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Topic: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)  (Read 10294 times)


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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #60 on: May 08, 2012, 12:42:52 pm »
Falcon you remind me of an animal... Ummm lets see maybe a cat... Or a dog... A female...

So, your response to the burden of proof challenge lying with you is to huck-up an implicit ad hominem in your continued efforts to divert, avoid and dodge that responsibility?
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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #61 on: May 08, 2012, 12:47:49 pm »
Wth, Cubboo? Be nice! Falcon9 never did anything but debate with you in a debate forum. If you're getting offended by a debate, just leave. There's no need to throw personal attacks at eachother unless you're just joking.

Although I probably ought not to be reciprocating in response when 'lil "Cubboo" throws ad homs my way, it should be noted that it isn't 'libel/slander/ad hominem' if it's substantiated by evidence, (which is nominally the case the few times I've done it and never the case the several times "Cubboo" has done it).  It may be a subtle enough difference for a forum moderator however, it wouldn't be in a civil case.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 02:00:06 am by falcon9 »
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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #62 on: May 08, 2012, 01:10:53 pm »
Also, the bible doesn't say that the earth is 6,000 years old, only that the Adamic peoples were created then. A day with the Lord is as a thousand years to man (2 Peter 3:8).

The 'biblical' claim remains that alleges a 'creation' process which took six of "g-d's" days/six thousand of man's.  This means that galaxies and stars which are older than 6,000 years cannot exist.  The only trouble with that notion is that there is extensive evidence available that they do.
On the 8th day he discovered that he hadn't created a husbandman (A farmer), so he created a different man and called him, in the Hebrew tongue, The Man Adam. So all races did not come from Adam. That is why Cain went to the land of Nod and found a wife.

An inconsistancy immediately arises with a failure to mention where the non-Adamic people, (such as were already extant "in the land of Nod" and elsewhere), came from.  If 'g-d' created them too, that minor matter apparently deserved no mention.  If not, their presence predated
"Adam" and his alleged descendants and their pre-existing presence was due to another process altogether.

"The Israelites borrowed some Mesopotamian themes but adapted them to their belief in one God as expressed by the shema,[9] and their over-riding purpose was to establish a monotheistic creation in opposition to the polytheistic creation myth of Israel's historic enemy, Babylon.[10]"

[9] - Sarna 1997, p. 50
[10] -Leeming 2004.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 01:34:04 pm by falcon9 »
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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #63 on: May 08, 2012, 01:50:35 pm »
In the begining God created the heaven and earth, period. It doesn't say when He created it. God created all of the races on the 6th day and it was good, very good. On the 8th day he created Adam, which began the lineage of Christ. The bible is basically about Adam's lineage and those who come into contact with them. Through Adam would come Christ, which saves all peoples, not matter what their race. And you're right, the Israelites did get influenced by Babylon, which caused their downfall. As far as when the stars and galaxies were created, once again, the earth is older than 6,000 years, and the bible does not dispute that claim, however, the human age, my words, probably began about 8000-10,000 years ago. The bible speaks of the foundations of the world, and in the greek the word foundations usually means age, or epoch. I think in the book of Peter it mentions 3 earth ages: the first was when the dinosaur and older mammals were here, then mankind would be the second age, and the third will be the time that Christ reigns on the earth. Good debate.


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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #64 on: May 08, 2012, 02:05:13 pm »
There's a place in Nebraska called Ash Falls State park, and there you will find the remains of animals that you would find in Africa. About 14,000 years ago a volcano erupted and wiped out these animals. Now, in the second verse of Genesis, it states that the earth was without form, and void. If you take the word "was" and look it up in the hebrew (1961 in the Strong's Concordance, Hebrew dictionary) that word should have been translated "became". The earth became void and without form. That is why I believe that around 14,000 years ago the first (age) foundation of the earth had ended, and the second had begun.


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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #65 on: May 08, 2012, 02:21:23 pm »
In the begining God created the heaven and earth, period. It doesn't say when He created it.

You just said it was "in the beginning", which would be the vague "when".  Evenso, "The Israelites borrowed some Mesopotamian themes but adapted them to their belief in one God as expressed by the shema,[9] and their over-riding purpose was to establish a monotheistic creation in opposition to the polytheistic creation myth of Israel's historic enemy, Babylon.[10]"
-[9] - Sarna 1997, p. 50
-[10] -Leeming 2004.

God created all of the races on the 6th day ...

So, under that timeline, "all the races" were "created" 5,000 years, (five "g-d" days), after the earth was.  The problem with that being there's ample evidence that the earth evolved from a molten state to form a solid crust over far longer a time period than 5,000 years.  Anyone 'spontaneuosly-created' at that time would have spontaneuosly-combusted in the worldwide lavaflow.

And you're right, the Israelites did get influenced by Babylon, which caused their downfall. As far as when the stars and galaxies were created, once again, the earth is older than 6,000 years, and the bible does not dispute that claim ...

The alleged time interval between the "second day", (2,000 years into the genesis myth), and  "... on the sixth day, g-d made man ..." is 4,000 years.  We're back to the geological disparity of molten lava and people being 'spontaneuosly-created' in the middle of that.

...however, the human age, my words, probably began about 8000-10,000 years ago.

Your contention conflicts with the biblical timeline of "genesis" but, there is carbon-14 dated evidence, (along with geological fossil and other evidence), of the existence of older human presence on earth than 8-10,000 years ago.  This isn't even counting such evidence for pre-homosapiens extant prior to 100-150,000 years ago.
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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #66 on: May 08, 2012, 02:31:31 pm »
There's a place in Nebraska called Ash Falls State park, and there you will find the remains of animals that you would find in Africa. About 14,000 years ago a volcano erupted and wiped out these animals.

Previous to somewhat more than 14,000 years ago, there were some connective continental routes which allowed for such migrations of animals and early humans to other continental land masses. Once those connections no longer existed, animals could no longer migrate to places like Australia, (where certain species now exist which exist on no other continent, unless they're been introduced by importing them). Further, there was a rather large asteroidal impact some 65 million years ago in the Yucatan Peninsula which significantly altered the biosphere, (initiating tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, massive ash-clouds and mass extinctions of many species).
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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #67 on: May 08, 2012, 03:12:46 pm »
"Why did it stop"'re kidding, right?  ::)

Ah! I see someone has already given you the stock atheist answer.


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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #68 on: May 08, 2012, 03:46:50 pm »
Suffice to say there are NO actual transitional fossils found that haven't proved to be false.The missing link hasn't been found in nearly 200 years.It's time to put little Darwin's theory to rest at last.

Quick fact- every fossil found is a transitional fossil. And you're a completely uneducated fool for thinking evolution should be put to rest. Without it, you should kiss medicine goodbye too. I guess you'll want to put the little theory of gravity to rest afterwards as well. Open a book sometime. You're a friggin' joke.  :angry7:
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 04:50:53 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #69 on: May 08, 2012, 03:51:05 pm »
I believe you're right about human existence on the earth more than 10,000 years ago, because there is evidence of it. But with the eruptions of super volcanoes, worldwide floods, the ice age and the other major disasters which happened, these people had to have been destroyed. The new human race had to have been created or placed here somehow. Where did they come from? Which comes back to evolution. Some people believe that the human race had evolved from apes, but why did these apes evolve into so many different races? Why didn't they just evolve into one race of man? I think only a divine being would consider creating so many different people of different colors and different customs. Maybe humans evolved because of climate, but when a race migrates to another climate, wouldn't their skin color also change? And again, I've never seen a half-man, half-ape creature. As for the first chapter of Genesis, I admit, it has baffled many scholars, but as a Christian I have to believe that God intends to reveal all mysteries to us someday. Maybe that's part of the reward for living a good life.


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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #70 on: May 08, 2012, 04:39:42 pm »
I believe you're right about human existence on the earth more than 10,000 years ago, because there is evidence of it.

Cool, were you also aware of the fact that these early human populations had rudimentary, progressing through advanced religions", (animism through polytheism, etc.), which had never heard of the xtian "g-d"?  These people went about the business of survival, attributed 'natural' events to various deital forms, ("thunder gods", "moon goddeses", "spirits", etc.), all well before xtianity suddenly popped-up as a 'cult' about 2,000 years ago.  The Aegyptians of that time period had a very elaborate religious mythology which encompassed many "neteru" - none of which were the xtian one.  It's not very honest of a religion to retroactive claim that their "g-d" preceded other ones which their adherents had been adhering to thousands of years before xtianity popped-up.

But with the eruptions of super volcanoes, worldwide floods, the ice age and the other major disasters which happened, these people had to have been destroyed.

Unless such events were worldwide extinction level events, (ELEs), there have always been plant and animal survivers after the occurance of such disasters.  If not everyone had died out, then your conclusion rests upon an inaccurate premise.  In order for your premise to be valid, evidence of a worldwide-no-survivors ELE would have to be presented, rather than presented an assuption.

Some people believe that the human race had evolved from apes, but why did these apes evolve into so many different races?

Some people posit that the evolution began with lemurs, or earlier - apes aren't the start of that theory's process.  Evidence of several different species of hominids/'mankind' have been found, (variously but not inclusively; australopithecus afarensis, cro-magnon and homo-sapiens).  If each branch of these species further evolved into variations of the homo-sapien hominid forms we see extant even today, then the proponents of the theory of evolution would have to account for this process by way of evidence.
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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #71 on: May 09, 2012, 06:38:57 am »
Falcon have you ever been in a fight in your life? Not a keyboard fight like a real fight

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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #72 on: May 09, 2012, 07:07:07 am »
I believe in God and in evolution. Who do you think caused the 'Big Bang' and started the whole thing?

I have read the bible and I think a lot as been put in simple terms for man (& woman) to understand. Consequently, the meaning may have been distorted. Example: God created Adam and Eve and now we are all decendents of one man and one woman. How many of you know Adam means men and Eve means women. I believe Adam and Eve are a race of men and women that evolved for thousands of years. Starting from the animal that first came out of the ocean to finally become an Ape then man. And I believed God made it all happen. I have an Aunt who is a nun and it may surprise many of you that she believes in evolution also.

This is my opion and I don't mean to upset or offend anyone.


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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #73 on: May 09, 2012, 01:15:45 pm »
I believe in God and in evolution. Who do you think caused the 'Big Bang' and started the whole thing?

There is no inherent reason that the cause of such a postulated event is required to be a "who".  If it was a result of a process, (or emergent phenomenon, for instance), there was no "who" involved.

I believe Adam and Eve are a race of men and women that evolved for thousands of years. Starting from the animal that first came out of the ocean to finally become an Ape then man. And I believed God made it all happen. 
This is my opion and I don't mean to upset or offend anyone.

While I've seen such a 'hybrid' opinion which combines evolution with religious beliefs before, it remains that no evidence has been presented which supports the religious contention that "g-d made it all happen", (which is nominally based upon 'faith' and faith does not constitute evidence being that it means "belief without evidence").  Thank you for your opinion regarding this subject, (the reasoning used to challenge it is not an 'opinion' since I'm not making a claim but, am merely challenging yours).

It is a logical fallacy to assume that if one portion of a multi-part assertion, (e.g., "evolution"), is valid then the other parts are also valid, (conflation fallacy and others apply).  Since there is no extant evidence to support an assertion attributing effects to a 'g-d' cause, that portion of the assertion cannot be applied.
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Re: Evolution (please don't take offense to this topic)
« Reply #74 on: May 09, 2012, 01:57:26 pm »
Falcon have you ever been in a fight in your life? Not a keyboard fight like a real fight

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