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Topic: Ok, I give up.  (Read 2539 times)


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Ok, I give up.
« on: April 19, 2012, 07:43:29 am »
I have tried to search for instructions on posting a screenshot of my cashout, but I can't find them and I'm not having any luck on my own.  Anyone?  Tips?

Thanks in advance!


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 08:30:20 am »
I have tried to search for instructions on posting a screenshot of my cashout, but I can't find them and I'm not having any luck on my own.  Anyone?  Tips?

Thanks in advance!

It is in the first post of the thread where you need to put your screenshot.
Here you go:;topicseen ;)
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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2012, 08:33:16 am »
I've had the same problem. Let's see if the instructions work.


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2012, 10:41:08 am »
How come when you use the search your cash is not credited to you? ::)
No - Kohler *FusionCash Staff*


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2012, 10:48:10 am »
Post payment proof (a screenshot of an electronic payment, or a scan/picture of a check) or something cool that you bought/did with your money and we'll give you a $1 bonus.  You can attach images to your post by clicking "Additional Options" at the bottom of the reply area.

Just post your images here, and we'll take care of the rest.  Smiley

CONDITIONS:  You may request ONE bonus per calendar month.  You have 90 days to request a bonus once you receive a payment - after that, you're no longer eligible.


For those wanting to send a screen shot of PayPal payment or Direct Deposit payment:

1. Open up your Internet browser and go to PayPal / your online banking.

2. Login and click the "Details" link for your payment, if available.

3. Now, hit the "PRT SCRN" button your keyboard, it is usually located in the upper right part of the keyboard.  This takes a screenshot and copies it to the clipboard.

4. Visit and press "Ctrl+V" to paste your screenshot.  At this point you can use the online editor to "block out" sensitive info.  Be sure to leave the date, time, payor name, and a portion of the transaction ID or some other identifier.  You can also crop the picture down to the most important parts.

5. Save the image, then right-click it to "Save As" and save it somewhere you'll remember (for example, on your Desktop).

6. You can try to attach the image to your post, but there is a limit on the file size, so that will only work for small images.  Otherwise, use a service like to upload the image and get the code suitable for posting in a forum post.  To post it, grab the link labeled: "Direct link" and just use these codes:


Other details:
You're permitted to obscure any non-FC related info that you don't want to share.  In fact, we would encourage it.  A screenshot of the email you received from PayPal is sufficient for credit.  So is a screenshot of the payment detail page on PayPal's website.  For direct deposit, a screenshot of your online banking which indicates the deposit is required for credit; alternatively, you can scan in a paper bank statement which indicates the deposit.
Lastly, for a check, a picture or scan of the check itself is required; you may obscure details but the check number must be visible to qualify for credit.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.NEED Help? Check out my Beginners Guide pinned in the Support forum :) 


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2012, 10:49:34 am »
How come when you use the search your cash is not credited to you? ::)

You need a certain amount of searches to qualify for credit. Just keep using the search bar on a regular basis and it should add up. Is it telling you how many searches you have made?
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.NEED Help? Check out my Beginners Guide pinned in the Support forum :) 


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2012, 05:59:27 pm »
I have tried to search for instructions on posting a screenshot of my cashout, but I can't find them and I'm not having any luck on my own.  Anyone?  Tips?

Thanks in advance!

The official FC instructions are located in the Contest & Promotions section of the forum in the thread for post a screenshop of your payment for $1 -- instructions start after the red banner on this page:

The instructions that florezitta provides offers some alternatives, but it's helpful to see the similarities as well as the difference.

My instructions follow below.  Use the one that works best for you.

One of the reasons that I use PAYPAL. It's easy to load the details of the deposit onto the screen and take a screenshot of the deposit.

You need to get that screenshot, suitably cropped, in your PC so you can create a jpeg picture of it and load the jpeg picture into TinyPics, and then have Tinypics create a URL (for forums) that you can enter into the FC forum.

1. Once you get a picture of your PAYPAL deposit on the screen of your PC, click on the PrintScreen button.
2. Load up your Paint software and click Edit, then paste, to bring the screenshot into the Paint software.
You can "crop" the loaded screenshot to show just what needs to be shown. Use the erasure to remove anything you don't want to show (like the transaction ID or your email address or other sensitive info you don't want the world to see)
3. Use the File: Save As option to save your modified screenshot to your Shared Pictures library. I use the jpeg extension. Name it something that makes sense to you so you can find it easily. (ie FusionCashPOPmmddyr.jpeg)
4. Load up the FC Forum, Contest and Promotions, and bring up the thread about loading up your payment. Click on the reply link so you will have the page handy when you get the URL from Tinypic.

5. Load up the website. (or any other image making site that gives you URLs)

(I do this on Firefox since I've had problems reading the URLs in IE.)

Click Browse and locate the jpeg picture you just created in your Shared Picture library. Click "open" to bring the picture onto the Tinypic website.

Use "Image"; and "default" for your size.

Click on Upload NOW! on the Tinypic website. Complete the capcha.

6 You will get several sets of URL. Use the one for Forums.

I have found it easiest to click on the forum URL and use the right click on my mouse to copy it then move the cursor over to the FC forum reply window, click on the reply window and then right click the mouse and paste the URL into the reply window.

(I tried writing the URL down and entering it manually, but I usually had typo's. Copy/paste works best for me.)

7. Add your comments in the reply window (usually before the URL) and then click Preview to make sure everything worked the way you wanted it to. If it looks good, click Post. If it doesn't, try again.

Took me a while to get the routine down, but now it's old hat -- and I have found the process to be useful in posting POP's for other sites. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2012, 11:15:35 am »
Anyone have a good idea on how to get referals? 


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2012, 12:25:41 pm »
oh, boy....    :BangHead:    just got done reading the directions for posting a screen shot for a paypal payment. Just dont think it is worth the money it pays! :dontknow:


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2012, 03:19:31 pm »
oh, boy....    :BangHead:    just got done reading the directions for posting a screen shot for a paypal payment. Just dont think it is worth the money it pays! :dontknow:

It does take a bit of getting use to, but once you get through it once, the 2nd time is much easier.  If you are working any other sites, the technique you develop here (with lots of help to walk you thru) will come in handy elsewhere.  More and more sites are asking/requiring you to post a screen shot of your latest payment before you will be eligible for another payment.

It's only $1.00 for any given payment; but it's $1.00 for every payment you submit a proof.  If you expect to be around FC, the $1.00's will add up.

Finally, consider this a challenge.  If you can learn this process, you'll learn about using PAINT, image makers and right clicking your mouse.  (All of which was new to me too -- not so long ago).


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2012, 03:28:51 pm »
How come when you use the search your cash is not credited to you? ::)
it should be, whenever you do a search you have to remember that it takes search to qualify for 1 cent. Are you getting the message that your search was not qualified?


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2012, 06:49:08 pm »
I had trouble with windows 7 on the  screen shot. It took me awhile but, I finally figured it out.  I had to play with it awhile and it finally worked.  It maybe helpful if someone who is tech savvy can update the information using windows 7.   The new keyboards do not have screen shot on them at all.  I forgot the short cut.  LOL I guess I will have to look up again.


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2012, 02:10:07 pm »
My laptop (Windows 7) is 2 years old.  The printscreen button is in the top row, labeled "PrintScr" in between Insert and Delete.


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2012, 01:52:25 am »
I had trouble with windows 7 on the  screen shot. It took me awhile but, I finally figured it out.  I had to play with it awhile and it finally worked.  It maybe helpful if someone who is tech savvy can update the information using windows 7.   The new keyboards do not have screen shot on them at all.  I forgot the short cut.  LOL I guess I will have to look up again.

I don't know about being tech savvy, but here's the coolest method for posting a screenshot of your payment that I've come up with:

I use Direct Deposit so I'll explain the steps I use for that method of payment. I'll assume you're new at this.

1. Open your bank statement and isolate your FC payment by limiting options on days and amount deposited.
2. Hit the Prtcn/SysRq key in the upper right-hand corner of your keyboard.
3. Shrink or close this screen and open Microsoft Paint. Do a search for it if necessary.
4. Click on Paste in the upper left-hand corner of Paint to retrieve your previous screen.
5. Find 'crop' in the menu choices at the top of the screen. Surround the section of your bank statement that includes only the lines containing your FC payment so there is a rectangle around that information.
6. Now stay within that rectangle and right-click 'crop' again. Your selected lines should now be isolated in the upper left-hand corner of the main body of the screen.
7. Save as a JPEG and give your save a specific name including the month and year of your payment so you can easily find it again.
8. Now shrink or exit Paint and open Click on Browse and search for the page you just saved in Paint and open it.
9. Click on upload now and complete the Captcha. Now scroll down and look for IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards.
10. Click and then right-click on the code in the yellow rectangle.
11. Now shrink or close Tinypic and go the the last page of the topic color=green]ONGOING: Post a screenshot of your payment or picture of your check - Get $1! New
     in Contests & Promotions[/color].
12. Scroll down to the latest entry and hit 'reply'. Write a line or two if you wish, then move down a couple of lines and right-click to paste the image you saved in Tinypic. Preview your work to be sure your image is visible and save your reply.
13. If you got lost somewhere along the way, reboot and start over. Be careful and patient and you'll soon have success.

Keep in mind this is just one method of posting a screenshot in the forum that works for me. You might find your own variation that works better for you. If these directions are unclear in any way, please let me know and I will do my best to assist. Good luck! :peace:

Update: I'm quite sure there are easier ways to post a screenshot like the attachment method, but I like the final result of this method better, that's all. Check out the last post on page 254 of the topic to see a screenshot my 13th payment using this method. It took me all of five minutes to complete. It's really a snap once you do it a couple of times.  
« Last Edit: April 24, 2012, 12:08:49 am by rbudovec1947 »


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Re: Ok, I give up.
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2012, 04:04:09 pm »
With mine when I posted a screenshot I didn't see it as difficult as the steps make it seem but I'm sure I know more about computers than some of the people.  It's really not difficult once you do it and you'll see it's one of the easiest ways to make a buck on here just give it a try.  All you do if you have paypal is go to the screen it shows you receiving the payment from FC and prnt Scrn onto Word, save the file, then post it as attachment on the thread address posted above.  It's as easy as pie. :-P

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