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Topic: why are some people so critical  (Read 14099 times)


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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2012, 06:56:15 pm »
That is why I have placed both of them on ignore.  I am sorry but cannot take any more negativity from anyone.


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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #46 on: March 02, 2012, 07:03:35 pm »
That is why I have placed both of them on ignore.  I am sorry but cannot take any more negativity from anyone.

This is your prerogative. Just because you squint your eyes tightly closed it make doesn't make that which is uncomfortable to perceive go away. Additionally, specifically where has "duroz" been particularly 'negative', (or is this yet another example of an empty assertion)?
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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2012, 12:30:26 am »
That is why I have placed both of them on ignore.  I am sorry but cannot take any more negativity from anyone.

This is your prerogative. Just because you squint your eyes tightly closed it make doesn't make that which is uncomfortable to perceive go away. Additionally, specifically where has "duroz" been particularly 'negative', (or is this yet another example of an empty assertion)? 

I've been put on IGNORE?!?! WOWEE....That's GREAT! I hardly worked at achieving this honorable status...

Oh WAIT, that's right...I DIDN'T work at it at all!

I have made ONE POST to this topic.  ONE.......EVER.
I didn't, as falcon9 pointed out, say anything particularly negative in that ONE POST (especially not compared to what other people have posted here - like the post I quoted comments from).

I don't people can not see the real picture here boggles my mind. The person I quoted from was making comments that were (somewhat) of a personal attack on falcon9.....and apparently you all think that is okay.  ???

Then I challenge what they said, or how they arrived at some of the ideas they are posting.......and then that's NOT OKAY?? 

I didn't say anything about anyone AT ALL,  I simply stated that the so-called attacks by falcon9 were (based only on the posts that I've read) non-existent.

I did say in closing that I thought the person who posted the comments had distorted views or ideas (or something like that), but that's as close as I came to saying anything negative.

Well :thumbsup:, I'm so happy I could so EFFORTLESSLY help give that ignore button more work.......(but don't wear it out, just in case you find a REAL, LEGITIMATE need to use it some day)
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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2012, 12:36:47 am »
I agree I do not understand why people are so critical all the time!!! I ask myself this question almost everyday!!! It drives me crazy that people have so many bad things to say!!


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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #49 on: March 03, 2012, 01:31:33 am »
That is why I have placed both of them on ignore.  I am sorry but cannot take any more negativity from anyone.

This is your prerogative. Just because you squint your eyes tightly closed it make doesn't make that which is uncomfortable to perceive go away. Additionally, specifically where has "duroz" been particularly 'negative', (or is this yet another example of an empty assertion)? 

I've been put on IGNORE?!?! WOWEE....That's GREAT! I hardly worked at achieving this honorable status...

Oh WAIT, that's right...I DIDN'T work at it at all!

I have made ONE POST to this topic.  ONE.......EVER.
I didn't, as falcon9 pointed out, say anything particularly negative in that ONE POST (especially not compared to what other people have posted here - like the post I quoted comments from).

I don't people can not see the real picture here boggles my mind. The person I quoted from was making comments that were (somewhat) of a personal attack on falcon9.....and apparently you all think that is okay.  ???

Then I challenge what they said, or how they arrived at some of the ideas they are posting.......and then that's NOT OKAY?? 

I didn't say anything about anyone AT ALL,  I simply stated that the so-called attacks by falcon9 were (based only on the posts that I've read) non-existent.

I did say in closing that I thought the person who posted the comments had distorted views or ideas (or something like that), but that's as close as I came to saying anything negative.

Well :thumbsup:, I'm so happy I could so EFFORTLESSLY help give that ignore button more work.......(but don't wear it out, just in case you find a REAL, LEGITIMATE need to use it some day)

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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #50 on: March 03, 2012, 06:19:13 am »
I've found that if someone is being overly critical (friend or family member) you just have to approach them and let them know that their behavior is making you want to spend less and less time with them. If they don't quit it you should remove them from your life. This behavior from co-workers makes things trickier because everyone is trying to fly under the radar at work and keep their job.


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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2012, 06:32:28 am »
Usually critical people are misserable in there own minds, so they like to bring people down to there level. But on the other hand, this is considered a "discussion board", and it is of ones opinions.  I usually look at it like this, I don't know the person on a personal level so I just let it go.


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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #52 on: March 03, 2012, 10:06:50 am »
Maybe falcon & duroz should start their own little thread for just the two of them where they can "d&d" to their hearts content!  :thumbsup: 

Why should we?  Any member can post in any thread or subforum here; despite faint-hearted attempts to control such things.  You don't see posts from duroz or anyone else complaining when more than one fundie 'gang-up' on one non-religious dissenter.  Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for said fundies, (several of whom have complained when their religious notions get challenged).  The inherent hypocrisy is starting to run rampant.

8)  -  :D !!
Hey maybe falcon9 and duroz should start a thread, maybe something along the lines of the following:
    falcon9 & duroz: Practicing Satan worshippers? Do they practice Santeria?  Let's 'D & D' !!

Quote from: falcon9
You don't see posts from duroz or anyone else complaining when more than one fundie 'gang-up' on one non-religious dissenter.
 And also - PERSONAL ATTACK posts are seldom IF EVER seen.

Quote from: falcon9
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for said fundies.....
This also applies to the posting of personal attacks.

Quote from: falcon9
The inherent hypocrisy is starting to run rampant.
I couldn't agree more....except I would beg to differ on the "STARTING" portion of your statement....
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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #53 on: March 03, 2012, 12:44:15 pm »
8)  -  :D !!
Hey maybe falcon9 and duroz should start a thread, maybe something along the lines of the following:
    falcon9 & duroz: Practicing Satan worshippers? Do they practice Santeria?  Let's 'D & D' !!

No doubt some such speculations have occurred to more than one however, I don't worship anything, (my duties are largely ceremonial <-- ironic humor).  Maybe they can speculate about others being wiccan, that might be fun?

Quote from: falcon9
You don't see posts from duroz or anyone else complaining when more than one fundie 'gang-up' on one non-religious dissenter.

And also - PERSONAL ATTACK posts are seldom IF EVER seen.

They appear to prefer initiating such, rather than enjoying any occassional 'return fire'.

Quote from: falcon9
The inherent hypocrisy is starting to run rampant.

I couldn't agree more....except I would beg to differ on the "STARTING" portion of your statement....

You are correct; I was being sarcastic there.
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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #54 on: March 03, 2012, 01:33:46 pm »
wow. i am soo confused. althou ghost hunters and similar shows have made me wonder if heaven and hell exist if we still wander this earth after we die. As for why ppl are critical i think it might be a learned behavior


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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #55 on: March 03, 2012, 01:40:49 pm »
As for why ppl are critical i think it might be a learned behavior

One could say that all behavior is either learned or, instinctive.  Critical discernment is more likely learned, (such as learning not to touch an open fire, not to walk across a busy highway, etc.).  Learning to judge, (making critical discernments), is something that all do to varying extents.  Those who claim not to judge are not accurately employing critical discernment to their own thought processes, (e.g., judging without awareness that they are judging).
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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2012, 03:33:07 pm »
Athiest big-wig


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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2012, 03:43:38 pm »
Well,it takes all kinds.There's that old saying:"God puts everyone here for a reason.Even if it's only to show a bad example."

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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #58 on: March 03, 2012, 05:26:11 pm »
Athiest big-wig

Fortunately, I lack the ungodly hairpiece to qualify for that.
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Re: why are some people so critical
« Reply #59 on: March 03, 2012, 05:28:20 pm »
Well,it takes all kinds.There's that old saying:"God puts everyone here for a reason.Even if it's only to show a bad example."

There's an even older saying, (that is, predating xtianity by thousands of years); 'which "god" are you yammering about and what makes you think it exists?' {paraphrased}
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.


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