If Americans could not find or refused to find enough reasons to impeach Bush, how could there possibly be any supportive reasons to impeach Obama. I don't think there were substantial reasons to impeach Clinton either (cheating on his wife!!!!! what a dumb reason...impeachment should never have happened) I don't care what anyone says, giving the country back to the same people, with the same policies and ideology who ran everything into the ground for the middle class in the first place, is just plain stupid.
Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice, and not for 'cheating on his wife'. Since he did perjure and obstruct justice, these were appropriate charges. What crime did Bush commit that you would impeach him for? The people that ran everything into the ground are in control of the office of the Presidency and the Senate now -- or do you so soon forget the source of our troubles?
Clinton lied to a grand jury about cheating on his wife which was a subject he should never have been questioned about by a Governmental grand jury. As for Bush, he lied to the american people to pull the US into a war that has claimed the lives of thousands.
Clinton was questioned about it and he did lie and attempt to obstruct the investigation. Perhaps this was a witch hunt, but even if it were so he should not have broken the law under testimony. Bush did not lie, he was given the same evidence that everyone else had and evidence that was considered reliable around the world and with both political parties within the US. He requested authorization from congress to declare war and they did (unlike Obama who did not ask for US permission but instead sought authority from the UN). We knew that there were WMD's in Iraq and the only evidence to indicate that they were not there was from Hussein declaring they were already destoryed but unable to provide evidence of their destruction (No military ever destroys weaponry without documentation and a trail of paperwork authorizing such details).
If Bush lied, then so did Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Al Gore, Joe Lieberman, John Kerry, William Cohen, Sandy Berger, Jacques Chirac, Wesley Clark, Robert Byrd, Nancy Pelosi, Madeline Albright, Bob Graham, Harold Ford, Tom Lantos, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara A. Milulski, Tom Daschle, Ted Kennedy, etc. In fact, you have absolutely no proof that Bush lied about the WMD's and if you or any of the other "blame Bush" crybabies had, you would have presented it. Since none of you have ever presented any such evidence it can only be concluded that it is you that is lying about it.