Absolutely!! I reported 1 company, and threatened another, somebody has to be able to protect these business from treating their customers wrong. The company I did report was Jackson Hewitt, I had to send back information on my taxes that they prepared 3 different times, didn't get my refund til the following year because of mistakes they made, everything from my wrong address, to not filing the correct papers, I was told that the girl that prepared my taxes didn't understand english very well, so was having a hard time understand the forms, I got 1/2 of my tax fees back which is what I had originally requested. If it wasn't for BBB I probably wouldnn't have gotten anything, I turned Jackson Hewitt in because they weren't willing to work to a compromise on the issues. The other company I threatened to turn in was a company that sells meat at the door, he told me I was paying so much per piece, well I didn't, it was more, I threatened to turn them in and they sent me a refund right away!!