I have seen too many posts from people who say they can't find referrals, but still they don't have a YouTube account yet.
So I decided to post a step-by-step path for anyone to go from
Zero to Hero with YouTube. It's second nature to me, so let me know if you don't get something.
1- Get a fresh Gmail account, if you don't have one you want to use.
2- Logon to Gmail and at the top you should see a black bar, click on the link that says YouTube and get a free account.
3- Upload your personal profile photo of YOURSELF, nothing else, just you. The point is to establish an image to work from. No one cares what you look like, just that you are a real person they can identify with.
4- Fill out your profile information as completely as you can and include a link to your blog (preferrable), or to Fusioncash if you don't have one. (That's another story)
5- Now we need a few videos about YOU, not just sales pitches. You need to get a reputation before sales pitches will work. Yes you can make your own, it's NOT that hard.
6- Use a free copy of Open Office Writer to type up a script for a slide show with one short paragraph for each slide you want to include.
7- Get a free copy of Audacity (search Google for it) and install it. If you don't have a microphone, you can get one on Ebay CHEAP that will work fine.
8- Read through your script a few times until you can do it without sounding like you are reading it. You will notice where you stumble, so change the word or use a contraction (like you're or let's) to make it easy to read. Put some emotion in it, but don't make it sound like a used car salesman.
9- Now use Audacity to record your script. It's simple to use, but there are tons of tutorials on YouTube if you need them. If you mess up, just leave some silence to be able to find it and record the messed up paragraph over. Later go back and delete the bad one.
10- Leave a few seconds of silence at the end, then select it and click Effect, then choose Noise Removal to Set Noise Profile. Then select all (the whole track) and click Noise Removal again to apply it.
11- Select the whole track again and click Effect and choose Bass Boost. Play with this to get a better sound.
12- Now use Open Office Impress to make your slides. Keep it simple and spice it up with some screen shots or clip art you can find free with Google. Again, there are tons of tutorials on YouTube for this too.
13- Get a free copy of HyperCam2 and set it to record the region around your first slide in the slide show with NO SOUND. Then you can listen to your sound track as you follow along on the script and click to advance the slide when each red mark comes up. This makes it simple to synchronize everything.
14- Finally use Windows Movie Maker to import the .wav file Audacity created and the .avi file HyperCam2 created and drag them to the timeline. Now you can save the video to your computer and upload it to YouTube.
15- Now that you know how to do it, go back to step 6 and do it again. (well, maybe tomorrow)
You might have to stumble through a few steps and even ask somebody for help, but this is the most important skill you can learn if you want referrals for anything. Then you will get the bug and move on to even bigger things with videos, just like I did.
Part 2Once you get your profile looking snappy and have loaded a few videos, you need to get viewers. Pick a NICHE to focus on and make some of your videos around that niche. For example, if I was a stay at home mom, I would make some videos about child care tips. Then go find other stay at home moms that make money online and leave a GENUINE comment on their videos, then subscribe to their channel. Don't try to add the whole universe, just one or two a day (or week) and let it grow. Remember YouTube is a Social Network, not just a video library.
So how would I find those moms? Do a search on YouTube for PTC and I bet you will find tons of them. That's just to give you the idea, pick your own niche and search topic. You can't go wrong as long as you do something.
For the more visual ones, here's a video that might help: