
I am going for Obama.  Ron Paul has tried numerous times  but cannot even get his own party nomination, so he really doesn't stand any chance.   


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2012, 10:20:05 am »
I think Obama would be the best choice.  Every president need two terms to get things going.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2012, 06:26:30 pm »
Obama's plan for America is a miserable failure. So, we have to give a new person, Mitt Romney a chance. Hopefully if he wins, he will keep his promises to the american people.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2012, 06:47:08 pm »
I think Obama will win...Our 6yr old wrote a book report & letter to him back in Novemeber of last year and to our surprise President Obama responded and invited him to the White House. We are so proud of him. There's my Vote.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2012, 10:11:57 pm »

choice number 1: a rather lackluster governor of Massachusetts that has a rather solidly conservative voting record (barring his temporary insanity of mandatory health insurance in Mass.). A proven successful businessman, both before and after Bain Capital. A Young, healthy conservative vice president who is fiscally conservative, serves on the house budget committee, and actually reads legislation before voting. While good old Mitt may waffle (just as Clinton did, and quite a few other presidents and governors) at least he waffles consistently. And he supports our allies. He didn't tell Israel to wait until after the election to defend themselves. Nor did he tell the EEC not to dump Greece before our election because it would cause problems.  And if anyone read his history at Bain, he didn't kill that lady with cancer either. Quite the opposite-- he kept that company alive longer than it would have been without him.

Choice number 2: A man who in this Bio for his 1991 book Journeys in Black and white directly states he was born in Kenya--and he kept that bio for15 years. He also, according to friends from Harvard, led everyone to believe he had been born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia (is Hawaii in Indonesia?). Whose long form birth certificate states the hospital in which he was born-- which didn't exist until 1978. Who apparently made his way through college getting foreign aid. Who is a self confessed former drug dealer and drug user in his book Dreams from my Father.Whose blood brother is a poverty stricken African drug addict, and homeless.. Whose pastor of 20 years is a known black supremacist, with ties to black supremacy and radical Muslim groups.. Whose only business experience is running radical political groups. Who quotes the Communist Manifesto. Who told American business people, like myself and my other half, we didn't build our businesses-- the government did. Who supposedly attended Columbia with quite a few prominent Poly-sci majors (as he said he was)-- but none remember him--400 people in his major were surveyed, and even as large as Columbia is, in his field of study he should have been remembered for something.. whose stimulus policies have raised the federal debt to just under 16 TRILLION dollars in less than 4 years. Who sent the bust of Winston Churchill back to England-- this was property of the American people. Who has repeatedly abrogated his oath of office, and circumvented congress-- thereby circumventing the will of the American people-- by profligate use of the executive order system-- most recently directing the implementation of a revised and WEAKENED 'DREAM" act for illegal aliens-- an act that was VETOED by congress. Whose appointments to the Supreme court advocate bringing our national and federal laws in alignment with the world court and other foreign powers-- several recent Supreme court rulings addressed World court law. A Vice president who is afflicted with foot in mouth disease, not in the best of health, and given to making inflammatory remarks at inopportune times-- who also has a bad voting record. It should be noted that the current occupier of the oval office also has taken credit for things that happened when he wasn't even IN ANY political office or he voted AGAINST, and has consistently voted for increase in government power, decrease of state's rights, and increases in entitlements that are not sustainable in the current economy. Of course, now that over 50% of Americans live in below 150% of the federal poverty level, over 55% of American receive government subsidies for housing, food and medical care, and a special commission has been formed to further the higher education of minorities-- which is discrimination under the constitution-- and last year alone non-American citizens collected federal income tax refunds totaling over 7 BILLION dollars-- ooops, I almost forgot the impending second bailout of General Motors, or cities going bankrupt due to inability to fund government pensions, or the unemployment rate that does not include those no longer receiving unemployment or those under employed or out of work more than a year (the ACTUAL unemployment rate is over 15%, not including the millions of new undocumented workers entering the system)--we have a big problem.

Currently, 47% of Americans owe no federal tax, and an addition 10% get back MORE than they pay-- the top 1% of Americans earn 21.1 percent of income as of 2009, and pay 21.6 percent of all taxes. This being the case, when one does the very complicated math, approximately 20% of people are supporting eveyone else. This is NOT sustainable, especially with the increasing geopolitical and macroeconomic conditions. TANSTAAFL-- There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch-- and the "free" lunch all of his supporters are currently enjoying won't be available much longer.

Given these facts--- the question then becomes will the American people continue to vote themselves free lunch? and what will they do when the lunch isn't there anymore?

Don't rely on the mainstream media, or the nutball fringe media, or the free loaders to choose our next Idiot In Charge-- READ, READ, AND READ SOME MORE.


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Re: Which presidential candidate do you think will make the best choice?
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2012, 10:53:46 pm »
What are your specific, (not generalized), sources?  A refutation derives from this source:


choice number 1: a rather lackluster governor of Massachusetts that has a rather solidly conservative voting record (barring his temporary insanity of mandatory health insurance in Mass.). A proven successful businessman, both before and after Bain Capital. A Young, healthy conservative vice president who is fiscally conservative, serves on the house budget committee, and actually reads legislation before voting. While good old Mitt may waffle (just as Clinton did, and quite a few other presidents and governors) at least he waffles consistently. And he supports our allies. He didn't tell Israel to wait until after the election to defend themselves. Nor did he tell the EEC not to dump Greece before our election because it would cause problems.  And if anyone read his history at Bain, he didn't kill that lady with cancer either. Quite the opposite-- he kept that company alive longer than it would have been without him.

Choice number 2: A man who in this Bio for his 1991 book Journeys in Black and white directly states he was born in Kenya--and he kept that bio for15 years. He also, according to friends from Harvard, led everyone to believe he had been born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia (is Hawaii in Indonesia?). Whose long form birth certificate states the hospital in which he was born-- which didn't exist until 1978. Who apparently made his way through college getting foreign aid. Who is a self confessed former drug dealer and drug user in his book Dreams from my Father.Whose blood brother is a poverty stricken African drug addict, and homeless.. Whose pastor of 20 years is a known black supremacist, with ties to black supremacy and radical Muslim groups.. Whose only business experience is running radical political groups. Who quotes the Communist Manifesto. Who told American business people, like myself and my other half, we didn't build our businesses-- the government did. Who supposedly attended Columbia with quite a few prominent Poly-sci majors (as he said he was)-- but none remember him--400 people in his major were surveyed, and even as large as Columbia is, in his field of study he should have been remembered for something.. whose stimulus policies have raised the federal debt to just under 16 TRILLION dollars in less than 4 years. Who sent the bust of Winston Churchill back to England-- this was property of the American people. Who has repeatedly abrogated his oath of office, and circumvented congress-- thereby circumventing the will of the American people-- by profligate use of the executive order system-- most recently directing the implementation of a revised and WEAKENED 'DREAM" act for illegal aliens-- an act that was VETOED by congress. Whose appointments to the Supreme court advocate bringing our national and federal laws in alignment with the world court and other foreign powers-- several recent Supreme court rulings addressed World court law. A Vice president who is afflicted with foot in mouth disease, not in the best of health, and given to making inflammatory remarks at inopportune times-- who also has a bad voting record. It should be noted that the current occupier of the oval office also has taken credit for things that happened when he wasn't even IN ANY political office or he voted AGAINST, and has consistently voted for increase in government power, decrease of state's rights, and increases in entitlements that are not sustainable in the current economy. Of course, now that over 50% of Americans live in below 150% of the federal poverty level, over 55% of American receive government subsidies for housing, food and medical care, and a special commission has been formed to further the higher education of minorities-- which is discrimination under the constitution-- and last year alone non-American citizens collected federal income tax refunds totaling over 7 BILLION dollars-- ooops, I almost forgot the impending second bailout of General Motors, or cities going bankrupt due to inability to fund government pensions, or the unemployment rate that does not include those no longer receiving unemployment or those under employed or out of work more than a year (the ACTUAL unemployment rate is over 15%, not including the millions of new undocumented workers entering the system)--we have a big problem.

Currently, 47% of Americans owe no federal tax, and an addition 10% get back MORE than they pay-- the top 1% of Americans earn 21.1 percent of income as of 2009, and pay 21.6 percent of all taxes. This being the case, when one does the very complicated math, approximately 20% of people are supporting eveyone else. This is NOT sustainable, especially with the increasing geopolitical and macroeconomic conditions. TANSTAAFL-- There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch-- and the "free" lunch all of his supporters are currently enjoying won't be available much longer.

Given these facts--- the question then becomes will the American people continue to vote themselves free lunch? and what will they do when the lunch isn't there anymore?

Don't rely on the mainstream media, or the nutball fringe media, or the free loaders to choose our next Idiot In Charge-- READ, READ, AND READ SOME MORE.

One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.


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