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Topic: Dumbing-down or wising-up?  (Read 16429 times)


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #120 on: May 30, 2012, 10:49:41 pm »
Definition of PROSELYTIZE

Yes thank you, I'm well aware of what the word means and have used it in context of noting the examples provided as proselytizing.  Conversely, there appear to be some xtian proselytizers who remain unaware of how the description fits the content of some of their posts, (and then try to force-fit that description to my responses to those proselytizing posts with some inane 'I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I' nonsense).

Actually, since it is insisted that proselytizing is going on in the Bible verse thread, I believe, then that proselytizing is happening from you, too, in order to sway people from discussing religious issues and instead, agree with the stance that there is no God; a *"cause."

No; challenging specious religious claims does not constitute "proselytizing" - that is a misapplication of the definition and a false characterization of what's taken place, (plus, the actual exchanges are archived so, your misrepresenting them is disingenuous). My challenges to specious claims are not made "in order to sway people from discussing religious issues" since there was at least some expectation that such challenges would be met, (and some at least tried).  The "stance" which I've always taken is that the burden of proof/substantiating a claim remains with the claimant, (that would be those religious adherents who've claimed that 'g-d' exists, sans evidence to support their claim), and haven't made a direct claim "that there is no g-d".  Therefore, you're misrepresenting challenges to xtian claims as making an opposite claim.  There is no "cause" being proselytized by challenging specious claims ... I challenge several types of claims, religious or secular.

You are consistently knocking just about any religious post in this forum.  This type of proselytizing for that kind of cause is distasteful (using your word.)

Characterizing dissenting viewpoints as "knocking" is a subjectively-biased opinion.  As an "opinion", it is a subjective interpretation and not objective evidence to support such prejudicial descriptors.  To reiterate that point; challenging specious religious claims does not constitute
"proselytizing" - that is a misapplication of the definition and a false characterization of what's taken place.  Lastly, the use of the word
"distasteful" was a quote from the other trolling xtian in this thread which was my subjective opinion of her, (and your), religious proselytizing posts. It is suspected that the cause of both of you xtians finding such challenges to your specious beliefs/faith to be "distasteful" lies within the blind-faith paradigm and a reluctance to question such religious convictions.  I don't have such a reluctance and if you're 'free' to post such religious proselytizings on open forums, so too am I free to oppose them, (whether your characterization of such dissent is viewed as "distasteful" as I view your religious proselytizing or not; you can no silence/censor/inhibit/restrict an opposing viewpoint than I can yours).

Most Christians in here do accept anyone else's choice of what they believe or don't believe.

Those statistics are unavailable for verification of your claim however, there have been/are at least half a dozen xtians who have posted in direct contradiction to such a claim, (e.g., they do not "accept" non-xtian viewpoints, (as opposed to 'beliefs'), and have tried various ad hominems, diversionary tactics, trolling/calling-out, dodging rebuttals and engaging in dissembling in lieu of actually 'accepting', (beyond any empty and contradictory assertions made that they do).

It is, ultimately, everyone's personal choice to believe what they think.

Indeed it is; which includes a personal choice to consider specious religious beliefs to be irrational/dangerous and to oppose them.  Otherwise, that other "personal choice" mentioned becomes a biased one-way street, applying only to religious adherents and not to non-religious dissention.  

However, you do not show the same courtesy with anyone else's choice of Christianity, and continue to try and disregard their beliefs totally, disprove them, and make them look foolish and irrational.  

Since the "same courtesy" is apparently not being applied by several xtians to non-xtian dissent, it is unreasonable to expect such a "courtesy" to be exclusively-applied.

This is NOT following the Golden Rule listed in this thread.

That is a misapplication of the "Golden Rule" listed under FC posting policies since proselytizing religous adherents had/have Initiated such threads and posts, (which tacitly imply that, since I choose not to be proselytized to/treated that way, those religious adherents doing so are the ffirst to violate that "Golden Rule").  Several of those religious proselytizers have then gone on to "NO flaming, NO derogatory remarks to other members" portion of the rule when any burden of proof challenge arises.  Many of those same religious adherents have then falsely characterized such challenges as making "derrogatory remarks", (but have been unable to provide quoted evidence in context to substantiate that such remarks as they perceive to be "derrogatory" have been in reply to previous derrogatory remarks made by those same religious adherents.  Unremarkably, several of those adherents had proceeded to "report" only 'one-sided' versions to the moderator - omitting the portion where they initiated the "flames" in violation of FC's posting policies.

There is no debating going on - it's completely one-sided with all rebuttal dismissive with the impression you are totally correct and the religious side are totally incorrect.

Well, 'that' particular characterization happens to be incorrect since there has been very little actual "debate" coming from the religious adherent side of the matter.  In that regard, it has been somewhat "one-sided" with most of the religious adherents appearing to be content with making specious/unreasooned pronouncements/declarations, (sans substantiations), and then disparaging dissenting/reasoned rebuttals.  Since I've never asserted that I'm "totally correct and the religious side are totally incorrect", that would be another specious declaration lacking evidence, (as in, a quoted post of mine asserting such a thing ... a random subjective 'interpretation' doesn't constitute such evidence - it must be a direct quote).

Religious debates are dropping in number now and while you might be ecstatic about that, as it seems ...

That's one of those 'subjective interpretations' previously mentioned.  Although I haven't read many of the archived threads in the context of religious debates, I have read those I've participated in and either there were more then than now or, that's another specious claim, (since it's relatively moot, it isn't worth the time & effort to me to go back and verify your assertion).

Yes, the ignore button can be used.  However, that does not solve the issue, especially when newbies come in and get treated the same way.

On the contrary, having once been a newbie here myself, (as were all of us), I've endeavored to treat the majority with more patience than with the more senior members.  If some newbie first jumps right into the fray with some especially strident religious proselytizing, I've occasionally, (as in, not every time), challenged it, (as in, challenging what they've asserted, not the newbie 'themselves' ).

Yes, it's an open forum, but it's not a forum for people to come into and feel belittled for their stance on things.  The open forum doesn't necessarily mean that you have to go into everyone of the threads, especially the religious ones, simply to make your disparaging remarks.

First, the FC forums are open to any FC member who chooses to post on extant threads.  Such threads are not the exclusive property of those participating in them, nor some sort of 'free pass' to blurt out anything and expect no dissenting viewpoints in reply.  To reiterate that point once again; characterizing dissenting viewpoints as "disparaging remarks" is an inherently personal and biased opinion.  It disregards my personal & biased opinion that proselytizing posts made by religious adherents comprise "disparaging remarks" which eschew reason.

The report button is there for a reason.  However, apparently people are afraid to use it now for fear of reprimand on them for using it when a poster is breaking or appears to be breaking 1 or 2 of the rules.  

If any are "afraid" of using the "report button" it's likely because they've been previously chastised for misusing it to make false reports, (and have been warned to discontinue such practices of "telling on" other members by submitted false accusations).  On the other hand, my posts have been trolled, religious adherents have posted threads specifically to "call out" another FC member, (me), and been intially-"flamed" and the ones doing so were warned by the moderator that those Are violations of FC posting policies.  Yet, you and they remain on FC, presumably 'surprised' that you've not been banned as the rules state, ("What if I break this rule? You will be banned for a minimum of 14 days and in a severe case your FusionCash account will be closed and all money will be forfeited").  This just goes to show that FC is even-handed in considering the situation.

"Satan hasn't a single salaried helper; the Opposition employ a million."
-- Mark Twain <-- satirical humor
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 03:47:38 pm by falcon9 »
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #121 on: May 31, 2012, 03:12:53 pm »
You say "yet, I haven't been banned and remain on FC?"  Where do you get off saying that about me?  How would you know something like that in the first place?  I have not been banned and not even been threatened of being banned.  I've only been "scolded" once, and that same scold was directed to you, as well.  Are you involved in the "inside" of the workings of FC to be allowed to make a comment such as you made?  To me, that is breaking/close to breaking the 4th rule of "Do not discuss cancellation or post disparaging remarks.  It's as if you seem to "know" that perhaps I could have been banned from FC, and if that is so, that is disparaging to comment on something like that about anyone in here.  And to make something clear here, I have never initiated a thread to "call" you out.

QUOTE from Falcon9:Posted on: May 30, 2012, 10:49:41 pm
Posted by: falcon9

"If any are "afraid" of using the "report button" it's likely because they've been previously chastised for misusing it to make false reports, (and have been warned to discontinue such practices of "telling on" other members by submitted false accusations).  On the other hand, my posts have been trolled, religious adherents have posted threads specifically to "call out" another FC member, (me), and been intially-"flamed" and the ones doing so were warned by the moderator that those Are violations of FC posting policies.  Yet, you and they remain on FC, presumably 'surprised' that you've not been banned as the rules state, ("What if I break this rule? You will be banned for a minimum of 14 days and in a severe case your FusionCash account will be closed and all money will be forfeited").  This just goes to show that FC is even-handed in considering the situation."
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 03:15:12 pm by jcribb16 »


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #122 on: May 31, 2012, 03:58:44 pm »
You say "yet, I haven't been banned and remain on FC?"  Where do you get off saying that about me?  

It was a simple statement of fact; you're still on the FC forums and able to post, therefore you haven't been banned.  Reading anything else into a simple factual statement may be considered to be both irrational and a bit paranoid.

- [this reply has been 'dumbed-down' in accordance with the context of this thread] -

"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #123 on: May 31, 2012, 04:44:39 pm »
You say "yet, I haven't been banned and remain on FC?"  Where do you get off saying that about me?  

It was a simple statement of fact; you're still on the FC forums and able to post, therefore you haven't been banned.  Reading anything else into a simple factual statement may be considered to be both irrational and a bit paranoid.

- [this reply has been 'dumbed-down' in accordance with the context of this thread] -

"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart
just in time to ask questions?"
--Scott Adams

Ha ha hee hee  - You are too funny!


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #124 on: May 31, 2012, 05:03:37 pm »
You say "yet, I haven't been banned and remain on FC?"  Where do you get off saying that about me?  

It was a simple statement of fact; you're still on the FC forums and able to post, therefore you haven't been banned.  Reading anything else into a simple factual statement may be considered to be both irrational and a bit paranoid.

- [this reply has been 'dumbed-down' in accordance with the context of this thread] -

"If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart
just in time to ask questions?"
--Scott Adams

Ha ha hee hee  - You are too funny!

That depends upon whether or not sarcasm is being attempted in response to 'sarchasm', ("the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn't get it").
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #125 on: June 03, 2012, 08:53:43 pm »
You know, Falcon9, one day last week I actually hit the ignore button for you, but I had to unblock you.  Your posts are so hilarious!!

"I would rather live my live as if there were life after death, and later on find out there really isn't, than  to live my life as if is NO life after death, and later find out there really IS."


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #126 on: June 03, 2012, 11:57:07 pm »
You know, Falcon9, one day last week I actually hit the ignore button for you, but I had to unblock you.  Your posts are so hilarious!!

Something is unclear about that ... if the ignore button was used to block my posts from your eyes, how would you know if such posts were hilarious or not?

"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #127 on: June 04, 2012, 08:35:13 am »
Oh, I had read many of your posts before that.  I just missed you and getting my laugh for the day.


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #128 on: June 04, 2012, 01:17:38 pm »
Oh, I had read many of your posts before that.  I just missed you and getting my laugh for the day.

Okay, given our diametrically-opposed stances, that's as clear as muddy water then.

"An atheist doesn't have to be someone who thinks he has a proof that there can't be a g-d. He only has to be someone who believes that the evidence on the g-d question is at a similar level to the evidence on the werewolf question."
-- John McCarthy
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #129 on: June 04, 2012, 05:04:55 pm »
Given our clearly diametrically opposed views, it still doesn't mean I can't find you funny. 


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #130 on: June 04, 2012, 05:12:16 pm »
Given our clearly diametrically opposed views, it still doesn't mean I can't find you funny.  

That can happen, true.  There's a friend of my gf's who is staunchly catholic and yet, finds George Carlin's irreligious humor to be extremely funny, (and occasionally mine too).  I'm not sure that parallel applies, (irreligious humor-wise), however her friend did laugh aloud after she'd sneezed and I remarked, "may any hypothetical deities potentially extant bestow hypothetical intercession upon you."  My gf then rhetorically commented to her, "he's constitutionally unable to say 'bless you'".  Instead of going into the origin of that phrase, we all laughed at that point.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 12:06:38 am by falcon9 »
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #131 on: June 04, 2012, 07:31:10 pm »
I don't know how old you are, so I don't know if you remember a comedian who called himself Brother Dave Gardner.  Now Brother Dave's comedy was irreverent, but I still have about three of his vinyl discs.  He was so funny!!!  BTW, how many hours a day does your GF study the dictionary?


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #132 on: June 05, 2012, 12:08:56 am »
I don't know how old you are, so I don't know if you remember a comedian who called himself Brother Dave Gardner.  Now Brother Dave's comedy was irreverent, but I still have about three of his vinyl discs.  He was so funny!!!

Nope, never heard of him.

BTW, how many hours a day does your GF study the dictionary?

None.  She seems to consider me as her 'walking, talking dictionary' however, I've never had to dumb anything down for her before.

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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #133 on: June 05, 2012, 01:44:55 am »
BTW, how many hours a day does your GF study the dictionary?

None.  She seems to consider me as her 'walking, talking dictionary' however, I've never had to dumb anything down for her before. 

Unless, of course, you want to include the hours she spends studying it, contemplating if it's big enough to THROW at you and get her point across.....
 :o ;D
How come it won't play?


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #134 on: June 05, 2012, 01:57:09 am »
BTW, how many hours a day does your GF study the dictionary?

None.  She seems to consider me as her 'walking, talking dictionary' however, I've never had to dumb anything down for her before. 

Unless, of course, you want to include the hours she spends studying it, contemplating if it's big enough to THROW at you and get her point across.....
 :o ;D

Would that be similar to Monty Python's sketch on "How To Put Your Budgie Down"?

"Well, I've just been reading a big book about how to put your budgie down. It seems you can either hit them with the book or shoot them there, just above the beak."
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.


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