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Topic: Chick-fil-a  (Read 13248 times)


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #90 on: August 06, 2012, 02:28:07 pm »
I support them 100 percent, what is so wrong with standing out for something right.

It isn't surprising in the least that you support such hiring/employment discrimination based upon religious beliefs.
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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #91 on: August 06, 2012, 06:12:41 pm »
My family, friends and I went and supported Chick-fil-a.  We drove 45 miles to the nearest one.  It was worth it to see a peaceful but very crowded parking lot. My best friends son who is handicapped was very happy that he got to wave at the local news camera men and they were filming him!


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #92 on: August 06, 2012, 06:46:27 pm »
Like i said before and will continue to say, the chick-fil-a issue has nothing to co with saying black people should support gay rights. No one can make tht determination. Fighting for freedom and rights verses going against the bilbe, NO CONTEST. No matter what else is said this is my last comment on this because some people are disrespectful and appears a little racist. Thats my opinion and i'm done!

Racist???? HOW?  I am saying that you, a black person, should be sympathetic to a group of people being discriminated against. It isn't just you. In polls African Americans vote OVERWHELMINGLY against gay rights.  I think there is something about learning from history to prevent repeating it???

How can you equate 'not getting a special privilege' as being discriminated against?  Even though I don't have a problem with this special privilege being bestowed to additional groups beyond the ones that currently have it, it not being granted is not discrimination.  I cannot (legally) park in handicap parking spaces, so does that mean I am being discriminated against? 

I will concede that what is happening to the Gay community these days in NOWHERE near the terrible, terrible plight that black people suffered for hundreds of year. Decent strawman with the handicapped spot.

It isn't a strawman.  Marriage privileges are exactly what they imply -- special privileges bestowed through law for a special incentive/consideration.  Expanding these privileges to include additional groups that were not originally intended is simply an expansion of these special privileges.  Handicap parking is a special privilege bestowed through law out of consideration and to expand it to include groups it wasn't intended for would be exactly the same.

To be discriminatory it would have to deny homosexuals the privileges granted by marriage.  Is it not true that a homosexual can marry a person of the opposite sex (and same sex in some places)?  If so then they are not being discriminated against.  The issue is that they want to include same sex into this consideration and that was not within the reasons for the intentions of the privileges.  What if someone has romantic interests in the opposite sex but would like the legal benefits of having a same sex person with the legal/financial authorities and considerations that are bestowed through such privileges -- should this be also allowed or not?  If it is allowed then you have removed the concept of marriage and substituted the legalities of the privileges.  Sometimes it sounds like half the time people are complaining about the legal/financial benefits of marriage and the other half they are fantasizing about their romantic view of marriage and I find that most interesting.
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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #93 on: August 06, 2012, 07:09:52 pm »
Did anyone go and support them today? I did!  ;D

No however, I'm considering supporting class-action litigation against the the xtian fundies under federal law.

The company discriminates against non-xtians and has been sued regarding this several times before:
YES! I am right there with ya !


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #94 on: August 06, 2012, 07:18:24 pm »
Did anyone go and support them today? I did!  ;D

No however, I'm considering supporting class-action litigation against the the xtian fundies under federal law.

The company discriminates against non-xtians and has been sued regarding this several times before:

YES! I am right there with ya !

Excellent!  I will research the class-action litigation currently pending and followup here with additional information.  I am aware of at least one wiccan coven in Washington state which plans on arriving at a local chick-fil-a wearing various wica 'accoutrements' to make it obvious that they are non-xtians.  This visit is to be video-recorded and the restaurant staff's reactions, (if any), will serve as an evidentiary record, (this process does not constitute 'entrapment' since the restaurants are open to the public and not privately-exclusionary dining clubs).  Various other non-xtian concerned parties may engage in similar visits around the country, at undisclosed locations.  Fun, huh?
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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #95 on: August 06, 2012, 07:27:24 pm »
I know this forum is freedom of speech but we as people should show respect in what we post. The comment about getting a kick out of balck people not supporting gay rights because people lines up to fight for us was unnecessary. No one should be dicriminated against for any reason. In the beginning there was Adam and Eve, man and woman. There was not man and man nor woman and woman. If people want to be bisexual thats their choice and like any other choice we make in life we have to deal with them. Regardless they should be treated with respect just as anyone else. So lets not make race a factor in this.
Prove your  :bs: religious fantasy of "adam and eve" beyond that piece of fictitious fairytales you can the bible.


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #96 on: August 06, 2012, 07:53:21 pm »
I went to support them also!!!!!   Huge, long line but very much worth it!


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #97 on: August 06, 2012, 07:55:40 pm »
I went to support them also!!!!!   Huge, long line but very much worth it!

I don't support such religious fascism but, will support class-action litigation against them for hiring/employment discrimination.
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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #98 on: August 07, 2012, 07:23:16 am »
Did anyone go and support them today? I did!  ;D

No however, I'm considering supporting class-action litigation against the the xtian fundies under federal law.

The company discriminates against non-xtians and has been sued regarding this several times before:

YES! I am right there with ya !

Excellent!  I will research the class-action litigation currently pending and followup here with additional information.  I am aware of at least one wiccan coven in Washington state which plans on arriving at a local chick-fil-a wearing various wica 'accoutrements' to make it obvious that they are non-xtians.  This visit is to be video-recorded and the restaurant staff's reactions, (if any), will serve as an evidentiary record, (this process does not constitute 'entrapment' since the restaurants are open to the public and not privately-exclusionary dining clubs).  Various other non-xtian concerned parties may engage in similar visits around the country, at undisclosed locations.  Fun, huh?
Awesome ! I look forward to it !


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #99 on: August 07, 2012, 09:19:44 am »
While I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and the biblical view of marriage I'm cautious about the Chic Fil A situation. The reason why is because this is such a huge company and while I'm not saying no company can have Godly values and be successful unfortunately most companies that are that size aren't truly Godly in their values. Unfortunately he who controls the gold makes the rules and the money lies with people who are usually very evil and fund huge corporations and the media. The media promotes ungodliness and usually when they do seem to promote someone or something Godly that situation or person is usually hypocritical or a media creation setup up for a wicked agenda. I think about George W. Bush claiming to be a  Christian and yet denying that he is the only way on videotape. I think about Barack Obama claiming Christianity and moral values and yet he has done more to support things that go against bibical moral values than any other president in terms of his support of sodomites. Then there are movie stars and music stars who claim vaules  they later deny through their occupations. Somehow with people in the media we are alwyas left waiting for the other shoe to drop. Whenever I hear someone support the Lord or the bible and they are a prominent person in the media or very wealthy (I remember what Jesus said about how it is harder for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This isn't to say no one which will enter heaven as some like Abraham definietly did. But with riches being earned through Satanic means and so many who are wealthy placing no premium on Godliness we can truly see that the love of money is the root of all evil.) I listen to them, but with reserve as so many things have happened that it's a wait and see thing. In order to get wealth and power you often must submit to people who are Godless and with the Chic Fil A situation, I'm not sure yet as to whether they genuinely embrace these vaules or if this story is a media creation for the purpose of another agenda.

If Cathy is truly a Godly man then I support him and his company, but with so much past disappointment if he's not then I won't support him or his company.

There is no Chic Fil A near my home and I didn't have any real interest in going to the appreciation day. However had there been a Chic Fil A near my home and I had the money and time I might have considered it.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 09:27:36 am by de3ik »


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #100 on: August 07, 2012, 09:58:24 am »
Intolerance, (as in Chick-fil-A's not supporting the gay movement or, discriminating against non-xtians), is the opposite of tolerance.

Now hold on here, are you saying that every business has to support the gay movement to be tolerant?  That is not tolerance, that is other people (gays) telling us what to think. 

By the way, in that article you linked to, the founder said, "You don't have to be a Christian to work at Chick-fil-A"

And obviously they don't require you to be a Christian to eat at Chick-fil-A, so how exactly are they discriminating against non-Christians?  By acting like Christians?  Well, then gays who act like gays must be discriminating against straight people.  I don't think so.
I'm sorry if my recondite verbiage is a little difficult to understand sometimes.  Using fancy vocabulary really is fun, you should try it!


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #101 on: August 07, 2012, 10:02:32 am »
Remember, when & while it's all said and done "live and let live."


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #102 on: August 07, 2012, 10:11:31 am »
Prove your  :bs: religious fantasy of "adam and eve" beyond that piece of fictitious fairytales you can the bible.

Well, you just have to pick your fairy tale and believe it--either we were created by the Author of the Universe or we evolved from a rock--so pick your improbable story and stick with it (I say this facetiously).
Without even going into the details of how all human genetic information leads back to a "mitochondrial eve", a single mother of the entire human race, let me just say that the Holy Bible is as valid a historical document as the Dead Sea Scrolls (oh, wait, those contain parts of the Bible) or the works of Josephus, a non-Christian historian circa 100 AD, which verified many of the events and people in the Bible.

I'm sorry if my recondite verbiage is a little difficult to understand sometimes.  Using fancy vocabulary really is fun, you should try it!


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #103 on: August 07, 2012, 12:40:12 pm »
My family, friends and I went and supported Chick-fil-a.  We drove 45 miles to the nearest one.  It was worth it to see a peaceful but very crowded parking lot. My best friends son who is handicapped was very happy that he got to wave at the local news camera men and they were filming him!

I'm very happy that your best friend's son is handicapped.


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Re: Chick-fil-a
« Reply #104 on: August 07, 2012, 01:04:38 pm »
yes to chick fil a!

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