Lol you can't join the military if you have a criminal record? Lol you're stupid and I mean that...
Your continued ad hominems aside; my general statement could have been more specific. You cannot join the military if you are intoxicated during the enlistment process, serving a sentence or have committed any offense the military believes cannot be waived. This means that the potential enlistee can try to obtain an enlistment waiver for offenses which they were convicted of, (criminal record). It is then incumbent upon the recruiter, (or a further evaluation process concerning waivers), to either permit or, deny such enlistment.
And no it was a simple question if you had ever been in a fist fight ...
In turn, I asked why you're asking that since it's unrelated to and out of context with not only this thread but, any tangential subject-drift, (until you randomly brought it up). So once again, instead of dodging that simple question, why do you ask?
... which you avoid just as other question that make you uncomfortable I've asked.
Since I answered the question without avoiding it, you've lied. No questions you've asked have caused me the least bit of discomfort, (although I will admit to a certain degree of exasperation with someone so unsuited to thinking clearly as your posts depict you to be).
I think you're a sissy that's my opinion of...
Fortunately, the baseless opinion of some random person on a forum has no value whatsoever to me. So, thanks for nothing.
(although I believe many more people do to LOL)
Resorting to the appeal to popularity fallacy certainly supports your opinion, doesn't it?
but like I said any sissy punk can serve in the military that doesn't impress me a bit...
To expand on the previous refutation of that "opinion"; depending upon what a "sissy punk" is doing in the military, (such as a non-combat function), they'd be unlikely to function well during combat operations. That means that, if you tried to join and managed to get waivers for any criminal offenses which you were convicted of (and somehow succeeded), you could serve in logistics or in some other behind-the-lines capacity so that no one would know how much of a "sissy" you might turn out to be.
I own my own business does that impress you? I'm sure not... So like Ive said you can be unimpressed by me ...
What does owning a business have to do with either "fist-fighting" or being a "sissy punk", (unless you happen to own a martial arts dojo - in which case, I'd be happy to determine whether or not you know any martial arts, in a congenial and non-hostile manner of course).
I'll keep thinking you are a sissy punk
btw were you kicked out of the airforce for bein a sissy?
Again, the baseless opinion of some random person on a forum has no value whatsoever to me. So, thanks once again for nothing.
Your last ad hominem question will be answered elsewhere.