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Topic: Forum issues too much to put up with  (Read 31135 times)


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Forum issues too much to put up with
« on: May 14, 2012, 06:56:10 pm »
I have had a great time earning money here in the 8 months I've been cashing out and doing surveys, but the constant chatter on the forums from a very few cutting down everybody else for their input has finally driven me off.  I needed to make at least 30 true posts each month to get the $3 bonus, but when I have to wade through anti religion posts and attacks from a few on the board, it just isn't worth it.  I have other sites that pay, and no one has to put up with this anti social behavior.  I'm gonna miss fusion cash, but not the attacks on everybody from a select few.


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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2012, 07:00:19 pm »
I am sorry to hear this. I personally just ignore the ones you are talking about and  go to the more positive and fun ones


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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2012, 07:57:05 pm »
Maybe if people stopped throwing their religion in everyone's faces we wouldn't have this problem.


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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2012, 08:52:05 pm »
  8) I'm not going to let anyone run me off from FC or anywhere else.  If it is appropriate then I say a few comments here and there that might include a religious statement of some kind such as what kind of music do you like - I said christian rock and said why.  I ignore the anti-religious hate comments because they can ignore the posts they don't want to read just like I do.  Everyone should respect each others views and if a few religious based comments here and there get a person all that upset I find that a little amusing because I guess its like throwing holy water on a vampire.  :wave:


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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2012, 09:38:20 pm »
That is too bad that you have felt that you needed to leave as the only solution,l do have to agree that it has become more difficult to find worthy topics to post meaningful commentary on in the past few months. I am not creative enough to really initiate a new topic so I am usually looking to add to conversations that have already been started and now I am not really so good at offering help to newbies, as I had to invest the time to research on my own and ask specific questions, and it appears more recently that many are just not willing to do that, they just want it all laid at their feet. Much like the degredation of our society as a whole.


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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2012, 09:56:21 pm »
I wouldn't let anyone "run" me out of fc. You can always start your own contributory topic about what interests you. For me, I just look for topics that I think will interest me and reply to those and ignore topics where there's a debate.
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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2012, 10:09:38 pm »
Just stay away from the Off Topic or debate/discuss boards. Why bother what doesn't interest you? Start your own topic. Stay on the Fusion Cash or Support boards. Look for what you're interested in. Forget the rest.


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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2012, 11:05:03 pm »
I have had a great time earning money here in the 8 months I've been cashing out and doing surveys, but the constant chatter on the forums from a very few cutting down everybody else for their input has finally driven me off.  I needed to make at least 30 true posts each month to get the $3 bonus, but when I have to wade through anti religion posts and attacks from a few on the board, it just isn't worth it.  I have other sites that pay, and no one has to put up with this anti social behavior.  I'm gonna miss fusion cash, but not the attacks on everybody from a select few.

With such a narrowly one-sided perspective, it's no wonder that you're disillusioned.  Especially with the false characterizations you've tossed around with no consideration for accuracy or evidendtial basis.  That type of thing clearly shines right through your religious bias but, illuminates nothing more than a prejudicial opinion.  Doubtless you'd consider these accurate remarks as an "attack" as well however, such an empty opinion lacks weight.  As others have suggested, one doesn't have to "wade through" the off topic or d+d subforum to find enough useless chatter to comment upon in other forums, (or even useful "chatter" to do with navigating through FC and assisting others to do so, as myself and others have done).
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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2012, 11:19:48 pm »
I ignore the anti-religious hate comments because they can ignore the posts they don't want to read just like I do.

Well, it isn't really 'ignoring' such if you're characterizing challenging blind faith as "anti-religious hate comments", now is it?  Certainly those who do challenger the 'faithers' have the choice to respond or ignore the constant flow of religious propaganda floated as proselytizing, (e.g., the endless requoting of biblical passages, the intercessory magical rituals [prayers], and the expousing of specious religious beliefs left & right).  For some reason, the 'believers' seem unable to realize that others, (who don't 'believe' as they do), might find such to be as "rude"/"offensive"/"presumptuous"/"impolite" and every bit the "hate comments" as those 'believers' find challenges to their blind faith to be.

Although that's a hypocritical attitude for 'faithers' to hold, they are free to do so - just as anyone who doesn't adhere to those religious beliefs is free to ignore or, dissent with with.  Bottomline; if one chooses to "ignore" something and proceeds to not ignore it by commenting about it circuitously anyway then, they don't know what the word "ignore" means.  It could be suggested that they learn, (in regards to the FC ignore function) and seeing as how this is the Suggestions forum.

Everyone should respect each others views and if a few religious based comments here and there get a person all that upset I find that a little amusing because I guess its like throwing holy water on a vampire.  :wave:

If your meaning is that getting upset about it does as much good as "holy water on a vampire", then I'd agree, (but only due to both being fictional superstitions).
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 11:50:06 pm by falcon9 »
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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2012, 12:07:00 am »
I stay away from those kinda chats and also political. It fun to talk about things that may put a smile on your face. So i choose wisely. It has not bothered me that some choose to chat in that manner. :D


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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2012, 02:55:47 am »
That's right; just stay away from controversial subjects.  Also remember everybody is entitled to their own opinion!  It is kind of like when you watch TV;  if something comes on you don't like.......turn the channel! :dontknow:


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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2012, 03:04:48 am »
Also remember everybody is entitled to their own opinion!  

Additionally, it's good to remember that not all "opinions" are created equally.  Some arise from personal preferences, (which could come from anywhere ranging from the random, through the irrational to the reasoned), some develop after examining as much available data as there is/can be examined and arriving at a considered conclusion.  Other "opinions" appear to be mainly emotionally-driven reactions with little or no actual reasoned basis.  So yes, everybody gets to hold all kinds nof different types of "opinions" however, it's a mistake to conflate the different types.
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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2012, 04:19:52 am »
I wish you well then.  Good luck finding a forum that doesn't offer views from all sides - perhaps an ultra conservative Christian one?  Trouble is, you won't earn money from it.  It almost sounds as if you are tossing out a challenge to get people to stop expressing their opinions in order to keep you here.  One thing that would help is if others stopped putting topics in where they don't belong.  I do agree it's murky wading through posts/topics irrelevant to the category they are posted under.  There is a category for "everything else" which is where those topics belong. 

By the way - someone who is an atheist or agnostic - that in and of itself is not slamming someone who chooses to believe.  In fact, most atheists who I know have more respect for the choices others make.  They know what it's like to be targeted for their beliefs.
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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2012, 04:46:22 am »
I wish you [the OP] well then.  Good luck finding a forum that doesn't offer views from all sides - perhaps an ultra conservative Christian one?  Trouble is, you won't earn money from it.  It almost sounds as if you are tossing out a challenge to get people to stop expressing their opinions in order to keep you here. 

That's an interesting observation in that it inherently includes a presumptive suppression of opposing viewpoints  by characterizing them in a prejudicial and derrogatory way.  Such sanctimonious 'indignation' will be objected to when it rears it's 'ugly head' too often.

One thing that would help is if others stopped putting topics in where they don't belong.  I do agree it's murky wading through posts/topics irrelevant to the category they are posted under.  There is a category for "everything else" which is where those topics belong. 

The thing is, even if subject are begun in roughly the appropriate forum, both subject-drift, (a natural occurrence in discussion), and the sudden interjection of off-topic religious beliefs, (an unnaturally proselytizing occurrence), happen sometimes.
By the way - someone who is an atheist or agnostic - that in and of itself is not slamming someone who chooses to believe.  In fact, most atheists who I know have more respect for the choices others make.  They know what it's like to be targeted for their beliefs.

Atheism is not a "belief"; it's a disbelief, (which is intrinsically the opposite of "belief" and is a position which challenges both religious adherents and agnostics).  Agnosticism is a position of uncertainty either way.
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Re: Forum issues too much to put up with
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2012, 04:51:45 am »
I wouldn't let anyone "run" me out of fc. You can always start your own contributory topic about what interests you. For me, I just look for topics that I think will interest me and reply to those and ignore topics where there's a debate.

I know what they are talking about there are a few I ignore and even starting your own they find it and degrade and belittle ppl it is sad I ignore it but I agree it is just getting where you have to really look for a topic that there is not some dispute in and usually the disputes go completely off the topic all together....very frustrating and they should see who is doing this because it is not hard and maybe take away their 3 for the month. I wouldn't let them run me off either.

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