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Topic: Dumbing-down or wising-up?  (Read 16431 times)


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #90 on: May 05, 2012, 07:41:28 am »
Ok Sammy, everyone knows you are here. Anyone should be able to see, as you have demonstrated that you are pretty much just FOS and a "look at me" drama Queen. Mission accomplished.

Just a FYI....Sammywantsya doesn't always get what she wants.

OH.....and feel free to not reply to me too.


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #91 on: May 05, 2012, 12:36:56 pm »
Ok Sammy, everyone knows you are here. Anyone should be able to see, as you have demonstrated that you are pretty much just FOS and a "look at me" drama Queen. Mission accomplished.

Just a FYI....Sammywantsya doesn't always get what she wants.

Maybe she's accustomed to getting a little cheese with her 'whine'.  Doubtless her plot is a source of disappointment for her.

OH.....and feel free to not reply to me too.

I'd like to see whether 'sammy' has sufficient self-control to not reply to someone she's repeatedly stated that she'd ignore, (while continuing to reply to the "ignored" posts).  Expectations are low regarding such an outcome, due entirely to evidence to the contrary.
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #92 on: May 06, 2012, 01:18:42 pm »
when i comment things first on a "religion topic" you started to argue with me after.... thats a FACT not some made up story...

It's refreshing that you're not making up another story, (such as first class to France on mother's day, etc.), and I agree with the facts regarding the sequence of events.  To emphasize those facts; you _commented first_, (not I), on a religious topic to which I then replied, (that would be after your remarks).  This means that either you're accustomed to having your nonsense go unchallenged or, you always get 'pissy' when it is challenged.

youve got some nerve to pull a fast one on this where you started this crap...

That contradicts what you just stated in this same post and in context; "i comment things first ..." -- 'sammy'. If you're trying to 'pull a slow one' here, that won't work either.
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #93 on: May 12, 2012, 11:08:28 pm »
After my "rant", I want to say that I really enjoyed reading your conversation here, walksalone11 and falcon9, it was both interesting and informative (or maybe enlightening would be a better word).  

I just had time to briefly rush through latest posts here, didn't get to really read much of them, so I want to be sure to get back on here later this evening. I am looking forward to reading more interesting posts from walksalone11 and bad dog.
Oh OOOPS I mean falcon9....gosh what was I thinking? ( ;D :bootyshake:  ;D 8))

Also comments from the quoted falcon9 post I feel the need to say SOMETHING about ::) .....and also respond to the dumb down wise up question.

No rush ... it's only been nine or ten days, (or so ...).

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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #94 on: May 17, 2012, 11:59:52 am »
THIS IS A GPT SITE its not meant to be intelligent. some of us arent that smart but when you call someone out and cant leave this alone you go out of your way to berate them including me where i was sensitive about somethings and then stalks me out of the GODs forum and insulted us from there. its get to a point where its gettn annoying and creepy.. i also agree what we calling you out is some what childish too so its both ways for both of us...

i do however have an open mind about your opinions and difference but calling me and idiot hypocryte and a liar ?... how can you call me those things when you yourself dont even know me but when i spoke my mind about religion topics that has no intention to debate you? you started to argue with me then it gets to argueing and picking names at each other like a broken record. i replied back becauuse you mentioned me thats how it got started from there.

 this will be my last post and gonna ignore your future comments from now on seriously. but you have to admit what you did with others are wrong by calling someone names... and i will do the same. i was thinking about this you aint a bad dude but there's a thin line where you have to limit your replies.. like i said before on the other topic we dont hate you you just need to work on that tone... also you gotta remember we have underage kids here as well..

PS if you just wanna post your likes about religion go ahead im not gonna touch it, but where i post somewhere else please dont comment that mentions me because itw as not to debate against you ... DEAL ? lets start over and call it truths i dont like to be named idiot hypocrite and a liar from now on..
No one is "stalking you" or really cares how dumb you are. If you are religious and flaunting it for the world to see expect criticism.


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #95 on: May 17, 2012, 12:43:43 pm »
THIS IS A GPT SITE its not meant to be intelligent. ... and then stalks me out of the GODs forum ...  

No one is "stalking you" or really cares how dumb you are. If you are religious and flaunting it for the world to see expect criticism.

Exactly.  If religious adherents choose post proselytizing beliefs in public forums, others can choose to post dissenting viewpoints in those same forums, (which are, most emphatically NOT "the g-ds forum"; they are FC forums consisting of d+d, off topic and FC-related topics ... not a one of those are exclusively nor inclusively 'g-d' forums).
« Last Edit: May 17, 2012, 12:46:13 pm by falcon9 »
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #96 on: May 18, 2012, 03:10:52 pm »

LOL! Oh, my, what a discussion! There are so many replies that I could/want to post but I'd be here all day. Let's bring back the "*crickets chirping*" and answer the questions first presented. it actually detrimental to "dumb it down" for others or, wouldn't that be condescending and ultimately not beneficial for everyone?

When you "dumb it down" for others, they wouldn't know it unless they know you or your typical posts so in their perspective it wouldn't be condescending. From your perspective it would be condescending in the manner of speaking from a superior knowledge of the spoken/written language. Where's the benefit?
Does "talking over someone's head" inherently 'insult' them or, motivate them to figure out what in the blue blazes they're going on about?

It depends on the individual. Anyone who wishes to improve themselves would be motivated to use the dictionary or ask questions. Others find it insulting because they have a low self esteem, got up on the wrong side of the bed, are just having a bad day or whatever other reason they get insulted for.

As falcon9 has often said..It's a matter of perspective. Speak/post as you would do in normal conversations. If others have a problem with it, then it's their problem. If you really want to get your point across, then maybe you need to paraphrase the comment. The perspective changes with each unique situation.

*crickets chirping*


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #97 on: May 18, 2012, 05:21:21 pm »
LOL! Oh, my, what a discussion! There are so many replies that I could/want to post but I'd be here all day. Let's bring back the "*crickets chirping*" and answer the questions first presented.

Either I already agree with you or, you're agreeing with me. *chuckle*  Nevertheless, I wanted to see if anyone dissented or, challenged our parallel points of view. it actually detrimental to "dumb it down" for others or, wouldn't that be condescending and ultimately not beneficial for everyone?

When you "dumb it down" for others, they wouldn't know it unless they know you or your typical posts so in their perspective it wouldn't be condescending. From your perspective it would be condescending in the manner of speaking from a superior knowledge of the spoken/written language. Where's the benefit?
Does "talking over someone's head" inherently 'insult' them or, motivate them to figure out what in the blue blazes they're going on about?

It depends on the individual. Anyone who wishes to improve themselves would be motivated to use the dictionary or ask questions. Others find it insulting because they have a low self esteem, got up on the wrong side of the bed, are just having a bad day or whatever other reason they get insulted for.

As falcon9 has often said..It's a matter of perspective. Speak/post as you would do in normal conversations. If others have a problem with it, then it's their problem. If you really want to get your point across, then maybe you need to paraphrase the comment. The perspective changes with each unique situation.

*crickets chirping*
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #98 on: May 20, 2012, 08:23:18 am »


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #99 on: May 20, 2012, 10:31:48 am »

Your selection of the former option in the thread title is duly noted, (the third option is to use the 'ignore' button).
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #100 on: May 20, 2012, 01:02:20 pm »
But I don't know how to use the ignore button.  I'm too "stoopid."


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #101 on: May 20, 2012, 01:03:53 pm »
Actually, I do know how to use the ignore button.  It's just more fun this way.


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #102 on: May 20, 2012, 01:06:26 pm »
Actually, I do know how to use the ignore button.  It's just more fun this way.

What's more fun for you; not knowing how to use the simple ignore button function or, simply functioning as a road hazard?
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #103 on: May 20, 2012, 01:15:33 pm »
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #104 on: May 20, 2012, 01:19:44 pm »
Chirp  [about 420 times]

Since you've elected to 'spam' this thread by adding nothing, your tacit perrmission to do much the same with any thread you've posted in has been granted, 'troll'.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 11:09:40 am by falcon9 »
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.


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