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Topic: Daily Bible Verse  (Read 107296 times)


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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #630 on: October 16, 2012, 07:15:35 pm »
James 3
New International Version (NIV)
Taming the Tongue

3 Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2 We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check.

3 When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. 4 Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. 5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.


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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #631 on: October 16, 2012, 07:16:17 pm »
Taming the Tongue, cont.

7 All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. 11 Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12 My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.


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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #632 on: October 16, 2012, 07:17:04 pm »
Taming the Tongue, cont. (last)

Two Kinds of Wisdom

13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. 15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.


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Re: Daily bible inverse
« Reply #633 on: October 16, 2012, 07:20:43 pm »
'Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.' 

Yet, you 'thumpers unwisely keep attempting to proselytize with these "demonic" 'verses'.
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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #634 on: October 16, 2012, 08:49:41 pm »
Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

Acts 1:8 (NIV)

8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Witnessing is part of a Christian's life - to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  However, those who choose to not accept Christ can and will move on their way.  This is similar in, let's say, a forum such as this.  There are threads that can include any topic of interest, whether secular or religious; animals; holidays; children; reading books; writing books; etc. 

There will always be threads of choices and interests.  If someone were to enter the Bible verse threads and not like what is being offered, then a simple "No" and maybe a reason or rebuttal as to why, is encouraged.  Some will like what is offered, and will participate in the threads, whether Christian, other faiths, or even those who just enjoy the inspiration of the verses. 

The Bible verse threads, or even threads spreading the Gospel, are there for anyone who are interested.  Those not interested do not have to open the thread - therefore, the threads are not offending when those not interested do not subject themselves to what they disagree with or do not like.  Those not interested and don't like them, but yet enter into them, are allowing themselves to be subjected to something they don't like.  There's no reason for them to then jump on the posters for posting something that does not have to be opened and read in the first place. 

The posters who do enter the threads are sharing their joy of the Lord with each other, sharing favorite Bible verses, sharing things they may have learned or experienced, and many other things.  They are not pushing the threads on anyone just because some poster wants to "meet" with other believers who want to talk "spiritual" talk.  They are placed there as an offering to anyone who has a similar interest.  When others come in just to deliberately rile and provoke anger and ridicule just because they don't like it, that is causing needless trouble.  This, to me personally, and to many others, is not right and does not follow any kind of golden rule, except for being a troublemaker.

If there are threads posted about Buddha, for example, I do not believe that way, but I will not enter that thread just to be mean and spiteful to those who choose that way to believe.  It's their business what they want to believe and share with others who want to go in and share together.  If it's a debate, up for discussion, then I might would go in with questions, thoughts, and rebuttals, etc., to compare and contrast what I believe with what they believe. 

I will go into threads that interest me or ones I am curious about, and enjoying "blogging" and sharing of hobbies, thoughts, quotes, subjects/topics, etc.  And in my case, Bible threads of any kind are interesting to me, whether just sharing inspirational verses or debating certain topics about Christianity.  I know you loathe the threads - that is your preference.  If you come in and ask things, or want to discuss, compare, and contrast, with opposite topics, that's great.  However, just to come in with what you call "dissenting views" that include mocking quotes, name-calling, inferring mental issues, mocking pictures, etc., is over the boundary line of tolerance of someone else's right to believe in what or who they choose. 

You made the choice to enter a thread you don't like - then you choose to subject yourself to reading what is in there, and riling yourself up over something you don't like, but others do.  A choice could have been better made, rationally, to skip the thread, knowing you don't like it (then it's not messing with you personally; not telling you by name, that you must open and be stuck in there with something you hate;) and posters who post in those threads could be placed on "Ignore" (such as you like to remind others of,) and you could even make some more topic threads of interest of things you believe or enjoy, or others that have spoken about other things they like.  Please note I am not telling or commanding you or anyone else what you must do, just making suggestions, as you also do the same. 

Posters are not "unwise" at sharing Bible verses for the benefit of those who enjoy them.  They are not insane or mentally off, and they are not irrational because they choose to believe in something, by faith, that you don't choose.  It's your choice to dis-believe, as it's their choice to believe.  There is no need for the insistent name-calling and mocking that you feel you must do, or enjoy doing, especially when you choose to open a thread you don't like.  I realize you don't agree with this, but kindness is a character trait that we should have instilled in us from the time of being very young, including manners, and respect for others, even with disagreements. 

This society has really gotten away from thinking of others first, treating them kindly, offering respect, etc., and instead is becoming more of people not being responsible or held responsible for their own actions, no accountability; only "me and what I want" attitude; demanding respect before being respectful; and so much more.  Parents, more and more, are not holding their own children to certain standards, within accountability, respect for others and elders, responsibility for their own behavior, etc., and it's showing in the schools, churches, workplaces, public, even in forums, and pretty much everywhere.  And of course, it affects the children who are growing up like that, have grown up like that, and it won't stop unless adults make it stop by changing their attitudes and their children's attitudes.  I may have digressed some, but I felt I had to say this, because this kind of behavior and attitude is happening more and more often, with no regards to the feelings, thoughts, views, and beliefs of others.  Have a nice evening, what's left of it.


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Re: Daily bible inverse
« Reply #635 on: October 16, 2012, 09:28:06 pm »
Witnessing is part of a Christian's life - to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  However, those who choose to not accept Christ can and will move on their way. 

Opposing religious proselytizing is a small part of the lives of others.  Choosing to reject religious blind faith is not a matter of simply 'moving on' if one also chooses to oppose it. Suggesting otherwise is a roundabout way of suggesting such "witnessing" go unopposed. Not going to happen,

If someone were to enter the Bible verse threads and not like what is being offered, then a simple "No" and maybe a reason or rebuttal as to why, is encouraged. 

Firstly, there are no threads or forums which are exclusive xtian preserves/reservations.  That means that any FC member who chooses to "enter" a thread may do so; whether they agree or disagree with the content of a thread/forum.  Any 'encouraging' regarding the content of replies by others is attempted censorship.  As long as FC's TOS and posting policies are adhered to, such attempts at member-censorship can be disregarded and opposed.  That's what's been occurring and why this thread is now in the "Debate & Discuss" forum.

The Bible verse threads, or even threads spreading the Gospel, are there for anyone who are interested.  Those not interested do not have to open the thread - therefore, the threads are not offending when those not interested do not subject themselves to what they disagree with or do not like. 

That non-reasoning is faulty since it's like suggesting that those who are offended by a neo-*bleep* demonstration at a publically-available venue can simply not attend/walk on by, (rather than choose to oppose such an event).  Further, those threads are offensive to some non-xtians who have the same option to dissent as bible thumpers have to post their proselytizings.  In that regard, those who aren't interested in dissenting viewpoints need not read them and have the same 'ignore' function available to them.

They are placed there as an offering to anyone who has a similar interest. 

These "verses" are available elsewhere, both on and offline, (as shown by the c&p requoting of reposts of re-verses).  Anyone who has similar interests, has access to those verses elsewhere.  By reposting them on an non-religious forums, the overt attempt to proselytize a religious belief system is directly evident.

If it's a debate, up for discussion, then I might would go in with questions, thoughts, and rebuttals, etc., to compare and contrast what I believe with what they believe. 

This thread is in the "Debate & Discuss" subforum of the Off-Topic forum.  As such, the subject matter is up for debate and discussion, despite your continued efforts to silence/restrict/censor dissenting viewpoints.  Various unsupported religious claims, false contentions and false attributions have been challenged in this and other threads.  Thusfar, the xtians making such unsupported religious claims, false contentions and false attributions have failed to effectively rebute those challenges.  Instead of debating or discussing, numerous posts which continue to try censoring/limiting/restricting opposing points/refutations are posted.

They are not insane or mentally off, and they are not irrational because they choose to believe in something, by faith, that you don't choose.  It's your choice to dis-believe, as it's their choice to believe.  

The difference being that choosing to be irrational/illogical by "believing" in some concept without any evidentiary basis isn't especially 'sane' or mentally-balanced.
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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #636 on: October 17, 2012, 08:05:08 am »
1 Peter 5:8,9 Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Be firm in your faith and resist him, because you know that other believers in all the world are going through the same kind of sufferings. (GNT)


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Re: Daily bible inverse
« Reply #637 on: October 17, 2012, 12:29:47 pm »
Unless valid evidence can be provided to support the religious contention that "the devil" exists and that such things can be attributed to that hypothetical entity, the contention remains a blind faith-based irrational belief.

"Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Be firm in your faith and resist him, because you know that other believers in all the world are going through the same kind of sufferings." (GNT)
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Re: Daily bible inverse
« Reply #638 on: October 17, 2012, 07:26:49 pm »
Witnessing is part of a Christian's life - to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  However, those who choose to not accept Christ can and will move on their way. 

Opposing religious proselytizing is a small part of the lives of others.  Choosing to reject religious blind faith is not a matter of simply 'moving on' if one also chooses to oppose it. Suggesting otherwise is a roundabout way of suggesting such "witnessing" go unopposed. Not going to happen,

If someone were to enter the Bible verse threads and not like what is being offered, then a simple "No" and maybe a reason or rebuttal as to why, is encouraged. 

Firstly, there are no threads or forums which are exclusive xtian preserves/reservations.  That means that any FC member who chooses to "enter" a thread may do so; whether they agree or disagree with the content of a thread/forum.  Any 'encouraging' regarding the content of replies by others is attempted censorship.  As long as FC's TOS and posting policies are adhered to, such attempts at member-censorship can be disregarded and opposed.  That's what's been occurring and why this thread is now in the "Debate & Discuss" forum.

The Bible verse threads, or even threads spreading the Gospel, are there for anyone who are interested.  Those not interested do not have to open the thread - therefore, the threads are not offending when those not interested do not subject themselves to what they disagree with or do not like. 

That non-reasoning is faulty since it's like suggesting that those who are offended by a neo-*bleep* demonstration at a publically-available venue can simply not attend/walk on by, (rather than choose to oppose such an event).  Further, those threads are offensive to some non-xtians who have the same option to dissent as bible thumpers have to post their proselytizings.  In that regard, those who aren't interested in dissenting viewpoints need not read them and have the same 'ignore' function available to them.

They are placed there as an offering to anyone who has a similar interest. 

These "verses" are available elsewhere, both on and offline, (as shown by the c&p requoting of reposts of re-verses).  Anyone who has similar interests, has access to those verses elsewhere.  By reposting them on an non-religious forums, the overt attempt to proselytize a religious belief system is directly evident.

If it's a debate, up for discussion, then I might would go in with questions, thoughts, and rebuttals, etc., to compare and contrast what I believe with what they believe. 

This thread is in the "Debate & Discuss" subforum of the Off-Topic forum.  As such, the subject matter is up for debate and discussion, despite your continued efforts to silence/restrict/censor dissenting viewpoints.  Various unsupported religious claims, false contentions and false attributions have been challenged in this and other threads.  Thusfar, the xtians making such unsupported religious claims, false contentions and false attributions have failed to effectively rebute those challenges.  Instead of debating or discussing, numerous posts which continue to try censoring/limiting/restricting opposing points/refutations are posted.

They are not insane or mentally off, and they are not irrational because they choose to believe in something, by faith, that you don't choose.  It's your choice to dis-believe, as it's their choice to believe.  

The difference being that choosing to be irrational/illogical by "believing" in some concept without any evidentiary basis isn't especially 'sane' or mentally-balanced.
What is sad is your way of debating and discussing and other's ways of doing the same, are at total opposites of the extreme.  I'm allowed to give my opinion, as well, which includes dissenting views about how your thoughtless views are presented, and which you attempt to censor, by blaming me of trying to censor. 

It's extremely obvious that you do not wish to discuss and debate topics with points, research, etc.  You simply post to mock believers no matter what they present, whether verses, topics, or opinions, including inferring mental instability, irrationality, etc.  That's not debating.  And although it is written as your "opinion," you are mostly bashing believers under the guise of an "opinion."

 I have never come across anyone in any forum who outwardly expresses such loathing of believers, faith, God, etc., goes beyond tolerance and respect of their beliefs, and instead is openly hostile towards them, such as your style of so-called "dissenting views."  You seem to take it very personal and vindictive, and whatever problem you are dealing with or have dealt with about this, should not be taken out on believers, sharing Bible verses with each other, with the kind of vindictiveness you present.

Oh and no one said anything about opposing views not being allowed.  Opposing views, in a discuss and debate forum, should be opposing views within the guidelines of the rules, and with respect.  If those kind are offered, then those kind are responded to with the same guidelines.  However, when opposing or dissenting views are really just hate words, mocking, name-calling, etc., then it's pretty obvious who the immature ones are who would rather agitate than debate. 


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Re: Daily bible inverse
« Reply #639 on: October 17, 2012, 08:02:08 pm »
What is sad is your way of debating and discussing and other's ways of doing the same, are at total opposites of the extreme. 

That's true as far as logical debating, (this does not describe the position of faith blinded religious adherents), and irrational proselytizing/dodging one of the tenets of debating; the burden of proof responsiblity after making religious, (or other), claims.  This thread is posted in the Debate & Discuss subforum.  It's not the 'baseless religious opinion and irrational dodging' subforum, (because there isn't one).

I'm allowed to give my opinion, as well, which includes dissenting views about how your thoughtless views are presented ...

While anyone is "allowed" to give an opinion, (empty or, substantiated - there is a difference) - even one which attempts to censor/restrict/suppress dissenting viewpoints, so too can the characteristics of such an insidious "opinion" be pointed out.  Neither your "opinion" nor my substantiated opposition will be censored or restricted unless either violates FC's TOS/posting policies.  That said, you continue on the same forlorn mission to suppress dissent because you don't 'like' the content of those dissenting viewpoints, (not just mine).

... and which you attempt to censor, by blaming me of trying to censor. 

It's not "blaming"; the word you're grasping for, ("English teacher"), is 'accusing' and that's been done by providing substantiating evidence consisting of your own posted words.  Further, I've posted repeatedly that posting opposing points of view is Not an attempt to censor your attempted censorship.  That was a poor try at an "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" childish illogic, by the way.

It's extremely obvious that you do not wish to discuss and debate topics with points, research, etc. 

There are numerous archived posts which directly contradict your 'non-obvious' accusation.  That makes it false since I, (and others) , have
debated, presented valid evidence and discussed using logical reasoning, (in lieu of teh illogical non-reasoning religious adherents such as yourself have tried to employ).  These archived posts aren't buried so deeply that there are obscured by disingenuous religious opinions; they can be produced as evidence.

  I have never come across anyone in any forum who outwardly expresses such loathing of believers, faith, God, etc., goes beyond tolerance and respect of their beliefs, and instead is openly hostile towards them, such as your style of so-called "dissenting views." 

Then you must not get out much or, come into contact with those who do.

Oh and no one said anything about opposing views not being allowed.

The word "allowed" wasn't used until you just used it; the actual words used were "attempted censorship, restricting the content of opposing viewpoints" and "attempts to suppress opposing viewpoints" by you and a few other religious adherents. 

Opposing views, in a discuss and debate forum, should be opposing views within the guidelines of the rules, and with respect. 

If any opposing viewpoints violates FC's guidelines or TOS, such threads would nominally be locked by Admin/moderators.  This thread, (and others), aren't locked, despite numerous false complaints lodged against those who oppose offensive religious proselytization, irrational non-arguments and general faith-blindness.  Apparently, at least some of those religious adherents who support blind faith, irrational religious beliefs and offensive religious proselytizing still try to limit/restrict/suppress/censor the opposition with the ineffective passive-agressive methods you continue to use.
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Re: Daily bible inverse
« Reply #640 on: October 17, 2012, 08:21:37 pm »
Notice the words in red that include your "opinion" toward believers.  No tolerance; no respect; no debate/discuss to be accepted by you, because of your words. 

What is sad is your way of debating and discussing and other's ways of doing the same, are at total opposites of the extreme. 

That's true as far as logical debating, (this does not describe the position of faith blinded religious adherents), and irrational proselytizing/dodging one of the tenets of debating; the burden of proof responsiblity after making religious, (or other), claims.  This thread is posted in the Debate & Discuss subforum.  It's not the 'baseless religious opinion and irrational dodging' subforum, (because there isn't one).

I'm allowed to give my opinion, as well, which includes dissenting views about how your thoughtless views are presented ...

While anyone is "allowed" to give an opinion, (empty or, substantiated - there is a difference) - even one which attempts to censor/restrict/suppress dissenting viewpoints, so too can the characteristics of such an insidious "opinion" be pointed out.  Neither your "opinion" nor my substantiated opposition will be censored or restricted unless either violates FC's TOS/posting policies.  That said, you continue on the same forlorn mission to suppress dissent because you don't 'like' the content of those dissenting viewpoints, (not just mine).

You have just described yourself in this above paragraph.

... and which you attempt to censor, by blaming me of trying to censor. 

It's not "blaming"; the word you're grasping for, ("English teacher"), is 'accusing' and that's been done by providing substantiating evidence consisting of your own posted words.  Further, I've posted repeatedly that posting opposing points of view is Not an attempt to censor your attempted censorship.  That was a poor try at an "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" childish illogic, by the way.

I used the word "blaming" as my choice.  I was not grasping for the word "accusing" and would really appreciate you not thinking for me, sir.  The only childish part of that is you even thinking it is that - it must be what you are trying to do.

It's extremely obvious that you do not wish to discuss and debate topics with points, research, etc. 

There are numerous archived posts which directly contradict your 'non-obvious' accusation.  That makes it false since I, (and others) , have
debated, presented valid evidence and discussed using logical reasoning, (in lieu of teh illogical non-reasoning religious adherents such as yourself have tried to employ).  These archived posts aren't buried so deeply that there are obscured by disingenuous religious opinions; they can be produced as evidence.

Ha ha - you make me laugh - you are not producing any kind of debate and logical reasoning when all you do is name-call different names of what believers believe. 

  I have never come across anyone in any forum who outwardly expresses such loathing of believers, faith, God, etc., goes beyond tolerance and respect of their beliefs, and instead is openly hostile towards them, such as your style of so-called "dissenting views." 

Then you must not get out much or, come into contact with those who do.

Oh and no one said anything about opposing views not being allowed.

The word "allowed" wasn't used until you just used it; the actual words used were "attempted censorship, restricting the content of opposing viewpoints" and "attempts to suppress opposing viewpoints" by you and a few other religious adherents. 

You are trying to block me from expressing my views of your name-calling views.  Can't be done.

Opposing views, in a discuss and debate forum, should be opposing views within the guidelines of the rules, and with respect. 

If any opposing viewpoints violates FC's guidelines or TOS, such threads would nominally be locked by Admin/moderators.  This thread, (and others), aren't locked, despite numerous false complaints lodged against those who oppose offensive religious proselytization, irrational non-arguments and general faith-blindness.  Apparently, at least some of those religious adherents who support blind faith, irrational religious beliefs and offensive religious proselytizing still try to limit/restrict/suppress/censor the opposition with the ineffective passive-agressive methods you continue to use.

So what I am expressing is not causing a thread to be locked, either.  That's what you wish would happen.  Your views are not the oh-so-right and perfect views that you try to come across with.


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Re: Daily bible inverse
« Reply #641 on: October 17, 2012, 08:28:36 pm »
The posted replies are available downthread, sans your unsubstantiated and irrational 'interpretations'.  In fact, the 'highlighted' terms are descriptive and not merely some 'empty opinion without basis', (because that basis has been presented as a logical premise previously and repeatedly enough that your ignorance of it has to be intentional). 

To reiterate a point made often enough that even a faith-blinded fundie should be able to *see* it; this is the Debate & Discuss subforum, not the attempt-to-suppress-opposing-viewpoints-by-calling-them-disrespectful' subforum.

Notice the words in red that include your "opinion" toward believers.  No tolerance; no respect; no debate/discuss to be accepted by you, because of your words. 

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Re: Daily bible inverse
« Reply #642 on: October 18, 2012, 05:57:40 pm »
The posted replies are available downthread, sans your unsubstantiated and irrational 'interpretations'.  In fact, the 'highlighted' terms are descriptive and not merely some 'empty opinion without basis', (because that basis has been presented as a logical premise previously and repeatedly enough that your ignorance of it has to be intentional). 

To reiterate a point made often enough that even a faith-blinded fundie should be able to *see* it; this is the Debate & Discuss subforum, not the attempt-to-suppress-opposing-viewpoints-by-calling-them-disrespectful' subforum.

Notice the words in red that include your "opinion" toward believers.  No tolerance; no respect; no debate/discuss to be accepted by you, because of your words. 

And the circle keeps going on and on and on and on...... 


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Re: Daily bible inverse
« Reply #643 on: October 18, 2012, 06:14:18 pm »
And the circle keeps going on and on and on and on...... 

That's what happens when logical reasoning runs over illogical religious irrationality; the faith-blinded go in circles because they cannot *see* rationally.
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Re: Daily bible inverse
« Reply #644 on: October 18, 2012, 06:45:11 pm »
And the circle keeps going on and on and on and on...... 

That's what happens when logical reasoning runs over illogical religious irrationality; the faith-blinded go in circles because they cannot *see* rationally.
And all can see who is doing the name-calling.  Letting your true colors show... 

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