[falcon9] ... then, others 'praying' to "heal" someone else would be ineffectual.
...it would depend on what the afflicted one's will was, and the condition of their heart toward God and their level of faith.
Not if they were unconscious and unaware that they were being 'prayed for'. Be that as it may, the parameters you've mentioned are too vague to assert as conditions.
[falcon9]It couldn't be that such a "god" is purportedly 'kind' enough to do so without such 'payment' but, apparently not.
Again, WHY should He? He's under no obligation whatsoever.
Not even as a purportly 'kind and loving god', huh? Okay, then "he" would be equally under no obligation even if 'prayed to', therefore, such attempts at 'invocations' are entreaties/wish-making which are indistinguishable from not 'praying' in lack of results.
He gave his only Son to be nailed to a cross for everyone ...
This concept of 'redeeming sacrifice' is an irrational tenet of 'faith' and has no tenable meaning. It gets ascribed all sorts of religious meaning which boil down to a 'ransom of one for many', (and that itself only makes 'sense' to believers - for all others, it is devoid of reason).
Anyone that brags/advertises about themselves having "healing powers" and that it's a "gift from God" typically either has a mental affliction or satan is working through them. How do I know? Because Believers that have healing capabilities give God all the glory and the praise-- they don't brag about themselves "being able to heal".
This is merely placing the 'credit' for "healing" upon a false attribution.
Only God knows...the only thing anyone else can do is "speculate".
Thank you for concurring that the assertions made were speculative. I dissented with such speculations because they lack an evidentiary basis.
[falcon] On the contrary, there's not a shred of evidence to support a contention that such "salvation prayers" wre answered. How would you know?
I would know because it happened in my family. My aunt had a weak heart. She had three sons that had been brought up in church and all three of them were a heart-break for her. One was a drug-addict, one was in trouble all the time with the police and the third was an alcoholic. She had told us she was praying for those boys' (teenagers) salvation. She loved them and that's all she wanted was for them to re-find the Lord. She died in an abulance on the way to the hospital, it was sudden and
unexpected because even though she had a weak heart...noone thought she'd die so young. The youngest son right away started back to church and got into a program to help him get off the drugs. Within two years, the middle son starting going to a church and re-dedicated his life to the Lord. It took almost twelve years for the oldest son to go back to God, he still had a few years there where he really battled the alcohol. All three boys have said they knew she had been praying for them, they had heard her many nights praying for hours...and they wanted to see her again someday in Heaven. I know her and would think that if she were asked if she would rather come back to earth or let the boys keep their salvation, she would chose to stay in Heaven.
In the example given, such reactions could have been more easily ascribed to 'grief' than to "salvations". Either attribution is speculative and neither can be accurately attributed as described. Doing so is making a 'faith-based' judgement call which, for those who do not believe such things, is unnecessary.
Firstly, there is no evidence to support the contentions that "god gave that man a brain and several warning signs". These contentions have the form of an unfounded belief since people are nominally born with brains, sans any direct attribution to a 'creator', (other than a person's parents). Secondly, doing something stupid or wise is up to the free-willed person and not some externally-posited 'deity'.
Yes, I should have known that the moment I forgot to mention that the guy could have gotten his "brain & warning signs"' from his parents, it would be pointed out. Considering how his brain "worked", yes...he probably did get that from his parents. It was his "free will" to ignore all the warning signs...God isn't going to stop anyone from making a mistake. There are consequences for being stupid. His is called "R.I.P".
As mentioned, doing something stupid or wise is up to the free-willed person and not some externally-posited 'deity', (for which evidence supporting such a claim is entirely lacking).
I'll refer you to Genesis ...
No thank you, the source of the reference is too dubious, vague and does not contain the individual "plan" you alluded to.
lacks "evidentiary basis and relies instead upon faith"?? Huh?
That's what can often happen when too much context is snipped in reply. That context was your assertion that illness/disease was caused by "satan", (if you would like the exact quotes, "It could very well be that that sickness was a result of disobedience to God" and "Sickness/afflictions happen that is the result of satan trying to keep a person in bondage").
I don't have to use faith, I wouldn't even have to be a Believer to see that the alcoholic is in bondage, the "druggie" is in bondage, the glutton, the prostitutes, the mentally ill. the child predators/molestors, serial killers, etc. are in bondage and it sure isn't to God.
No, it is to those 'vices'/habits and these can neither be attributed to "god" or "satan". This was was point about lacking evidentiary basis to support such claims.
God can heal people of these things.
That's a speculative claim which lacks evidence.
People do not get into "bondage" with these things because they were following God. Bondage to satan is just that and he won't give up any soul he's claimed as his easily.
There is no evidence that such afflications constitute "bondage to satan"; this being a spurious contention which, (again), lacks supportive evidence.
Bondage to God? No ...
Yes, according to your previous comments regarding "... the condition of their heart toward God and their level of faith ... ", such can be accurately termed as "bondage". {dubious source reference omitted for reasons given within this reply}