All consciousness associated with your brain will be nonexistent, just like before you were alive.
This premise, (and the subsequent conclusion), assumes that "all conscious"
awareness is associated with the physical brain. It may or, may not be - I'm unsure if the hypothesis is testable. For instance, if there is some aspect of consciousness, (not necessarily a speculated "soul"),
which arises out of physical brain activity as an emergent property of that functional-complexity, then there's a question of whether or not such an emergent phenomenon is
dependent or,
independent of the physical brain. There is evidence that synaptic brain activities cease minutes after death, (which inferentially means that any functions such as autonomic or "thought" also ceases).
One extrapolation is that "thought" is an emergent phenomenon of synaptic activities and that, if that emergent phenomenon is dependent upon continued synaptic activity, so too are any speculative emergent properties arising from the same basis. However, there still remains no plausible way of testing whether or not some non-dependent emergent phenomenon is capable of non-physical existence after the ceasation of life. That's usually the point where religious adherents jump in with intangible "soul" notions.
The closest experience the average person can have to being dead is like when you are asleep at night (without vivid dreaming). You don't remember the moment at which you slip into unconsciousness and you essentially "black out" for hours, with no recollection of time passing when you awake. That is kind of like death will be like, but permanent.
Having seen the sleep-as-a-little-death parallel before, some thought has been given to that analogy. Like most analogies, it has a 'fail-point' when taken to the logical extreme. This one's fail-point is that consciousness, (or, subconsciousness in the instance of sleep), remains while asleep. Doubtless this is why "vivid", (or "lucid"), dreaming was mentioned. Even after a sleep-cycle which no dreams were
remembered, sleep studies have shown that REM evidence that dreams are still occurring, (which means that consciousness/subconsciousness remains during sleep). One could extrapolate that either death is like an unrecalled dream, that death is like retaining conscious awareness sans a physical body or, that death isn't actually like being asleep after all and we just don't know.