Don't forget to check the Contests and Promotion section for the weekly mini contests -- worth a couple more cents. (Sat/Sun and Tues/Wedn)
But your best bet is to try to qualify for one or more of the surveys in the Daily section (yes, they are Offers). Be sure to clear your cookies before you begin doing surveys for a particular survey box.
Since qualifing for a survey depends on matching your demographics with those of the survey requirements, don't be surprised if you are DQ's (disqualified) for several surveys before you find one that you can complete.
When you do get one to complete, wait at least 10 minutes -- or until you see the credit on your account page -- before you close the Thank you/Completion page. Closing the page too fast may cause communications to break down and you may lose the credit.
If you do get your credit, the close your page, note the time (you can't do another survey for this survey site box for another 24 hrs), clear you cookies and go on to another survey site box.