No, you don't need to spend money here to make money. There are a lot of good free offers that don't cost a cent, as well as all the daily offers. Of course, there is a small time commitment, but if you're on the internet anyway, you might as well be making money while you're there. Try to read a lot of forum posts, and post your own as well, for the 3.00 bonus, and be sure to watch the tutorial videos. If you can get them, referrals can make you a lot of money, but even on your own you can do well if you stick with it. If you do want to do paid offers for the higher payments, be sure they are trials you are really interested in, and follow all the rules as far as completion, future cancellation, etc. For doing offers, it is helpful to get a few free email addresses, because if you submit your primary email address to the offers, you will get tons of spam.