am familiar with the phrase and so much that I am generous with my wealth and time (what I have of either -- not that the amounts are particularly significant). I cannot be generous with other peoples time or wealth, though, as it is not mine to give. If I force you to mow my 'poor' neighbors lawn should I be pleased and call it 'good'? Traditional charity has always handled these things rather well and is the best provider, not this government mismanaged system that presides now. It would be far better for all of those you mentioned above to die and have that brought to the attention of those who could have helped (every damned one of us and not just the rich -- none of us are helpless invalids) than to take by force from the rest of us and blaspheme it as 'charity'.
I would recommend taking into consideration crime and theft. You are correct (imo) that it technically is stealing, but would you prefer a mismanaged system to 'steal' from you, or would you rather have some poor a55hole bash your door open with a handgun, tie you up, potentially kill you, and steal from you? Granted this already happens, but what do you imagine happening if all gov't aid ceased tomorrow? Look at countries that have little/no gov't benefits. Also having those people who are in need just die is a cold statement, however I completely understand from the aerial viewpoint of what you're saying. The problem with your ideal outcome is simply that it's speculative and does not address the polar opposite of what could happen.
I see this as a strange argument of 'civilized' or less-threatening stealing versus anarchic stealing. I look back onto what my grandma tells me about the Great Depression and how the gov't and it's people did do as much as it/they could to make sure people were okay. Times were tough, but they pulled through. Granted times have changed a lot...I guess it's just a messy argument with a lot of 'what ifs?'.
Well, if the person that is supposed to be helped is going to break into my home and rob me (odd to see him in the light of a poor sort though), then I would not want to help him in the first place. He isn't too lazy to steal (I actually respect that and I know it may seem odd in the light of what I have previously said about stealing but it is in contrast to him living deliberately off government redistribution) so he is obviously capable in his own way of taking care of himself. It comes off more of which form of being robbed would I prefer, and to tell you the truth I would prefer the one where I at least get to fight back -- which is the later. If someone asks me to help them I generally do, but when someone tells me to help them it brings out the worst sort in me (unless it is an employer or an elder as I always comply with both with no argument).
I understand what you mean about the statement being cold, and I agree. It isn't something one would ever intentionally do and that is why I think charity would always prevail without the government intervention. People are not cold and heartless and they do help each other out, it is when we are put under duress to help that we start to balk. I sleep sound at night, not because I know other people are taking care of other people, but because I know I am doing what I can to take care of other people.
I have stories from my dad about how his father took his four other brothers and the rest of his family and went north and left him and another brother on their own to fend for themselves. They turned out well enough and it didn't seem to bother them in the long run. I realize that I am one of those people that it is hard to help (you may know the type). I also don't take compliments well either. This is certainly attributed to my upbringing, I suppose, and is an instilled characteristic of self dependency. I would never ever ever take food stamps or government assistance and I was brought up to look upon those things in a shameful manner, and I would be so ashamed to be reduced to such an unworthy level as to have to accept them. I am not that strict with others, though, they should do what they must to survive, but they shouldn't be proud of being on welfare or receiving government aid. If some of what I say seems harsh, it isn't intentionally that way it is just naturally that way from me.