Alright place your bets.What will happen first?Will Falcon spout off against religon or will some yahoo complain about this being in the wrong forum?
Neither, instead you get a question. Does falcon9 spout off about other members in threads when "they aren't there"? (Just curious, I don't recall seeing him do so...but I could be mistaken.)
'Betting' is closed because 'falcon9' is about to do
both and no one bet on that prior to this post.
a) This
is the Payments forum and not the "religious quiz" forum, (not only because there isn't such a thing but, the post has nothing to do with "
Payments, as many members realize).
b) The off-topic 'quiz' was posted to an open FC forum for
anyone to answer should they choose to do so. Since I'm anyone too ...
1. PRAISE GOD FOR _things which cannot be attributed to a hypothetical 'deity', because that's the way blind faith rolls.__
2. GIVE _challenge_ AS YOU WOULD _to any blind faith-based claim; not that it'll be met.__
3. THIS __blinding__ LIGHT _apparently causes significant reduction in the ability to reason for some religious adherents.__
4. YOU ARE THE __religious adherent_ OF MY _common experience here but, far from the only one.__
5. BLESSED __self-delusion_ IS MINE__ 'sayeth' the faith-blinded religious adherents.__
6. GOD SO GAVE THE __self-delusions of religious adherents who believe there is such a 'being'__ THAT HE __lacks evidence of existing and the concept rests precariously upon the insubstantial ediface of 'faith' alone._
7. PEACE __is a lull while everyone reloads._
8. JESUS___is a hypothetical concept promoted by irrational faith-blinded adherents who tend to make empty claims like_ CHILDREN.
9. I AM NOT _the religious adherents'_KEEPER, _but somehow, they got loose anyway.
10. EVERY __mind-blinded religious adherent___ CHOOSES HIS __blind faith___ NO MATTER WHAT HIS _ability to reason tells him otherwise.