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Topic: Hey Falcon  (Read 19075 times)


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2012, 09:37:07 pm »
I stop by for light chat, helpful info, and sometimes to vent when I've had a crazy time on the offers.  I don't come here to get caught up in heated debate, or a fact finding mission about everything from the history of politics to the obstacles of the reality of faith.  

Since you claim not to come here for the reasons you mentioned above, your motivations for reading and replying to this particular thread are suspect. That makes your claim either dubious or, a result of some passive-aggressive post-and-run underlying intention, (emphasis on the lying part of 'underlying').

I comment when it's light and friendly, but don't have the time or endurance to debate another person's beliefs.

Doubtless it's more a matter of inability than inclination however, this means that you won't be commenting 'lightly' or, otherwise, (unless the contentions were accurate).
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2012, 09:40:15 pm »
... some people have lives and don't have time to argue everyday on a GPT forum... Sad life huh

While in other instances, jumping onto a 'calling-out' thread, (like the one you started previously), shows your actual motivations, rather than the sorry excuse for posting unfounded speculations you floated instead.  Last time you tried that, a moderator moved the thread from "off topic" to "debate+discuss", (whereupon you bailed quickly in a revealing way).
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2012, 06:56:00 am »
Falcon although you can be annoying to someone like myself who is "semi illiterate" I still like YOU  :wave: YOU cant help the way YOU are  :dontknow:


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2012, 07:06:02 am »
I'm out of the loop... I do not think you are talking about a sports team or a bird and I have not clue what is going on??? :BangHead:


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2012, 10:00:59 am »
I'm out of the loop... I do not think you are talking about a sports team or a bird and I have not clue what is going on??? :BangHead:

It may be that 'my groupies' sometimes forget that it's "falcon9" when posting these *calling-out* threads about me, which sometimes causes confusion with the "Falconer02" member of FC.  It isn't a big deal, more like "moths to a flame".
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2012, 10:13:33 am »
seee i told you falcon alot of us are annoyed with you... and some actually brung a good point too... so take a breather falcon and change your mindset... we dont hate you kiddo we just dont like your behavior. when you call someone an idiot hypocryt what ever what does that make you kid? seriously you need to go out and have fun..

your going stale falcon with your fake intelligence.. for you to call someone an idiot is very disturbing. because the rules are this please respect pple in this forum instead you bash out every little detail and then you make yourself inferior to pple who is weak in the debate. thats just wrong in so many levels...
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 10:19:44 am by sammywantsya »


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2012, 10:20:03 am »

I'm still working on that whole 'returning firing when fired upon' thing from my military days but, that does flow both ways.
"returning firing..." can be well understood. In the "tone debate" we were talking about, you pounced before being fired upon. That was another topic, a different day. What branch of the military were you in?


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2012, 10:25:44 am »
i am still puzzled as well he insulted me so many times its not even funny.. just look at the top go out on the sun and see the last post he made ? isnt that breaking the rules?


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2012, 10:29:11 am »
seee i told you falcon alot of us are annoyed with you...

The reactions of others are their own responsibility, just as I am responsible for any reactions of mine.

and some actually brung a good point too...


so take a breather falcon and change your mindset...

Since you are demonstrably unaware of what my "mindset" is, your request is denied.

we dont hate you kiddo we just dont like your behavior.

My "behavior" has been to challenge irrationality, (especially of the religious belief variety), with reasoning.  If you don't like that, don't read it or reply to it.  It's as simple as that.  Your attempts to alter that "mindset" are doomed to failure, "kiddo".
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2012, 10:31:56 am »
I am in agreement! I dont think Falcon knows how to give a kind critism. As a matter of fact, Why does he feel the need to "correct" everyone. Maybe he feels so low about himself, that he tries to make everyone else feel bad about theirselves, that way he might feel better about himself. Just a thought. I have  been at the end of his rath and it is no fun.  :angry7: I feel sorry for him, truely.  :sad1:


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2012, 10:37:02 am »
"returning firing..." can be well understood. In the "tone debate" we were talking about, you pounced before being fired upon. That was another topic, a different day.

Recall the metaphor of walking into a theatre after a movie has already begun and missing the beginning. If my replies were _responses_, then someone else "fired first". There are no in-context instances of my initiating the tone debate or, opening fire preemptively.

What branch of the military were you in?

U.S.A.F., honorably discharged after service.
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2012, 10:46:22 am »
I dont think Falcon knows how to give a kind critism. As a matter of fact, Why does he feel the need to "correct" everyone.

As often happens, that's a matter of interpretation or, of misinterpretion.

Maybe he feels so low about himself, that he tries to make everyone else feel bad about theirselves, that way he might feel better about himself. Just a thought.

The interpretative "thought" is an error of discernment.  I don't "feel low", (I'm fine), the intent is not to "make everyone else feel bad about theirselves", (since only they can do that), and the conclusion is false since it derives from a false premise, (there's no need to do so to "feel better about" myself since I'm doing fine).

I have  been at the end of his rath and it is no fun.  :angry7: I feel sorry for him, truely.  :sad1:

It wasn't _wrath_, it was challenging preconceptions and then fending off any resultant petulance from those who'd prefer that their publically-posted preconceptions not be challenged.  One could pity those who lack enough courage of their convictions to stand up for them, (which means defending the convictions they post, not attacking those who challenge them).
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2012, 10:57:13 am »
i am still puzzled as well he insulted me so many times its not even funny.

Now that's an out-of-context accusation since it implies that something was done "out-of-the-blue", which is demonstrably false, (even the "bikini" comment in another off-topic thread used the word 'if').  Such disingenious insinuations don't stand up when there's an archived record of posted exchanges which show their full context.

... just look at the top go out on the sun and see the last post he made ? isnt that breaking the rules?

While your grammatical jumble is partially parsed, ("go out on the sun"?), you've "insulted" as much as you claim to be "insulted".  Playing the 'martyred victim' is a false presentation of events.
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2012, 11:34:05 am »
the thread title "I love it when the sun is out "

my quote "i know righht its time to put bikinis on and go to the beach.."

your quote "That would be cruel of you to do so if it scares the little kids at the beach and makes them cry."

this is one of the insults... you cant even remember dammn.. plus this topic is about having fun in the sun.. i just replied what i usally do outside... dude change your mindset everyone will be happier.. you can debate stuff but not to extent where you hurt them mentally.. i aint mad at you im just disapointed pple like you still bully on the internet..dont act all innocent we just had it with you period.. your def no fun and its no wonder veterans here in fusioncash just left and forget about the forum bonuses..  and i am still clueless why he is still here after all the raucous he had made and made it uncomfortable.. he was warned once its time to get a boot or change his mindset.. as we said earlier we dont hate you you just need to work on that tone of yours... also i would like to ad that this is the 3rd time he got a complaint and made a debate against him...
« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 11:55:55 am by sammywantsya »


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2012, 12:09:26 pm »
the thread title "I love it when the sun is out "
my quote "i know righht its time to put bikinis on and go to the beach.."
your quote "That would be cruel of you to do so if it scares the little kids at the beach and makes them cry."

As I'd previously mentioned, '(even the "bikini" comment in another off-topic thread used the word 'if')'.

this is one of the cant even remember dammn...

It's not an 'insult' if it doesn't scare little kids, (hence the word "IF" being used). Of course I remembered it, which was why I mentioned it before you did.

... dude change your mindset everyone will be happier...

Once again, I decline your request.  Consider that you don't speak for everyone. can debate stuff but not to extent where you hurt them mentally...

Doubtless many of "them" were "mentally hurt" prior to reading the content of debates/discussions I've participated in.  Even if you are attributing some sort of 'psychic mind powers' conveyed by textual posts, the best way to avoid such 'voudou' is to not read them/use the "ignore" function.

i aint mad at you im just disapointed pple like you still bully on the internet...

I'm not surprised that some people consider debate & discussion content to be 'bullying' when it isn't. I'm not even disappointed that people like you still try the 'martyred victim act' because it probably worked to some extent for them in the past.

dont act all innocent we just had it with you period.. your def no fun and its no wonder veterans here in fusioncash just left and forget about the forum bonuses..

Again, you're presuming to speak for everyone when others are capable of speaking for themselves.  The other presumptions you've just made include assuming "veterans" have left FC, (and you know this because they don't post or, you're psychic?).  Consider that some people 'lurk' and just do the offers here, (or merely post in other threads which you haven't read).

The other presumption on your part is that I'm "no fun".  While this is largely immaterial in this context, (since I'm not here for you to have fun), others would disagree.  Lastly, if you're not 'having fun' replying to certain posts, the easiest solution is to stop doing so.  Why have 'not-fun' when you can choose otherwise?
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