I need to pray for a little clarity to try to follow that one.
It basically boils down to the hypocrisy of criticizing others for criticizing others. Criticism involves judgements, (which may or may not be accurate - e.g., substantiated or, merely baseless opinion). Everyone judges, despite claims to the contrary.
As an aside, it's humorous to 'pray' for clarity if a resolution was attributed to a supernatural answer.
Oh, I get it. If you can't see it, hear it or touch it, it does not exist.
Not quite. There are several things, (or even immaterial concepts), that can't be seen, heard or touched and yet, other evidence of their existence exists. Mathematical conceptions don't have sensory evidence however, they have functionality if accurate, (and can often be corellated to physically-extant things). This basis of evidence doesn't apply to hypothetical 'deities', (as they cannot be demonstrated to exist either by sensory or, mathematical evidence). No evidence having veracity has been presented to support assertions of the existence claimed for 'deities', (beyond 'faith'; which does not qualify under the parameters of _evidence_).
Glad my faith provides a laugh for you today cause at the end of our lives if I am wrong, oh well, but if you are wrong..............
I wouldn't say it provided a laugh, (you did imply a request for clarification and it seemed polite to try to clarify, in spite of the apparent spite in the subsequent response you posted). As far as being "wrong", (contextually, you likely mean about the existence of the 'deity' concept you have in mind); it isn't quite the nonchalant "oh well" if you're wrong about it. This would be due to wasting a significant portion of life on wishful-thinking, (not to mention the inherent bias involved in a strongly religious attitude coloring such a person's life). On the other hand, the probability that such "faith" isn't just a pipe-dream is statistically-zero, (pending any substantive evidence).