Still waiting for an answer on how repetitious quotes from people who chose to "miss out", "miss the boat", "live lives of 'lack' are supposed to carry some "weight", or be "impressive".
Those aren't nearly as repetitious as quoting specious/'weightless', (based upon insubstantial "faith"), biblical "verses" over and over in a mindless droning of religious propaganda.
While only one is religious, BOTH are as repetitious. The forums have become so boring with the same old repetition that never stops. Surely you have some ideas on how to "jazz" them up a bit since you were a mod and all... (Hopefully?)
If the xtian propaganda threads keep repeating content, it is unreasonable to expect opposition responses to be "jazzed-up". Although an alternate thread was initiated concerning wicca, some xtians soon trolled it. Perhaps a thread on 'satanism' would "jazz" things up?
Wherever I am--God is.
That's merely a religious belief which has no basis in evidence.
I don't belong to any "religion", therefore it's a personal belief which has basis in evidence in that others have seen the evidence of something existing in my life that doesn't exist in theirs and they've told me so...frequently.
These are inaccurate attributions of effects to supernatural causes. Much as our ancestors used to attribute lightening, volcanos, personal fortune and misfortune to 'god/desses', 'daemons', 'sprites', 'fae', egregores, etc. Some still hold such supersitious beliefs, others do not.
How can anyone deny the Supernatural exists just because the "evidence required" doesn't fit into their "scientific dimensions"?
That is as easily done as disregarding any supernatural belief which lacks substantive evidence since
not rejecting the specious means accepting any specious belief sans evidence.
You've never had any friends or relatives that "dabbled" (or more than "dabbled") in the occult?
Yes, a few.
You've never seen first-hand what "spirits" can do? There's no scientific basis of evidence for that either, yet so many know that it exists.
Nothing occurred which was not inaccurately attributed to "supernatural" causes, (sans a direct and irrefutable chain of evidence). "Many know" no such thing - they merely claim it, which is not teh same thing.
For someone to dismiss Him from their lives is their stupidity.
Logically, it's more stupid to hold religious belief based upon blind faith, (nothing), than to dismiss an irrational superstition.
Yes, you would be correct...IF ALL religious beliefs were based upon nothing, however there is one that isn't. Those that have found it could care less if others wish to consider it "nothing", as it doesn't diminish anything in any way.
How pretentious and sanctimonious to claim, (again, without evidence), to claim that "one" religion isn't based upon empty faith, )nothing substantive), when xtianity is no exception. If it were, there would be evidence, (and that would mean that the empty faith required wouldn't be required in light of attributable evidence). Whether the believers in an empty faith-based religion fail to see this about their preferred religious superstition or not is largely irrelavent, (most will cling to such blind faith
in spite of it being based upon nothing substantive).
Feel free to grab ahold of those words for dear life but in the end, those words of the foolish won't be saving anybody.
You'd *see* that your opinion applies more to the various xtian "bibles", were you not blinded by your faith.
The end hasn't arrived yet, so how would you KNOW?
Your religion doesn't accurately predict anything either. This is either because it's "prophesies" are so vague that
any post facto events can be 'creatively-interpreted' as a 'prediction'. That's disingenuous and invalidates the nonfunctionality of that religion's non-predictions.
You have your "scientific evidence" and so called "rationality", however so do I. I have all that...and MORE. I have God's Word. You can joke and call it "words of the superstitious whatever" but you don't have anything more powerful than that.
The irrational belief system espoused has no demonstrable 'power' other than what it's followers concede it in self-delusion. Not being deluded is much more "powerful" than being trapped by the mirrored-halls of a religious delusion.
(Not trying to scare you, but gosh forbid this thread closed because once again here's another thread with only the same few members responding back and forth which is "prohibited". I never knew that one before...did you??)
There is nothing in the FAQ or TOS stating that as a prohibition ... maybe it's a moderator policy?