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Topic: Hey Falcon  (Read 19076 times)


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Hey Falcon
« on: April 25, 2012, 03:27:48 am »
Falcon i'm over here, am I the only one who finds Falcon annoying  :BangHead:


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 07:49:50 am »
Not any more.  I like the ignore button.
Have a wonderful day!


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2012, 04:48:50 pm »
Yes, he can be annoying sometimes but he does have some good points sometimes in discussions. I just wish he would stick to the subject that is being discussed instead of going off on tangents when he tries to rebut what someone says. Would love to see him start his own topic to see what he is really passionate about. lol


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2012, 04:55:51 pm »
Falcon i'm over here, am I the only one who {trolls} Falcon ?

Not any more.  I like the ignore button.

There you go; learn from your fellow fundie if able to, "cateyes".
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2012, 05:00:35 pm »
Yes, he can be annoying sometimes but he does have some good points sometimes in discussions.

Thanks; sometimes I aim for sardonic though. Which parts are considered "annoying"?  The ones you disagree with or, refuting cherished beliefs?

I just wish he would stick to the subject that is being discussed instead of going off on tangents when he tries to rebut what someone says.

In fairness, those tangents are originated by the ones who prefer attacking me, rather than stick to the context being contended however, I always return to that context, (despite such external attempts to distract from the discussions).

Would love to see him start his own topic to see what he is really passionate about. lol

My girlfriend isn't likely to appreciate that but, it's a thought.
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2012, 05:12:06 pm »
Yes, he can be annoying sometimes but he does have some good points sometimes in discussions.

Thanks; sometimes I aim for sardonic though. Which parts are considered "annoying"?  The ones you disagree with or, refuting cherished beliefs?

I know sometimes I read what you write and it seems to be in the tone of I'm right and there is nothing you can do about it, which most people find annoying. On the other side of it though, it is my mind that is reading it that way - in said tone causing myself to be annoyed, which obviously isn't you - it's me. :wave:


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2012, 05:16:42 pm »
I know sometimes I read what you write and it seems to be in the tone of I'm right and there is nothing you can do about it, which most people find annoying. On the other side of it though, it is my mind that is reading it that way - in said tone causing myself to be annoyed, which obviously isn't you - it's me. :wave:

While it's true that reading "tone" into a textual post is very subjective, to a certain extent I am able to see how such text can be interpreted/misinterpreted various ways.  Sometimes, assumptions are made based on such perceptions and/or preconceived notions.
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2012, 05:27:13 pm »
Falcon i'm over here   :BangHead:

If I'm not mistaken, you're at least the third one here to post a separate thread 'calling me out'.  If you missed me, it is only because your aim is poor.  If you believe I missed you, you'd be mistaken once again.
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2012, 05:27:40 pm »
Thanks; sometimes I aim for sardonic though. Which parts are considered "annoying"?  The ones you disagree with or, refuting cherished beliefs?

Oh, I am all for debate! Annoyed not at disagreement, that's why there is's the sardonic part. I'm not one to hold cherished beliefs if a good debate changes my mind. Life is change, why not what you believe in?

I know sometimes I read what you write and it seems to be in the tone of I'm right and there is nothing you can do about it, which most people find annoying. On the other side of it though, it is my mind that is reading it that way - in said tone causing myself to be annoyed, which obviously isn't you - it's me. :wave:

Gads, don't get him started on "tone", we started a conversation about that. lol


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2012, 05:36:26 pm »
Thanks; sometimes I aim for sardonic though. Which parts are considered "annoying"?  The ones you disagree with or, refuting cherished beliefs?

Oh, I am all for debate! Annoyed not at disagreement, that's why there is's the sardonic part. I'm not one to hold cherished beliefs if a good debate changes my mind. Life is change, why not what you believe in?

I'm not sure if you noted the usual sequence of events in every one of those 'debates' however, I normally don't aim for sardonic replies unless in response to unsupported claims or, when the respondant shoots toward me instead of the context of the debate.

I know sometimes I read what you write and it seems to be in the tone of I'm right and there is nothing you can do about it, which most people find annoying. On the other side of it though, it is my mind that is reading it that way - in said tone causing myself to be annoyed, which obviously isn't you - it's me. :wave:

Gads, don't get him started on "tone", we started a conversation about that. lol

Yep, but it wasn't a separate thread.  Evenso, "tone" is still a perception filtered through any preconceptions and as such, is a judgement call.
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2012, 06:27:40 pm »

I'm not sure if you noted the usual sequence of events in every one of those 'debates' however, I normally don't aim for sardonic replies unless in response to unsupported claims or, when the respondant shoots toward me instead of the context of the debate.

To be honest, I did not notice the usual sequence in many posts. I do seem to recall the debate I posted in, you came across in a very caustic way that lit a fire for some people. So, yes, responses were aimed at you instead of context after that.

Yep, but it wasn't a separate thread.  Evenso, "tone" is still a perception filtered through any preconceptions and as such, is a judgement call.

Nope, not a separate thread and not helpful to the individual that started the post. And, I'm not arguing that "tone" is perceptual or a judgement call, some responses simply were more obviously "in your face" that started the discussion on tone.


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2012, 06:45:04 pm »
To be honest, I did not notice the usual sequence in many posts. I do seem to recall the debate I posted in, you came across in a very caustic way that lit a fire for some people. So, yes, responses were aimed at you instead of context after that.

Without the preceding context from which the actual sequence of exchanges occurred, such a perception is much like walking into a movie theatre in the middle of a film.  A perception somewhat skewed and out of context.

Evenso, "tone" is still a perception filtered through any preconceptions and as such, is a judgement call.

And, I'm not arguing that "tone" is perceptual or a judgement call, some responses simply were more obviously "in your face" that started the discussion on tone.

I'm still working on that whole 'returning firing when fired upon' thing from my military days but, that does flow both ways.
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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2012, 07:46:45 pm »
@ULuvCeCe ~I know sometimes I read what you write and it seems to be in the tone of I'm right and there is nothing you can do about it, which most people find annoying. On the other side of it though, it is my mind that is reading it that way - in said tone causing myself to be annoyed, which obviously isn't you - it's me. wave
 :star:You hit that nail right the head ULuvCeCe! The way you react to other people's words is your own doing to how your mood ends up being angry,sad, happy....etc.
@cateyes1~ Falcon i'm over here, am I the only one who finds Falcon annoying  BangHead
 :star:Dear, nobody has the right to make you feel anything without your consent. Falcon has no power to make you feel the way you do now. You alone made that choice to react that way towards Falcon. The only answer to your Falcon problem is.... JUST DON'T RESPOND! :thumbsup:

 :star:Me, I choose to see Falcon's responses as funny, informative, sometimes disturbing or
questionable but never annoying. I could never give a stranger in a blog so much power that I would react blindly & so strongly to his words. Just because I don't agree to it. I use the power of choice to keep me balanced. If i don't like it, I don't respond!  :thumbsup: :wave:


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2012, 08:17:49 pm »
I stop by for light chat, helpful info, and sometimes to vent when I've had a crazy time on the offers.  I don't come here to get caught up in heated debate, or a fact finding mission about everything from the history of politics to the obstacles of the reality of faith.  I comment when it's light and friendly, but don't have the time or endurance to debate another person's beliefs.

  If that's what others come here for, then they can have at it.


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Re: Hey Falcon
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2012, 08:26:02 pm »
I stop by for light chat, helpful info, and sometimes to vent when I've had a crazy time on the offers.  I don't come here to get caught up in heated debate, or a fact finding mission about everything from the history of politics to the obstacles of the reality of faith.  I comment when it's light and friendly, but don't have the time or endurance to debate another person's beliefs.

  If that's what others come here for, then they can have at it.

You're exactly right some people have lives and don't have time to argue everyday on a GPT forum... Sad life huh

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